Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/513

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(}Rl·Z.\'l` uurixxrx mn N()R'l`lll·Zl{N ll{l·Zl..\NI>. ,',jQ§;;Z;f;’·g,’j$j,; 1861 XVI. Retransmzlwsicn. iecuammsscscii. 1. Missent parcels shall be forwarded to their destination by the ML"°“° """“’l”· most direct route at the disposal of theyoflice retransmitting them. When this retransmission involves the return of the parcels to the office of origin, the retransmitting office of exchange shall credit that office with the allowances received after having called attention to the error by means of a Verification Note. 2. In the contrary case, and if the amount allowed by the des- E‘¤°”°·"· patching office to the retransmitting office is insufficient to cover the expenses of retransmission which it has to defray, it shall recover the difference by making a suitable amendment to the parcel bill of the despatchin office of exchan e. The reason for this amendment shall be notiliid to the said oféceby means of a verification note. lVl1en a parcel has been wrongly allowed to be despatched in consequence of an error on the part of the postal service, and has for this reason to be returned to_the country of origin, the procedure followed shall be the same as if the parcel had to be sent back to the despatching office in conse uence of missendin . 3. A re·directed parcel sha(ll be accompanied iy the Despatch (,,§§§§§‘;§,§c‘{;€'°"* Note, if any, prepared by the Office of origin. In case the parcel, for any reason whatsoever has to be repacked or the original Despatch Note replaced by a substitute note it is essential that the name of the office of origin of the parcel and the original serial number appear both on the parcel and on the Despatch Note. XVII. Responsibility not accepted for uninsured parcels. s.,H,§“§§$§§Fd ““‘“‘ Neither the sender nor the addressee of an uninsured parcel shall ,0£°§§"p°““""“l°’ be entitled to compensation for the loss of the parcel or for the ab- ’ straction of or damage to its contents. ` XVIII. Receptacles. R·>¤¤¤¤=¤¢¤·=5- Each Administration shall provide the bags necessary for the B¤¤S¤>b¤¤r¤Vi¤¤d- despatch of its parcels. The bags shall be returned empty to the Remm °’€¤¤r>**¢S· country of origin by the next Mail. Empty bags shall be made up in bundles of ten (nine bags enclosed in one) and the total number of such bags shall be advised on the parcel bill. XIX. Accounting. =*°°°¤’—‘**¤¤· g 1. Terminal parcels. Terminal parcels. At the end of each quarter the creditor country shall prepare an account of the amount due to it in respect of the parcels received in excess of those despatched. 2. Transit parcels. Transit parcels. Each Administration shall also prepare quarterly an account showing the sums due for parcels sent by the other Administration for onward transmission. _ _ 3. These accounts shall be submitted to the examination of the E“m"m`°"' corresponding Administration in the course of the month which follows the quarter to which they relate. _ 4. The compilation, transmission, verification and acceptance of P'°“‘p° acm"- the accounts must be effected as early as possible and the payment resulting from the balance must be made at the latest before the end of thy following quarter. 5. Payment of the balances due on these accounts between the two P“""*°“‘°"’“‘“”"“S· Administrations shall be effected by means of drafts on New York