Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/757

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726 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 32-34. 1925. to the reestablishment in society of the inmates discharged therefrom, whether by pardon, commutation, parole, or expiration of _ sentence, particularly with a view of securing suitable and remu- §;;”ggh,0,,x,,_,mg_ nerative employment for said discharlged inmates: Provided, That tllie expenses of sai? bgard skhall bt?) pai out of the appropriation for _ the maintenance o the re orma ry. ,,,§’,‘§,§‘Q,Q,‘f °“¤“’“"’ °' Sec. 9. That the inmates of the United States Industrial Reform- V¤l.36,p.81¤- atory shall be eligible for parole under sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 of the Act of Congress approved June 25, 1910, being an Act to provide for the parole of United States prisoners and for other purposes, which provisions are hereby made to apply to all Gm, ,0,,,,,,,, com. inmates of said reformatoiy. Such inmates shall be entitled to mgfjtigg- P 39, V0, commutation allowance for good conduct in accordance with the 36, of sié; Vo1.’37.D- provisions of the Act of Congress approved June 21, 1902, and °`°°‘ entitled "An Act to regulate commutation for good conduct for United States prisoners," and the Acts amendatory thereof and T t mm supplemental thereto. _ _ ¤r0ni1°iiE,Siiiiri gnu mi Sec. 10. That everky prisoner, when dischargled from the United d*¤¤h¤*¤¤- States Industrial Re ormatory, shall be furnis ed with transportation to place of conviction, or place of bona fide residence, or to such other place within the United States as may be authorized by _ the Attorney General, and he shall also be furnished with suitable Inconsistent laws m_ clothing an $10 in money. peaea. Sec. 11. That all Acts and parts of Acts inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed. Approved, January 7, 1925. Janua.ry7,1925.

 . 3.—A.n A To rovide for t ‘ ' of m '

rP¤¤¤·»» Ne 306-1 m§5§§°b,?.my Ona;} as s Eats, which E?,§"§’;°$?é3“sS evi3£§Z§ i£“§'}.y*2..§§ growing out of any such transaction. . Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Representatives 0 the deigijiziggilizaéjegedégiisg United States of America in Congress asicembled, That herefifter ‘ to P, deposited ju all moneys received or tendered m evidence in any case, proceeding, '°¥·"“'Y whe °°“"· or investigation in any United States court, or before any officer thereof, which have been paid to or received b any official as a bribe, shall after the conclusion and final disposition of the Dupcsmon particular case, proceeding, or investigation in which it was received ' as evidence, be deposited in the registry of the court to be disposed of under and in accordance with the order, judgment or decree of V] 083 the said, court, to be subject, however, to the provisions of section ° ‘36’°‘1 ‘ 996 Revised Statutes, as amended. Approved, January 7, 1925. _j°§§j'?Lleii?i“f_ orm;p. ·s4.-an Act To amend an Act gunned aan Act to provide rm- the [Public, Nc. 307·l ggsgfgosbal 0; the unallotted lands on the Omaha Indian Reservation, in the State € TBS 8. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the

 Bw United States of America in UWA-gress assembled, That the Act

&dV#>l.z7,p.i1i,amc¤d- approved l\Iay, 11, 1912 (Tll1§'ty—Seventh Statutes at Large, page ‘ 111), entitled "An Act to proV1dc for the disposal of the unallotted land on the Omaha Indian Reservation, in the State of Nebr·aska," is hereby amended by striking out all after the enacting clause and inserting the following: ,Ogé=§i¤?;g¤dS¤g¤j¤¤¤*· “That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized to cause to be surveyed, if necessary, and appraised in such manner as he may direct, in tracts of forty acres each, or- as