Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/618

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1944 PROCLAMATIONS, 1924. be necessary for the establishment of adequate shi ping facilities therefor: Promkled further, That until Congress shall have authorized the registry as vessels of the United States of vessels owned in the Philippine slands, the Government of the Philippine Islands is hereby authorized to adopt, from time to time, and enforce regulations governing the transportation of merchandise and passeingers between iports or places in the Philippine Archipelago: A prmnidedfurt er, That the foregoing provisions of this section shall not take effect with reference to the Philippine Islands until the President of the United States after a full investigation of the local needs and conditions shall, by proclamation, declare that an ade uate shipping service has been established as herein A§rovide(il and fix a date for the gpling into effect of the same." D WHEREAS, an adequate s `plping service to accommodate the commerce and passenger travel of the Virgin Islands has not been Vol. 41, p.wr. egtablished as provided by Section 21 of the ‘ Merchant Marine Act ‘ 0 1920"; Vol.42, p.2%1. AND WHEREAS, a proclamation dated Februaréy 1, 1922, was issued by Warren G. Harding, President of the United tates of America, . acting under and by virtue of the authority conferred on him by Section 21 of said Act of Congress, declaring that the period for the establishment of adequate shipping service of the aforesaid Virgin Islands be extended from February 1, 1922, to Ma 1, 1922, and that the extension of the coastwise laws of the United States to the aforesaid Virgin Islands be deferred from February 1, 1922, to May 1, 1922; v¤1.4z, AND WHEREAS a second proclamation dated May 18, 1922, was issued by Warren Harding, President of the United States of America, declaring that the period for the establishment of ade uate shipping service of the aforesaid Virgin Islands be extendedqfrom May 1, 1922, to November 1, 1922, and that the extension of the coastwise laws of the United States to the aforesaid Virgin Islands be deferred from Mag 1, 1922, to November 1, 1922; v¤1.4z, AND WHERE S athirdproclamation datedOctober 28, 1922,was issued by Warren Harding, President of the United States of America, declaring that the period for the establishment of adequate shippin service of the aforesaid Virgin Islands be extended from November 1, 1922, to November 1, 1923, and that the extension of the coastwise laws of the United States to the aforesaid Virgin Islands be deferred from November 1, 1922, to November 1, 1923; rsmermescabusmus NOW, THEREFORE, I, Calvin Coolidge, President of the United iziiliti f$°Ni»`$f;li°{°$i] States of America, acting under and IX, virtue of the authority con- 19}%, {erred upon me by Section 21 of said ct of Congress, haviqg issued e, p. ww. . . . 1>¤a,p. mu. a proclamation on October 25, 1923, declaring that the perio for the establishment of an adequate shipping service to the aforesaid Vi `n Islands be extended from November 1, 1923 to May 1, 1924, anglthat the extension of the coastwise laws of the United States to the aforesaid Virin Islands be deferred from November 1, 1923, to May 1, 1924, do ereby declare and proclaim that the period for the establishment of adequate shippingMservice of the aforesaid Virgin Islands be further extended from ay 1, 1924, to November 1, 1924; · ,6r§gg¤{g*,{,¤0jg1;jg°r°$ AND INASMUCH as the extension of the coastwise laws of the me. United States to the aforesaid Virgin Islands, as provided in Section -},;‘,’{·g’·,1§,2,§f· 21 of the aforesaid act, is depen ent upon the establishment of an

 adequate shipping service to such island possession, I do hereby

further roclaim and declare that the extension of the coastwise laws of the United States to the Virgin Islands is deferred from May 1, 1924 to November 1, 1924. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.