Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/814

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2122 izvnsx. Isasnigrohkm Ad of 1924-·—Continucd. *’¤¢& Immtgratmn Act of 1924-—Continued. Pin annual quota, limitation on issues for no additional visa to be issued in lieu of gig ullscal year; for calendar 160 tr an unused onezfa- .' ... 164 ¤ . . isn seaman, exc u e rom adm' - lsirencgfxgisauas quota inzmigrants to 160 { sgggiéglxdt permitzedtzo land-;} lx uc lmm .. crm rea men e .,exce - 1 nationality country of penalty for failure ,to detain? for bgugi according to census of 160 insgtion, etc., or deport if re- -...---.-.-.-.·.-.. - qui .. . 164 of children not born in United States, clearance withheld, etc .. 164 ’ by country of parent ..._.. 160 proof from manifest of vessels 164 d wife of diderent nationality from deportation by another vessel alof hiizbaunélé ... . lowed to avoid hardship; pay- etpa ns ... ..- ment o expenses ..,.._ _ _______ 164 of residents in Enited States accord- former provisions for nonadmission ingttglcensusof 1890, thebasisof 60 usf, rebigealediéd ... 165 quo .. - 1 permi to prin on safety paper; statement tobe prep•ared by Secre· printing and sale of manif ts, taries of State, mmerce, and _ etc .. T-, 165 Labor ... 160 Punishment for counterfeiting visas; of coitgaries not separately enumer- 60 possessiing blanks, etc ...,,_,___ 165 a in census 1 ing istinctive per __,,____ 165 of detpendencies, or protec— 60 also personitications E18 applying for ra e .. - 1 visas or pe its ..._.,______ _ _ _ 165 if boundaries changed, new countries false statemenrt? in applications, created, etc., since 1890 161 affidavits, etc .________ 165 quota 1;:ded 4:: Area of 61 burden of tproowrcquiredtfgr attemptcoun e , e ... - 1 mg oen r, again eportation, “"I.’rE°'§,‘§,2°r"°.'i?¥‘°°"‘°'°*"°‘°“ 161 d»c¤$r.°‘é;.u‘.d"m‘2z;ea‘a;"·-A ········ {$2 on evi ence ..._ in revision, birthplace determined rules and regulations for enforcement as in ne: country-;} ... Q 161 be by Commis- ' separate reatment sioner ne ._,____ _ 166 territory; no inferred consent of administration of consular officers by mandate . - ... 161 _Secrctary of State _._______ 166 annuéaé revision of statements, etc.; p iaions 028 Act additidns to, and not V ec on quotas ..,., -_ 161 m su titution 0 immigration annual report to President of quotas; _ laws:-1 .. , 1 66 proolgmgtion gud o§ont_ _______ 161 aliens admissible under this Act, not

not admitted to United iagngitted if excluded by other 166

.. - 161 ··--·-—-—·- · -—-—--—- r ·-—- wd bases ·th - _ excluded by this Act not admitted °‘°°1},,,,,,.,,‘§,,gb,,,,·,,Q,‘Z‘,,,,,sYf‘f"Q“j_f’f*fj ,6, simougn admissible under other aliens le to citizenship; ex- b. . bws ··-·-· : --·- i. -----— , -—--——- 166 - Wtious _____________________ 162 1'1¤81D§ 0l' landing 818118 with desdiscretnonary admission of otherwise 5 ’8‘%“t°‘1 dlsulscs ¤¤!¤eWf¤1 ----—- 166 ·dm§b]“ if excluded by ,m_ ne in addition amount intentional mistake in visas, etc- 162 H pm h °¥` P“s”:$° --—--—-—--——-- 166 eEect on nationality quota: .. 162 “ °“?n§’,g;;r“1%13Vmg1“P6b1° 61 €8¤`¤· 166 u°a1ty___??_Y{ ______ _1;t??_(T_F$i1: 162 iine imposed, in adEti6i-1-5111611nt ¤¤¤<>¤··¤·>¤ <>f ·¤·=¤· ·¤ my time if not rrs%’,“£;L ".1€.c"“““&l‘°r...r rs;er;;‘e;.; ‘‘`* {S? entitled to enter or remain . 162 · { · - · ’ '‘‘' minor child of . . . fine imposed, in addition amount citizen temporarily ad- · muted a be ned to paid for passage .. 167 main unlgcgcougzgnl m' 162 additional ine, etc., if accompanied mguhuo to be ““··:·--:·- with an excluded alien . 167 °° m°d° f°r ml Sqntgg clearance withheld, etc ____ 167 .r.m.‘Z‘f‘}-FF?T`f?-}’?’ ‘“ 162 not °PP‘,§g*’1,° *·> ¤¤¤¤¤¤ i¤ sxbri¤si¤gxpii;¤s°¤:1>i;s;1··aar;tsu ig wxyitbuut un- 163 restnctigiipon s§imittiIrEs1ieIrs`£6}>tBZe} 167 _ D _ _¤ --·-·--- paceso landiug,etc ... ;-- 167

 tfgdhigui addgiun 8m¤\1¤t 163 punishmeiit tfzor violation; lien on

enema w be w¤6th1¤¤1d;et€I iiiii ws €vrd!§§§°02‘iue5r‘1;1.:r&;1gi:;:;:::;; {£ refund or remission forbidden unless dcjnjtion of terms used herein ________ 168 act a¤•unmtcl1tl0DBl ¢l’|’0l’ -. 163 necessag/{ appropriation authorized 169 contracts with transportation com- Act of ay 19, 1921, continued in force panics for inspection, etc., of _ for collecting penalties, etc . 169 aliens from contiguous coun- Sections in effect July 1, 1924 169 _ t¤es--: .. 163 exceptions as to visas, etc _,________ 169 dlscnuimations in, forbidden; com- remainder on enactment _____________ 169 pliancewithregulationsrequired- 163 admission of aliens arriving before July proof required hereafter of aliens 1, 1924 ______________________ 169 applying for admission from con- invalidity of any provision, etc., not to ¤s¤0¤¤ terfitury ----..-.-. 163 aifect remainder of Act 169