Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/740

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SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 5. 1924. 709 Lassen Volcanic, $100; Mesa Verde, $1,895; Mount McKinley, $700; Mount Rainier, $5,230; Platt, $1,920; Rocky Mountain, $4,540; Sequoia, $5,810; Wind Cave, $960; Yellowstone, $24,103; Yosemite, $21,414; Zion, $1,560; and for protection of national monuments, $1,230; in all National Park Service, $102,122. ~ Bureau of _Education: For education of natives of Alaska, $52,- Ed"°°°*°¤ B“’°°'* 335; for medical relief in Alaska, $17,560; for reindeer for Alaska, $2,640; and for investigation of rural and industrial education, $200; in all Bureau of Education, $72,735. Government in the Territories: For contingent ex enses, Alaska, “““"° $780; for protection of game, Alaska, $2,220 _; and fgr suppressing trailic in intoxicating liquors, Alaska, $1,200; in all, $4,200. Alaskan Engineering Commission, for maintenance and operation *“““*°'°“"°““· of railroads in Alaska, $2,400. Total Department of the Interior, $2,608,459.80. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ,,,,];°"°“m°°‘ °' J“°' Miscellaneous objects: For protecting interests of the United Jwiaaiswummus °b' States in customs matters, $7,460; for detection and prosecution of crimes, $101.072; and for enforcement of antitrust laws, $2,730; in all, $111,262. Judicial: For salaries, United States Supreme Court $2,160; for ’“‘“°*“· salary of reporter, Territory of Hawaii, $240; for salaries National Park Commissioners, $2,160; for United States Court oi Customs Appeals, $5,200; for salaries, Court of Claims, $12,252; for auditors, Court of Claims, $1,240; for salaries of judges, marshals, and so _ forth, Territory of Alaska, $1,200; for salaries, fees, and expenses of Umm s°°°°°°°'"°* marshals, United States courts, $258,160; for salaries and expenses, district attorneys, United States courts, $117,890; for pay of regular assistant attorneys, United States courts, $76,640; for pay of special assistant attorneys, United States courts, $136,942· for salaries and expenses of clerks, United States district courts, $243,865; for pay of bailitfs, and so forth, United States courts, $39,184; and for miscellaneous expenses, United States courts, $115,212; in all, Judicial, $1,012,345. Penal institutions: Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, $43,900; for con- P°‘“' “““°““°"" struction, Leavenworth, Kansas, $1,320; for Atlanta, Georgia, $42,- 305.50; for working capital, Atlanta, Georgia, $5,000; for McNeil Island, Washington, $14,800; for construction, McNeil Island, Washington, $600; for the National Training School for Boys, Washington, District of Columbia, $22,274; and for support of prisoners, United States courts, $4,380; in all, penal institutions, $13-4,579.50. Total, Department of Justice, $1,258,186.50.

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Bureau of Immigration: For expenses of regulating immigration, I¤¤¤¤iw¤¤¤· $584,865. W ,. tm Bureau of Naturalization: For miscellaneous expenses, $76,640. _ _ ` Salaries and expenses, Commissioners of Conciliation, $3,165. ,,,_,,°;,§f,'§'{‘,§°"°"s °‘ Employment service, $18,080. Empmymem Sm. Total, Department of Labor, $682,750. i°°· NAVY DEPARTLIENT N"? D°¥*'“¤°¤‘· Navigation Bureau. Bureau of Navigation: For naval home, Philadelphia, Pennsyl- Vauia (payable from income from naval pension fimd), $16,950. 1,,,,,, A,,,d,,m,_ Naval Academy: For pay of professors and others, $24,000.