Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/275

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1622 EXTRADITION TREATY—COSTA RICA. Novnmann 10, 1922. ARTICLE I ARTICULO I R°°iP°°°¤‘, d°“,"°’Y°‘ It is eed that the Govem- El Gobierno de los Estados griiiiii c with ment ofigizihe United States of Unidos de América y el Gobierno America. and the Government of de Costa Rica convienen en entre- Costa Rica shall, upon mutual gar a la jgisticia a peticion uno de requisition duly ma e as herein otro hec a con arreglo a lo que provided deliver up to justice any en este Convenio se dispone, a person who may be charged with, todos los individuos acusados 0 or may have een convicted of convictos de cualesquiera de los any of the crimes s eciiied in delitos especificados en el articulo Article II of this Convention II de este Tratado, cometidos committed within the jurisdic- dentro de la jurisdiccion de una tion of one of the Contracting de las Partes Contratantes, siem- Parties while said person was pre que dichos individuos estuactually within such jurisdiction vieren dentro de dicha jurisdicwhen the crime was committed, cionaltiempo de cometer el delito and who shall seek an asylum or y que busquen asilo 0 sean enconshall be found within the terri- trados en el territorio de la otra; tories of the other, plrovided that con tal que dicha entrega tenga such s1u·render sha take place lugar iinicamente en virtud de las only upon such evidence of crimi- pruebas de culpabilidad que, connahty, as according] to the laws orme a las leyes del pais en que of the place where the fugitive or el refugiado 0 acusado se encuenperson so charged shall be fonmd, tre, justificarian su detencion y would justify his apprehension enjuiciamiento si el crimen o deand commitment for trial if the lito se hubiese cometido alli. crime or offense had been there committed. · ARTICLE II ARTICULO II E""*‘“'““"° °""""· Persons shall be delivered up Segfm lo dispuesto en este Conaccording to the Iprovisions of venio, seran entregados los indithis Convention, w o shall have viduos acusados 0 convictos de been charged with or convicted cualquiera de los delitos siguienof any of the following crimes: tes: ¥,,,“§j*§{·§°,5_ _1. Iurder, comprehending the 1.—Asesinato, incluyendo l0S crimes designated by the terms delitos designados con los nomof parricide, assassination, man- bres de parricidio, homicidio voslaughter, when volimtary, oi- luntario, envenenamiento e insoning or mfanticide, as well)as fanticidio, esi como la tentativa the attempt to commit these de cometer estos delitos; (2111168. mm m` 2. Rape, abortion, carnal 2.—Violaci6n, aborto, comc1‘oi0 knowhedgge lof children under the carnal con menores de doce anos; age 0 _ we ve years. ixr 3. Bigamy. 3.—Bigamia; _ _ 4. Arson. 4.—Incendio; 1°·l“"°’°°'°"'°“l" 5. and unlawful de- 5.—Destrucci6n u obstrucciéll struction or obstruction of rail- voluntaria e ilegal de ferroca— roads, which endangeis human rriles, cuando ponga en peligro la cmu 8, M_ life- _ _ vida de las personas; 6. Crimes committed at sea: 6.—Delitos oometidos en el mar: Pm imia) P“`°3"& a.°`Z b °°2’i”§`m{’“ly 4 “)`.i)i§Z”°““’ S°g°” S° °“°i°°i own_an e e y e laws e e e comunmente or e ,_ of Nations, or by Statute; l)erZcho Internacional 0 piir las . . 637983 . D°°°'°’l°"”"°‘* (b)_ Wron.g*fully smking or de- _ b)—Echar a pique 0 dcstfulf stroying a vessel at sea or at- mtencionalmente un buque eu el tempting to do so ; mar 0 intentar hacerlo;