Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/270

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 nmnons, nsroo nsirrnononmw.

[S. Con. Res., No. 27.] _ Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurr·lng), nghhbiuixizivf Bmm That the President of the United States be, and he is hereby, re- ,,,§§§‘,?§§éQ;§' '°1"" quested to return to the Senate the (S. 3622), granting the ` consent of Congress to the Lou.isiana H1ghway Commission to construct, maintain, and 0 crate a brid e across the Bayou Bartholomew at each of the foHowing-named points in Morehouse Parish, Louisiana: Vester Ferry, Ward Ferry, and Za.chery Ferry, for the purpose of correcting an error therein. Passed, January 27, 1925.

 nmnens, Bayou nmmommnw.

. _ Resolved b the Senate (the House of Representatives cansuli1`d?e?§ZB°y°°Bllr earring), Thazt the action of the Speaker of the House of Repre-

 sentatives and of the President pro tempore of the Senate in Slglllllg

the enrolled bill (S. 3622) granting the consent of Congress to the Louisiana Highway Commission to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge across the Bayou Bartholomew at each of the following named points in Morehouse Parish, La.: Vester Ferry, Ward Ferry, and Zachery Ferry, be rescinded, and that the Secretary of the Senate be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to reenroll the bill with the following amendments: In line 3 of the enrolled bill strike out “Polish " and insert "Po1ice." Amend the title so as to read: """**’·8“· "An Act granting the consent of Congress to the police jury of Morehouse Parish, Louisiana, or the State Highway Commission of Louisiana to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge across the Bayou Bartholomew at each of the following-named points in Morehouse Parish, Louisiana: Vester Ferry, Ward Ferry, and Zachery Ferry.” Passed, February 3, 1925. §r%:,? moomxrrucsn CONGRESSIONAL DIREUFORY. _ Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate corwurring), ,,,§‘S§}§{,‘g,§"}§°{,°*Ec,O,‘;;?”‘ That there shall be compiled, printed, and bound, as may be directed dlgintinz. ew-. or- by the Joint Committee on Printin , four thousand copies of a ' revised edition of the Biographical Congressional Directo up to and including the Sixty-eighth Congress, of which one tliousand copies shall be for the use of the Senate and three thousand copies for the use of the House of Representatives. Passed, February 4, 1925. Feb:-ua 6,1925.

 nnrorrr or con. commission.

Resolved by the Senate (the House o Re esentatives concurring),

 °IC°”I C°m` That the report of the United StatesfCoaZlT Commission relative to

P'“*““€ °‘» °“‘°‘°d· the anthracite and bituminous coal industry, with accompanying papers, charts, diagrams, and illustrations (including not to exceed one supplemental volume), be printed as a Senate document. with contents and index, and that five thousand additional copies be D*$“'“’°“°¤ printed, of which one thousand one hundred copies shall be for the