Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/781

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750 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cns. 79, 81. 1925. counterfeiting, for security of the coin, or for any other purposes, whether said laws are penal or otherwise, shall, so far as applicable,

  • "°"‘•’· M, dm apply to the coinage herein authorized: Pro»vided,_That the United

uga mlm States shall not be subject to the_expense of making the necessary dies and other preparations for this coinage. Approved, January 14, 1925. Jamury15,1925. . . 8-im-l CHAP. 81.—An Act To rovide for the widemn of Nichols Avenue between

 A Good HopeRoadandSStrgetsoutheast. g

_ _ _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of £§‘L£,°g`$$i,°,i,`°5l1Eli;l’l' the United States gil Ame·riea_·in Congress assembled, That within hAg•*;§° °‘ mp ninety days after e dedication to the District of Columbia by ` the owners of lots numbered 29 to 35, both inclusive, in_ square numbered 5601, of a strip of land seven feet in width for widening of Nichols Avenue between Good Hope Road and _ S Street dm southeast, the Commisioners of the District of Columbia be, and

 °ta°¤i°ii1¤m.i are hereby, authorized to acquire by purchase, at a price deemed

hd- by them to be reasonable and fair, otherwise by condemnation V°‘-“·P·”"· under and in accordance with the provisions of subchapter 1 of chapter 15 of the Code of Law for the District of Columbia, all of those pieces or parcels of land taxed as lots numbered 816 and Dwrivtiun- 821 and the following-described part of that parcel of land taxed as lot numbered 827, in square numbered 5601, beginning for the same at the southwest corner of lot taxed as lot numbered 827, in square numbered 5601, said corner being at the intersection of the eastern line of Nichols Avenue and the northern line of Good Hope Road; thence running with the northern line of Good Hope Road south fifty-niue degrees forty minutes thirt seconds east fourteen and ninety-three one-hundredths feet to the southwest corner of lot taxed as lot numbered 803, in square numbered 5601; thence leaving Good Hope Road and running with the dividing line between said lots numbered 827 and 803 north thirteen degrees twenty-three minutes thirty seconds east seventy- five feet to the northwest corner of said lot numbered 803; thence leaving said lot numbered 803 and running in a parallel line to the eastern line to Nichols Avenue and seven feet southeasterly therefrom north nineteen degrees fifteen minutes fifteen seconds east twenty-five and thirteen one-hundredths feet to the northern line of said lot numbered 827; thence with the northern line thereof north seventy-six degrees thirty-six minutes thirty seconds west ninety-one one—hundre ths feet to the most eastern corners of lots taxed as lots numbered 816 and 821; thence with the dividing lme between said lots numbered 821 and 827 south thirty- mne degrees twenty-eight minutes west seventeen and thirty-nine one-hundredths feet to the eastern line of Nichols Avenue; thence with the eastern line thereof south nineteen degrees fifteen minutes fifteen seconds west eighty and forty one-hundredths feet to the beginnmg, containing mne hundred and twelve and sixty one-hundredths square feet, more or less, as shown on the plat books of the surveyor’s office of the District of Columbia, for the _ widening of the said N1chols_Avenue between Good Hope Road bmmmd D and S Street soptheastj Prmnded, however, That the entire cost mm. of the property 1f acquired by condemnation under and in accordance with this Act pim the cost of court proceedings incident thereto shall be as beneiits against any property in the District of Columbia which m the judgment of the condemnation jury is benefited.