A PROCLAMATION ,,f,`,§,}{*°°,'},§,§um_§`f,Q; WHEREAS, certain nat1u·al formations, known as "The Pinna- Aggz- bl cles," within the Coronado National Forest, in the State of Arizona, mm °` are of scientific interest, and it appears that the Ipublic interests will be promoted by reservinp as much land as may e necessary for the _ pr%pe1§protection thereo , as a. National Monument. mN(§,§}‘j,‘},*Q,$,"{,}‘g}‘§g‘;,‘;,§ O , THEREFORE, I, Calvin Coolidge, President of the United F<>¤>¤¢»Mi¤<>¤¤- States of America, by virtue of the (power in me vested by section two of the Act of Con§·ess appfove June eight, mneteen hundred A and six, entitled, “An ct for the Ipreservation of American antiquities", do proclaim that there are ereby reserved from all forms of gpipropriation under the public land laws, sulblfect to all pr1or valid verse claims, and set apart as a National _ onument, the followin%élescribed tracts of land in the State of Arizona: D°“°‘“’“°“· % Sections 19, 30 and 31, Township 16 South, Range 30 East, G. & S. R. M.; Sections 24, 25 and 36, Township 16 South, _Range 29% East, G. & R. M.; S% Section 24, unsurveged; Section 35, 1I§nsu\;_§yg,;l§S§€:t&§>E1 36, unsurveyed; Township 16 outh, Range 29 ast, . . . . ,,,}{,§‘{ °§—§§’e@‘{““,$§1`{,*}j The reservation made by this proclamation is not intended to fwwd- prevent the use ofb1ihei.1%andshforCNation1al §orest pfirlposes Imde; tge proclamation esta is ng the orona o ationa orest, an the tplvo lrleservatfolp/is shall botlh b¢i)efIect1¥)¢?1 rilnghcilliand wighdgawn but t e ationa onument ere esta `s e s a e the ominant reservation and any use of the land which interferes with its(preser— vation or protection as a National Monument is hereby forbi den. Warningjs hereby given to all unauthorized persons not to apppopriate, mjure, deface, remove or destroy any feature of this ational Mhcinument, or to locate or settle on any of the lands reservedb t 's roc amation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and causgdqtéie seallof gse U1}it€`d Sitges to blelaffixezil. f A 11 . h D atte `tyo as'gtonfs18ao pr' inte year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and [SEAL.] twenty-four, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and forty-eighth. CALVIN COOLIDGE By the President: CHARLES E. HUGHES, Secretary of State.
A PROCLAMATION E,?,,‘§,°b§,{ “"”" °°°‘ Whereas, Section I of a Joint Resolution of Congress entitled a V°*·*2· ¤·3°*· "Joint Resolution to Prohibit the Ex ortation of Arms and Munitions P°°i’p`m5` of War from the United States to Certain Countrigsiland for other _ _ Purposes" approved Janua 31 1922 rovides as 0 ows: a§,iT`m°”y °“°h°""` “That whenever ther`I’resideri1t ilffndp that in Sany American country or in any country in w ic the United tates exercises extraterritorial jmisdiction, conditions of domestic violence exist, which are or may be promoted bg the use of arms or munitions of war {procured rom the United tates, and makes proclamation thereo , it shall be unlawful to export, except under such limita-