Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/278

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EXTRADITION TREATY—COSTA RICA. Novnmsnn 10, 1922. 1625 ARTICLE III — ARTICULO III _ The provisions of this Conven-· Las esti ulaciones de este Con- m}`§,§)*g*°¤d°* M Pe tion shall not import claim of venio no dian derecho a reclamar mis extradition for any crime or la extradicion por ningfin crimen offense of a political character, 0 delito de caracter politico, ni nor for acts connected with such por actos relacionados con los crimes or offenses; and no erson mismos; yninguna ersona entresurrendered by or to either of iada por 0 a. cualliuiera de las the Contracting Parties in virtue artes Contratantes en virtud de of this Convention shall be tried este Convenio, podra ser juzgada or punished for a political crime 0 castigada. por crimen 0 delito or offense. When the offense alguno politico. Cuando el delito ,,g§,§°,2°§“m%t§{S$§g charged comprises the act either que se 1mpute entrane el acto de ¤°*°P°“¤¢¤1¤im¢· of murder or assassination or of homicidio, de asesinato 0 de poisoning, either consummated or envenenamiento consumado 0 inattempted, the fact that the tentado, el hecho de que el delito offense was committed or at- se cometiera 0 intentara contra la tempted against the life of the vida del Soberano 0 Jefe de un Sovereign or Head of a foreign Estado extranjero 0 contra el State, or aqlainst the President Presidente de cualquiera de las of either of the signato Repub- Reptiblicas signatarias, no podra lies, shall not be eemeidsufficent considerarse suficiente para sosto sustain that such a crime or tener que el crimen 0 delito es offense was of a political char- de caracter politico 0 acto relaacter, or was an act connected cionado con crimenes 0 delitos with crimes or offenses of a polit- de caracter politico. ical character. ARTICLE IV ARTICULO IV No erson shall be tried for Nadie odra ser °uz ado or Tm 'j“’§°€* *° °€ any cri)me or offense other than delito distlinto del qrie riiotivopsu mh M that for which he was surren— entrega. dered. ARTICLE V ARTICULO V A fugitive criminal shall not El criminal evadido no sera L“““°“°“°‘"m°- be surrendered under the provi- entregado con arreglo a las disposions hereof, when, from lapse ciones del presente convenio of time or other lawful cause, cuando por el trasciuso del tiemaccording to the laws of the place po 0 por otra causa legal, con within the jurisdiction of which arreglo a las leyes de punto the crime was committed, the dentro de cuya jurisdiccion so criminal is exempt from prosecu- cometio el crimen, cl delincuente tion or punishment for the offense se halle exento de ser procesado for which the surrender is asked. 0 castigado por el dehto que motiva la demanda de extradicién. ARTICLE VI ARTICULO VI If a fugitive criminal whose sur- Si el criminal evadido cuya en- m§g'j°,}}"m"}$°,;§,§,°§,g render may be claimed pursuant trega puede reclamarse con arre- found. t0 the stipulations hereof, be ac- glo a as estipulaciones del pretually under prosecution out on sente Convemo se halla actualbail or in custody, for a crime or mente enjuiciado, libre con fianza, offense committed in the coimtry 0 greso por` cualquier delito comewhere he has sought as lum, or ti 0 en el pais en que busco asilo shall have been convictecir thereof, 0 haya sido con enado por el