Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/778

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2086 INDEX. Federal Corrupt Prac/ices Act, 1.925-- Pelle- Federal Farm Loan Bureau, Treasury De- Phle- Continued. partment, statements by candidates for Senator appropriation for members of the to be filed with Secretary, and Board, office personnel, etc--- 70, 769 by candidates for Representa- payable from assessments on land tive with the Clerk, before and banks ____ _ _____,_____________ 769 _ after an election .. 1072 for reviewing appraisers-- . 70, 769 Items required 1072 assessments on land banks for- - - 70, 769 to be cumulative . - 1072 for contingent expenses, etc _,_ 70, 769 of total votes for the office at the pre- pay restriction, etc ,_______,,,._ 70, 769 ceding election ... 1072 for salaries, additional, 1925 __.. 710 verification, filing, and preservation of deficiency appropriation for two addi- Statements ... 1073 tiona members of the Board- - - 49 limitation on amounts which candi- for traveling expenses ______________ 49 dates may expend in campaign attorney, experts, clerks, etc., may be for election - .. 1073 employed by ..,.. 1263 expenses not included in .`. 1073 salaries, etc., to be fixed in advance- - 1263 unlawful acts, for any candidate to without regard to civil service laws promise an appointment to any or Classification Act ... 1263 person, etc ... 1073 Federal Highway Act, for any person to make an expendi- appropriation for forest roads and ture. etc., tqpontrol the vote of trails under - 460, 852 another-- - .. 1073 for rural post roads; allotment for ‘ for any Seeger, Representative, 1926 ____.. ---- 461, 852 Federal o cial, etc., to solicit, deficiency appropriation for forest roads receive, etc., assessments or con- and trails, fiscal year 1926 .. 1326 tributions for political purposes extension of preliminary permit of from any person, etc .. 1073 Dixie Power Company for projfor any national bank or Federal cor- act on White River, Ark., under 96 poration to contribute to any rural post roads, additional authorizaelection .. 1074 tions of appropriations for, fiscal for any other corporation to con- year 1926 889 tribute to a presidential or con- fiscal year 1927 . 889 gressional election; or any candi- immediate apportionment of authoridate, etc., to receive the same- - 1074 zations for 1926, and thereafter- 889 penalty for violation by a corpora- approval of project by Secretary , tion , 1074 under, deemed Federal contracpunishment for any corporation tual obligation to contribute--- . 889 officer consenting to the 881118-- 1074 roads and trails in national forests; adpunishment for violations of fore- ditional authorizations for, fiscal going 1074 year 1926 889 for willful violations thereof .. 1074 fiscal year 1927 ... 889 legal expenses in contested election deteriorated war explosives may be cases not affected . 1074 exchanged for others in good State laws as to nomination or election condition . --- - 890 of candidates not affected unless reclaiming, etc., of 890 directly inconsistent herewith--- 1074 payable from highway fund .. 890 candidates not exempt from comply- transfers to other activities; reiming with . 1074 bursement by receivers 890 invalidity of any provision, etc., not to nontaxable Indian lands added to Govadect remainder of Act 1074 ernment proportion for unapprolaws repealed; relating to publicity of priated lands . 890 contributionstoelections of Rep- temporary approval of projects when rescntatives _____,_ _ _.___. 1074 State laws do not allow use Corrupt Practices Act of 1918 .. 1074 therefor, extended three years-- 890 political contributions by corpora- share of approgiations under, extions ____.___...,.._. 1074 tended to awaii . 17 Federal Farm Loan Act, transfer of Army caterpillar tractors provisions of, extended to Hawaii . 17 and motor trucks to Departbranch land banks may be estab- ment of Agriculture for improvelished _________________,_,__, 17 ment of highways, etc . 1281 Federal Farm Loan Ad Amendments, Federal Horticultural Board, Department Board authorized to employ attorneys, of Agriculture, _ _ experts, etc., and fix salaries appropriation for enforcing quarantine therefor ___________________.. 1263 against insects, etc., cooperative appointments without regard to civil with Entomology Bureau 448, 839 service or classification laws 1263 for secretary, omce and field permay be put in classified service- - - 1263 sonnel -.-. 2 - --: 456, 847 in voluntary liquidations, assets may for general expenses; regulating 1m- be ac uired and liabilities as- portation of nursery stock, etc- 456, 847 sumedcliy Federal land and joint- for cooperative expenses, eradicating stock land banks __,_..-.- - --.- 1263 potatc wart ..-. 456, 848 loan requirements, etc., may be for eradicating pink bollworm of cotwaived ,,,- - -..-..----.--. 1263 ton -.--..---..---------.- 845 limit of assumption of liabilities by for eradicating Parlatoria date scale-- 848 lam] banks ______________ _ ____ 1263 for salaries, additional, 1925 ----- - - - 706 by joint-stock land banks .-.- 1263 for general expenses, additional, 1925- 706