Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/861

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830 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 200. 1925. mfffm I”d°'“" B“‘ BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY ` snmnms ¤.iiim,,°.§{e'$°§{1,.Yi¤°° °°d For chief of bureau and other personal services in the District of Columbia. in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, and for personal services in the field, $581,211. C'°°mm°°°°°°' cnrznnnr. nxmmsns, 1sUmz·..xU or PLANT INDUSTRY ¤si1F¤l=1$¤i1ii:i¤u;?‘$&%t:i$?‘ For all necessary expenses in the investigation of fruits, fruit trees, grain, cotton, tobacco, vegetables, grasses, forage, drug, medicinal, poisonous, fiber, and other plants and plant industries in cooperation with other branches of the department, the State exp,,,,,,,,,_ periment itatiopp, {md practical fzrmrrirs, alpd for tpe erection of ¤¤¤¤¤* b¤¤<1i¤¤· necessary arm ui dings: Pr0*vui' e at the cost o any building erected shall not exceed $1,500; for iield and station expenses, includ- Omidomm ing fences, drains, and other farm improvements; for repairs in the V . District of Columbia and elsewhere; or rent outside of the District , e c. I l'S ¤gi»iie;silg°t°r°'l°°°l of Columbia and for the emplo ent of all invesfgato local

 special agents, agricultural expldlriers, experts, clerks, illustiators,
 and all labor and other_necessary expenses in the city

of YVash1ngton and elsewhere required for the investigations, exmm _ t periments, and demonstrations herein authorized as follows: ’° °‘ _ For_mvest1gations of plant diseases and pathological collections, 0 mm ow including the maintenance of a plant—d1sease survey, $81,000; ' ‘ For the mvestigation of d1seases of orchard and other fruits, (mm mm including the diseases of the pecan, $128,325; nmuiemeujze. For conducting ppclélinvestigations of the nature and means of comm1mication o the `sease 0 citrus tI`66S lmown as citru nk and for applying such methods of eradication or control cdf ttlg disease as in the Judgment of the Secretary of Agriculture may be npcessaryi, pncluglng the pugmellii of Sggll Qzlpepspgr alpld the empoymen o suc persons an means lll eciyo as °n d C °”"m°°°"’“”°°“’ elsewhere, and cooperation with such authorities of the Stgttggl xiiumimtolmhmel eemed, organizations of growers, or individuals, as he may deem euumbuum. necessary to accomphsh such purposes, $48,630, and, in the discretion og the Secretary ol Agriculture, no expenditures shall be made for t ese urposes unti a sum or sums at least equal to su h d't shall have been appropriated, subscribed, or contrillutgdpli; Stialtis, county, or local authorities, or by individuals or organizations for §{,·¤,j;g,·,m (mmm the accomplishment of such purposes: Provided, That no part of the rreeaeec. money herein appropriated shall be used to pay the cost or value of ,,,mMhmb¤’m trees or other property injured or destroyed; Chestnut [nge bm For the investigation of d1Seases of forest and ornamental trees ""°“’°·°*°· and shrubs, including a study of the nature and habits of the

 fungit causing} the cgestnu:-tregi bark dpseasp, the whitep_ e 1_er rus an o er epi eimc ree sease t

discovering new, methods of control and applyisg ri)1Ieth:d§l:>Ifpg;:£€ M mm, experiment cation or control already d1Sc0Vered, $108,095, of which sum not more mam. than $10,000 may be expended for the employment of pathologists www pim buster in connection with forest experiment stations; riipwimtion and mn- ·For applying such methods of eradication or control of the white- ,,,,1 m,,,,,,,d, pine lgléister rust asunlthp jiidgllrnent of the Secretary of Agriculture may necessary me u incr the payment of h employment of such persorzis and_ means in tl?;1cCllS§X§§H$;.S?1?I?g§g1; and elsewhere, 111 cooperatwn with such authorities of the States concerned, organ1zations, or ind1viduals as he may deem necessary Ipmmmhmmm to accomplish such purposes, and in the discretion of the Secretary umd, of Agriculture no expenditures shall be made for these purposes