Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/744

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SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 5, 8, 9. 1924. 713 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE m;;;6¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤fC¤¤· BUREAU FISHERIES Fisheries Bureau. _For protection of the iisheries of Alaska, including travel, sub- §§ h°§§‘§§g,,,,,,, srstence (or per d1em 1D lieu of subs1Stence) of employees while on A°“°'P'°”°°°i¤8· duty in Alaska, hire and maintenance of boats, employment of temporary labor, and all other necessary expenses to carry out the ro- Pubucm S lst S visions of the Act entitled “An Act to protect the fisheries of Alaslia," p. 464. w' Se " approved June 6, 1924, there is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated the sum of $55,000 for the fiscal year 1924 and to remain available until June 30, 1925. Total appropriated by this Act, $26,357,767 .84. Approved, December 6, 1924. neeemberia im. CHAP. 8.—An Act To amend section 196 of the Code of Law for the Dis- [S-116·l trict of Columbia. [Public. No- 2%] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Uriited States of America in Congress assembled, That section 196 C§,§"§‘j,§8‘;fd‘§,;’_Q;§{{'b‘° of the Code of Law for the District of Columbia be, and the same is Vol- 31, p. 1221y .hcreby, amended by striking out said section and inserting in lieu °m°°d°d` thereof the following: “ SBC. 196. DEPUTY O0RONERS.—Tl1B Commissioners of said District ·{$‘g,‘§§§,,°,,‘Q‘,S’§f,,°{'g,;,,,, shall have authority to appoint two deputy coroners, who shall ¤¤*¤¤*i¤>¢ assist the coroner in the performance of his duties aforesaid, and shall perform the same duties in case of the absence or disability of _ the coroner. The deputy coroners shall serve and receive pay only D""°°"’°y'°t°' in case of the absence or disability of the coroner, and when serving, their duties shall be the same as the aforesaid duties of the coroner. The deputy coroners shall, while acting, receive compensation at a rate not exceedin $5 per day, to be paid as other expenses of said District, and eacg shall give bond in the penalty of $2,500, with security to be approved by the Supreme Court, conditioned for the due performance of his duties." Approved, December 13, 1924. D•c•mber 13 1924. CHAP. 9.-—An Act To provide for the examination and registration of archi- técts and to regulate the practice of architecture in the District of Columbia. ’ °' ' Be it enacted b the Senate and House o Re resentattves of the United States of?/America in Congress agsemgied, That there is hereby created a Board of Examiners and Registrars of Architects, Q§g}‘c§'§°'gf“°‘A’°“* the members of which and their successors shall be appointed by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, and said board, subject to the approval of said commissioners, shall make rules for the examination and registration of applicants for the certificates provided for by this Act. Sec. 2. That the board shall be appointed within ninety days after q,,‘§}}§,‘§§‘g§,“§§‘§,b0g‘§‘d°i the approval of this Act, and shall be composed of five architects who ave been in active practice in the District of Columbia for not less than ten ears previous to their appointment. One member of said board shall be designated by the said commissioners as charrman pro tempore until such time as permanent orgamzation is effected. Pam 0, I Sm. 3. That in making the first appointment under this Act the V said commissioners shall appoint one of the members of said to hold office for a period ofp one year; one to hold office for a period