Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/815

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784 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. 11. Ch. 87. 1925. freight, gcxpress, or motor transportation, and other incidental exnses, 50,000. '*`¤"°‘·°*°· peFor travel and miscellaneous expenses in the Postal Service, office of the Postmaster General, $1,000. {?3f”22,°°§l2g?°° To enable the Postmaster General to pay claims for damages to Barsons or property in accordance with the provisions of the eficiency Appropriation Act approved June 16, 1921, $10,000. ‘“S°°°‘°”· Ormcn or cmnr msrncron: For salaries of fifteen inspectors in _ charge of divisions, at each; and five hundred and twenty §;g"{§,'g,;,,,,,l,,,,b1,,_ inspectors, $1,712,000; in all, $1,775,000: Provided, That the appomtment of additional inspectors shall be made upon certification of the Civil Service Commission, as heretofore practiced. T‘“"°““* °‘l’°°"’°S· For traveling expenses of inspectors, inspectors in charge, and the chief post-office inspector, and for the traveling expenses of four . clerks performing stenographic and clerical asistance to post-office inspectors in the investigation of important fraud cases, $445,000. M*=‘°°“°¤°°'”· $ For necessary misce aneous expenses at division headquarters, 13,500. qu‘f_},”,,_*;*jd*"’i°“““d‘ h F(pr cpp;pen§;§;o5165•f one hundred and fifteen clerks at division ea qua rs, , . R°'"“°’·°‘°· For paément of rewards for the detection, arrest, and conviction _ of post-o ce burglars, robbers, and highway mail robbers, $30,000: ,,’(;"",,,°f.;,,,,,_,,,,,,,,_ Provided, That rewards mzgy be paid, in the discretion of the Postmaster General, when an o ender of the class mentioned was killed in the act of committing the crime or in resisting lawful arrest: ¥·i¤¤i¤¢i¤¤· Provided further, That no part of this sum shall be used to pay any rewards at rates in excess of those specified in Post Office Depart-

 *“‘°”““' ment Order  708, dated July 1, 1922: Provided further, That of the

amount herem appropriated not to exceed $5,000 may be expended, in the discretion of the Postmaster General, for the purpose of securing information concerning violations of the postal laws and for serviceslsand information looking toward the apprehension of crimina . mfslgf (§§§,‘j,§§1‘}‘ P°“‘ orrxcn or rim rmsr Assismnrr rosrmxsrnn mamma;. P°““*“‘°‘“· For compensations to postmasters, $46,600,000 mj,_§j,§‘““‘ ¤’°°°‘ For compensation to assistant postmasters at first and second class g p post offices, $6,000,000. _ _ B,:r¤¤¤¢¤» ¤¤¤¤¤=¤¤¤¢¤. mgoogogompensation to printers, mechanics, and skilled laborers,


mglegrlg gg ggzrggss For compensation to clerks and employees at first and second class class omm. posit oigices,$1;g;%1;)<£l):)n(§,*00 auxiliary cler hire at summer and winemos offices, , , . gegaggiuwu. ¤¤¢S¤¢¤· Oéggmpgnsatioll to W8.tCl1Ill€I1, mBSS€Hg8I‘S, and laborers, . 7 ' c,€f,;’s*}"¤°‘ m°¤°¤ $ Fgr Oggmpensation to clerks in charge of contract stations, _ 1,5 5, . S°°‘”“°"‘g mails- For se aratin mails at third and fourth class ost oiii U“"’“”1°°"f““°““· For urihsual gmditions at post offices, $150,00di ccs, $75090% 0¤§`c;:_’k“· ““‘d dm For allowances to thi1‘€l—claSS p0St Officcs to cover the cost; of clerical services, $4,650,000. R¢¤¢»|iz¤t.¤¤df¤e\- mFor §·p§?7lig513, and fuel for first, second, and third class post o ces, , 5, . M¤¤¤11e¤¤(>¤;,O first For miscellaneous items necessa and incidental to ost offices md 5°°°¤d as mm the first and second classes, $97 5,010,0. P of Vilma delivery- For village delivery service in towns and villages having post offices of the second or third class, and in communities adjacent to cities having city delivery, $1,700,000. D°°*°*’Ri'¤- For Detroit River postal service, $18,000.