Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/987

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956 SIXTY·EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cns. 276,277. 1925. as full indemnity for the losses sustained by the owners of the Norwegian steamship Hassel, or any other parties pecuniarily interested, as the result of a collision on August 24, 1918, between that steamship and the American steamship Ausable, operated by P°*’· P- 133**- the War Department, the sum of $164,16923, as recommended by the President in his message to Congress of February 25, 1924, printed as Senate Document Numbered 52, Sixty-eighth Congress, first session. Approved, February 21, 1925. Feb 21,1925. \ll?r§*°7·l CHAP. 277.-——An Act To provide for refunds to veterans of the World War [P“*’“°·N°·*33·l of certain amounts paid by them under Federal irrigation projects. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the wgeoiommon pr¤l· *%,43; States of America in Congress assembled, That as used in ` ct-

 (a) The term " veteran " includes any individual a. member of

P chmod the military or naval forces of the United States at any time after ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ · A ,-11 5, 1917, and before November 12, 1918; but does not include (11) any individual at any time during such period or thereafter separated from such forces under other than honorable conditions, (2) any conscientious objector who performed no military duty whatever or refused to wear the uniform, or (3) any alien at any time during such period or thereafter discharged from the military or naval forces on account of his alienage; and ··a¤¤¤¤m»m>¤ 1¤w." (b) The term " reclamation law " means the Act entitled "An V°1‘32' "‘388‘ Act appropriatin the receipts from the sale and disposal of public lands in certain States and Territories to the construction of irrigation works for the reclamation of arid lands," approved June 17, 1902, and all Acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto. my&g;g;¤¤ ey 81%;% Sec. 2. (a) Any veteran-—who at any time since April 6, 1917, unit ma? applyforre has made entry upon a farm unit within a Federal irrigation ""‘“ °‘°"“"‘°” "““’· project under the reclamation law and (1) who no longer retains such entry because of cancellation by, or relinqpishment to, the United States after or (2) who, prior to receipt y him of a final certificate in respect of such entry, but in no case more than one year after the date of passage of this Act, desires to relinquish such entry—may, in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior, file application for the refund provided m{;d¤*]{gg¤g¤tgg,¤g_g>¤g; in subdivision (b). A veteran who has been compensated, in cash xenma. or otherwise, for any such relinquishment shall not be entitled to the benefits of this Act, and before payment of such refund the Secretary of the Interior, under such regulations as he may prescribe, giall require proof that the veteran has not been so com nsate . ¤¤v¤»¤s¤¢i<>¤ More- li]; Upon receipt of such a lication the Secreta of the Inmd him S°°°°°°”' terior is authorized to investigglb the facts and, in his discretion, to pay as a refund to any such veteran entitled thereto, a sum equal to all amounts paid to the United States by such veteran, or for his account, as construction charges and as interest and ec{’;]m;g;_1{r¤¤¤ ¤¤¤3· penalties on such charges in respect of such unit. Every such ` refund so approved by the Secretary of the Interior shall be paid from the appropriation for the project on which the entry in question was ma e. __S§;gf¤¤ ¤¤Yab*° *° Sec. 3. (a) The estate of a veteran shall be entitled to the benefits of this Act in any case where the veteran, if living, could have availed himself of such benefits. Application for such benefits shall be made by, and payments thereof shall be made to, the

  • executor or admimstrator of such estate.