Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/759

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INDEX. 2067 Diplomatic and Consular Scrvicc—C0n. **118% Diplomatic Ogiéricrs (scc also Foreign Serv- Yan eficiency appropriation for relief and ice cers), protection of American sea- appropriation for instruction and men . 47, 57, 760 transit ay .. 208 for bringing home remains of officers for transporijation to and from ts 209 dying abroad- 47 for allowance for, dying abroadlfj- 209 for International Radiotelegraphic for bringin home remains of, dying Conference .. - .. 48, 1340 abroa: ,_..._ 210 for embassy buildings, etc., Paris, for post allowances ___,,,,,,..._._ 210 France - .. 48 deficiency appropriation for bringing for International Railway Congress-- 48 home remains of, dying abroad- 47 for Permanent Court of Arbitration- 48 for instruction and transit pay . 57 for International Sanitary Bureau--- 48 for transportation ________,_,,.___ 57, 61 for Cape Spartel Light, etc ... 48, 1338 Drpgematia Secretaries f°l` Intcmatiouu Institute °f A€l'i5“l‘ classified as Foreign Service officers 140 tum ·--—--——--—---—-——— 48. 760, 1338 Director of Railroads _" for secretaries, Diplomatic Service- 57, 760 proclamation raaépaintina James C_ for clerlrs at embassies and_legations- 57 Davis as ____________________ 1922 f°' °°“f,'““°“° °“"°“°°“’ '“‘°“‘°’¥?f,’r€»<>, @72 ”‘,;;?;zit‘;{ ‘2;,fii’i%“'t‘?.fi'";iii,, made for cler s at consulates - - .--.-- 57, 60 . 2 . . . for contingent expenses, consulates- 57, 760 °·“g1g*,b*°t'°* 2*%:1*;;** Assist" ,46 for instruction and transit pay ...-.- 57 D. , 'mr, L2'? ,*1; ° °' 6 ······· , for transportation- .. 57,61,1338, 1349 ""’°'°f‘,? ;”· Q,°‘”,},,"” °""""]*·"‘.re .,,.,6 for expenses of representation, Inter- gpgwpna mn °'*%“t.° ;’° p°"°;im° · 1, 1 American Committee 0,, Ei,_,c_ e ciency appropria ion or con nngen 58 62 ¢·1¤¤1 C21¤¤1¤¤*¤¤21¤¤¤ ¤1·=·21¤¤1- 172 nom .$·‘*}$5.‘}&“‘ii‘o‘z;s‘.;i;.;‘si;ts.;t ‘ iz:,·:1;;·rii;:,2:::n;;;;;;;;;;;;;tn, $$3 . of 5°g¤;¤bi¤'j,`*1;!1“1° Agt *925% ,,2, for nternational Prison Commission- 760 D?pI;°m um; 2 Prmé u l°°¤ ° ° ·‘‘‘·‘· for United States Court for China-- - 760 "e° °"y of t. °"°;g” “y°l`;¤ 227 ,037 for waterways treaty, United States Di°p,l;,?Qpn° mu 21 cpmpl mg ······· . . 1 and Great Britain, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 760 sa lug; Com pexsattgn, World War M zli- - - - ary or ava , ¥3§ §2“§’3f.;i¥t ‘if,°§‘.?,‘-Z51,¥{?’fi€‘i ET? ii {S3? ¤¤¤re>¤¤»¤¤¤,,;<ar d2¤*l1.°1—i,r——,;,-w532· 12111 for payment to Swedeu_ _ _ _ ___ ____ _ provlslgrnz re Eu-? ,:0r In or sr fo1‘ Gé€!'m&D'Am€ricau Mixed Claims Disbarmen: I7;:l:1:cdi1;:g5 _7_nten0r_"'--—l)ti>71l‘l ommission .--...-..--... 1339 1 ' for Conference on Oil Pollution of "lmir f f ,, ,,. Navigablg Waters ____________ appropylation or expenses O cs for Industrial Property Conference-- 1340 _ _ m ·····················*· 1 ioi- Commission on the Equitable Dwbursmq Clerk, Treasury Deparfmmt gw of the Waters of the Rig appropriation for, and office personnel- 69, 768 rande ..-... 1340 Disbursing Ojficers, Arm and Na , for rcimbursement to Texas ...-.-. 1340 relieved from responsilbilgiy foxinizertain for egbzssy premises, London, Eng- 1340 losses; ingiirred gin dgéld War ac- 860_ n ...-.---.-...-.. coun s· ime ex en --.--- for Iéorleign `Service establishments, 1340 to*be giver; credit for irregular pay- 0 y0, a 811 -.--...-.-...--. ments made in ood faith .. 860 for consular building, Amoy, China- 1341 losses, etc., if over7$1,000, only on for salaries, Consular Service ...-.- 1351 recommendation of the Secretary delegates to be appointed to Seventh of War or Navy ______,________ 860 g’an American Scientific Con- 112 certidcatedof freedom from fraud re- 8 0 , erence ...-..-------- quire _..,,___,______,,_,..__ 6 to' meeting of Inter-American Com- Diseases Animal - mittee on Electrical Communi- apprairriatiau ’fa,. preventing Spread cations; expenses authorized, 112 of _________________________ 438 827 _ 555-- q ——-----—-— --_ --—----·-— for investi atin etc _._... --- 438; 828 F°l'°'8¤_ Service Act P*'0Vl$l°n$——é“ ---— 140 for invesgigatgn of tuberculosis, indemnity payment to Norway on eta ________________________ 438 828 b:°§9“{1l·";f €5mS§9n °€g?1,*§1Ql”, 955 for eradicating fpot·and·mouth and , mem {QS ’P m n Em? ‘°n5· 5 *5 1211 1,2 _ other contagions d1seases-_ 110, 458, 851 “l'°”·“ Aut onwd ——-—-------· deficiency appropriation for eradicating annual allotment for .. 112 _ _ 4 , , foot and mouth, etc ------..-.- 0 payment authorized to France as in- Di ea 0 - D C demnity for damages to prop- 8 8,7% f°;7°gw?8’ ' tu d erty of Madame rignier, by app 1*;;,2 1211 21 pmvcu mg spmgaa ,236 slearizhlfor body of Admiral John 118 Diseases of ‘"‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ’ 811 ODSS ,,. _ _ r _ _ _ Uniwd States-Mexican Claims Com- ¤PPi'0P1‘1¤t10¤ for 1¤V<2817189·t·10¤S» etc-, missions, per diem allowance"- 1340 of -·---——---———-----—-——---- 76, 775 Diplomatic issiona, _ Disinfectirig Service, D. _C., representation allowances for diplo- appropriation for maintenance .--.. 562, 1237 matic and consular omcers at Dismal Swan! Canal (sec Lake Drumcapitals of countries with no--- 142 mon Canal).