Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/306

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AGREEMENT—PAC]FIC ISLANDS OF JAPAN. FEBRUARY 6, 1922. 1653 En foi de uoi, les Plénipoten- In faith whereof the respective S*¤¤¤°°*’°¤· tiaires des (Puissances susnom- Plenipotentiaries have signed the mées ont sggné au présent accord. present Agreement. ` Fait a ashington le six fé— Done at the City of Washingvrier, mil neuf cent vingt-deux. ton, the sixth day of February gmc Thousand Nine Himdred and wenty-two.

RLEijEVAN.§•’-DHUGHES [sam.]

NRY anor non SEAL] OSCAR W Ummnwoon [SEAL] [sum.] ELIHU Roo·r [sum.] ARTHUR. James BA.LroUB [SEAL] LEE or FAREHAM. [san.] A. C. Gnnnns [san.] R. L. Bonnniv. [san.] G. F. PEARCE [san.] JOHN W SALMOND [san.] ARTHUR Jaime BALFOUR [emu.] V S SR11~zrvAsA Sasrm , ASARRAUT ‘ [sun.] Jussnnnm [sam.] T. KA·ro [sum.] 1%. gzgmnnana {smug . NIHARA SEAL And Whereas the said Agreement has been ratified on all parts m1_';¤¢i¤¤¤¢i¤¤¤ deposand the ratilications of the said Governments were deposited with ` theAG(pv$irrri11ment of lfhe U(xiit2<;IStates of Americaifpn1A}pgus]tl UU1923; n · ereas the said eement was raf e the nited R¤¤¤rv¤¢i<>¤ by Uni- States subject to the following reservation and understiinding, which M S°°t°°' ' repeats the declaration of intent and understandin made by the representatives of the Powers signatories of the said%l‘reaty re ating AM=»P·16·i6· tpl theirlénsglar possessions and insular dominions in the region 0 t G ac` C 068.112 Undasmndin _ " 1. That the Four Power '1`reaty relating to Pacific Possessions d8 i§ *¢i¤¤¤¤- shall apply to the Mandated Islands in the acific Ocean; provided, Am", 0, Umm however, that the making of the Treaty shall not be deemed to be S¤·°¤S ¤<¤¤*=¤¤¤d~ an assent on the part of the United States of America to the mandates and shall not preclude agreements between the United States 0; America cgndl the Mandatory Powers respectively in relation to t emandat is an s. "2. That the controversies to which the second paragraph of ,,,§‘3,',§L'§$‘,‘l‘E,d°§§,§°,§Q,°,§j Article 1 of the bFourkPower Trgaty relating to Plalcgic Poswions ¥¤*¤¤¤¤- refers shall not e ta en to em race uestions w `c accor g to principles of international law lie exdlusively within the domestic gurisdiction of the respective P0wers." _ Now, therefore, be 1t known that I, Calvin Coolidge, President of "" the United States of America, have caused the said Agreement to be made public, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled in ipod fa1th_ by the United States and the citizens thereof, sub]ect to the aforesaid reservation and understan . ' In testimony where(iif1I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States of America to be affixed. _ Done in the City of Washington this twenty-first_day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and [SEAL.] twenty three, and of the Independence of the United States ` of America the one hundred and forty-eighth. ‘ Canvm Coounon By the President: Cnamms E. Hueims Secretary of State.