Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/930

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SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 225. 1925. 899 testing, care, preservation, issue, sale, and accounting for subsistence supIpl1es for the Army; in all,_$12,935,000. Rm . I one of the funds appropriated in this Act shall be used for the at aaa iis°iS payment of expenses of operatin sales commissaries other than in Alaska., Philippine Islands, and China, at which the prices charged do not include the customar overhead costs of freight, handling, gtofagegagrég delivery, notwitiistanding the provisions of the Act of V°l‘23· °'1°°‘ u 5, . lime of the funds appropriated in this Act shall be used for pay- ,,vE:§]j,,£§’°w§€si§,d§:;2 ment of expenses of operating any utility of the War Department °‘S°""°°° °' s“PP“°**· selling services or supplies at which the cost of the services or supplies so sold does not include all customary overhead costs of labor, rent, light, heat, and other expenses properly chargeable to the conduct of such utility. R Rncunan srmrnms or mn Anmr: Regular supplies of the Quarter- msi¤g;ii>ii»°iu"t°m°¥ master Corps, including their care and protection; construction and repair of military reservation fences; stoves and heating apparatus required for the use of the Army for heating offices, hospitals, barracks and quarters, and recruiting stations, and United States disciplinary barracks; also ranges stoves, coffee roasters, and appliances for cooking and serving food at posts in the Held and when traveling, and repair and maintenance of such heating and cooking appliances; and the necessarg power for the operation of moving- _ picture machines; authorize issues of candles and matches; for ,,,,§;'§,§,,_°"d “‘“ “’ urmshing heat and light for the authorized allowance of quarters for officers, enlisted men, warrant officers, and Held clerks, including retired enhsted men when ordered to active duty, contract surgeons when stationed at and occupying public quarters at military posts, oilipegs of the Nationa1iGulard attpnding service argl garrison sqgs, an or recruits, guar s ospita s, storehouses, o `ces the bui . . . erected at private cost, in the operation of the Act approved Meir? %%¤i?2lii¢iudm¤` 31, 1902, and buildings for a similar purpose on milita reservations authorized by War Department regulations; for siiie to omcers, and including also fuel and en `ne supplies required in the operation ,,8,,,,,, me mg of modern batteries at established posts; for post bakeries, including ¤¤i¤¤¤»¤¤<i1¤¤m¤ri¤¤· bake ovens and apparatus pertaining thereto and the repair thereof; for ice machines and their maintenance where required for the health and comfort of the troops and for ice for issue to organizations of enlisted men and offices at such places as the Secretary of lVar may determine, and for preservation of stores; materials for cleaning and preserving ordnance and ordnance stores except at establishments under the direct control of the Chief of Ordnance; for cold storage; for the construction and maintenance of laundries at military posts in the United States and its island possessions; authorized issues of Suppm ,0, Sonoma, soap, toilet paper, and towels; for the necessary furniture, textbooks, etc. paper, and equipment for the post schools and libraries, and for schools for noncommissioned officers; for the purchase and issue of instruments, omce furniture, stationery, and other authorized articles for the use of oiHcers’ schools at the several military posts; for purchase of commercial newspapers, market reports, and so forth; for the tableware and mess furniture for kitchens and mess haHs, each F ew ma i and all for the enlisted men, including recruits; for forage, salt, and °' °` vinegar for the horses, mules, oxen, and other draft and riding ammals of the Quartermaster Corps at the several posts and stations and with the armies in the Held, for the horses o the severa1_reg1- ments of Cavalry and batteries of Artillery and such companies of Infantry and Scouts as may be mounted, and for remounts and for the authorized number of officers’ horses, includinv bedding for the animals; for seeds and implements required for the raisirpg of forage at remount depots and on military reservations in the awanau