Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/638

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1960 1>Ro0LAMA·r1oNs, 1924. Country or area of birth. 192?1;3tI925

  • §anMarino __._._.________ 100

iam .. 100* SouthAfrica, Union of (3) ----------------------- 100 South West Africa (proposed mandate of Union of South Africa) . 100 Spain(5) . 131 Sweden --------------;- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 9,561 Switzerland------ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2, 081 Slyria and The Lebanon (French mandate) - - - - - - - -- 100 anganyika (proposed British mandate)- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 100 Togoland ( roposed British mandate) - - - - - - - -- -- -- 100 %"p§]c;land(£‘renchmandate)- . 100 e .. -------------------------------------- 100

  • Yap arid other Pacific islands under Japanese mandate (4) 100*

Yugoslavia- ------.-.- ------ - -.-- 671 Nemmnqusm. *For each of the coimtries indicated by an asterisk (*) is established a nominal quota according to the minimum Hxed b law. These nominal Iqluotas, as in the case of all quotas hereby established, are available o y for persons born within the respective countries who are eligible to citizenship in the United States and admissible under the imm.i$gtion laws of the United States. Assimmenr or per- 1 . (a) Persons rn in the portions of Persia, Russia, or the Arabian ·,;*:,,‘,;°;¤,,..Y‘°***¤ "*° panama situated within the sms zone, and who are admissible imder the ation laws of the United States as quota immigrants, will be c arged to the quotas of these countries; and (b) persons born in the colonies, egendencies or protectorates, or portions thereof, within the Barre Zone, of llrauce, Great Britain, the Netherlands, or Portugal, who are admissible under the immigration laws of the United States as quota immigrants, will be ohariged to the quota of the country to which such colony or depen ency belongs or by which it is administered as a protectorate. m_Ag~0bi¤¤:1 2. The quota-area denominated "Arabian(peninsu1a" consists of ry all territory exczgt Muscat and Aden situate in the portion of that peninsula and Jaceut islands, to the southeast of raq, of Palestine with Trans ordan and of Eg§pt. imma dsmmxm, 3. Spota immigrants born in the ritish self-governing dominions °°°· or in e Empire of India, will be charged to the apppplpriate quota rather than to that of Great Britain and Northern and. here are no quota restrictions for Canada and Newfoundland. pmscanues. 4. As shown on Chart No. 1262a, Hydrographic office, United ` States Navy Department: _ _ _ _ _ _ Assignment of cole- 5. Quota lI11II].lgI‘8Dl’»S eligible to citizenship m the United States, ',§‘,f,‘g,§@°“°‘°° °' born in a colony, dependency, or protectorate of any country to which a quota applies will be charged to the quota of that country. ummm mom or- 6. In contrast with the law of 1921, the Immigration Act of 1924 €,?,,"°;}“gg"‘$ _{',§,°‘,?,§‘,§; provides that persons born in the colonies or dependencies of Euro- .¤¢¤- pean countries situated in Central America, South America, or the islands adjacent to the American continents (except Newfoundland and islands pertaining to Newfoundland, Eabrador and Canada), will be charged to the quota of the country to which such coloniror depgudency belongs. No Enum »¤;¤m· General ote. e immigrhation quotas assigned to the various $:3. °Y‘°°° "'*"" ooimtries and quota-areas ould not be regarded as having any political significance whatever, or as involving recognition o new governments, or of new boimdaries, or of transfers of territory except as the United Statm Government has already made such recogni- _tion in a formal and official manner.