Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/92

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SIXTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 81. 1924. 61 nnranrmsm or communes. For contingent expenses, Stea.mboat Inspection Service, 75 cents. m£g§j"*”*°°* °‘ C°m· For industrial research, Bureau of Standards, $779.53. For promoting commerce in the Far East, $57.50. For general expenses, Lighthouse Service, $207.88. For miscellaneous expenses, Bureau of Fisheries, $10.85. DEPARTMENT or mam 1N·rmmoR. For scientific library, Patent Office, $4. I"“"*°’D°P°’*'¤°“‘· For fees of examining surgeons, $3. For purchase and transportation of Indian supplies, 52 cents. For support of Indians in California, $428.40. _ For diversion dam and distribution and drainage system, Yakima Reservation, Washington, reimbursable, $7.14. For canals and laterals, ceded portion of Wind River Reservation, Wyoming, reimbursable, $24. For diversion dam, canals, and laterals, ceded portion of Wind River Reservation, Wyoming, reimbursable, $20. ~ nmaammm or Jusrxcn. For salaries, fees, and expenses of marshals, United States courts, ,_,°1;°P°'“'*°’** °' ’°¤‘ $226.30. ` For salaries and expenses of district attorneys, United States courts, $2.89. _ For fees of commissioners, United States courts, $5.50. For fees of witnesses, United States courts, $30.70. nnrnrmmm or LABOR. For enforcement of the child labor law, $1.02. b£°p“"““”“* °’ 1*** For expenses of regulating immigration, $10. Navy nmranmmm. For aviation, Navy, $3.20. Nw! Department- For pay, miscellaneous, $12.31. For pay, Marine Corps, $2.90. For contingent, Marine Corps, $24.43. Slggogl maintenance, quartermaster’s department, Marine Corps, For transportation, Bureau of Navigation, $2,326.70. For ordnance and ordnance stores, Bureau of Ordnance, $81 For maintenance, Bureau of Yards and Docks, $8.05. For pay of the Navy, $3,740.71. For provisions, Navy, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, $263.16. For fuel and transportation, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, $3.46. For freight, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, $1,460.46. m:rA1z·r1u1:N·1* or srarisz. For contingent expenses, foreign missions, $243.49. _ Bm D°*’°‘°“““‘*‘ For transportation of diplomatic and consular officers, $24.73. ranxsunx nnrawmmisrr. For increase of compensation, Treasury Department, $113.49. www D°p°"' For labor·saving machines, Treasury Department, $1.80. For expenses of loans, Act September 24, 1917, as amended, $1.39. For sa aries and expenses of collectors of internal revenue, $16.40.