Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/829

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· inmcx. 2137 Industrial Mechanical, etc., Devices, i’¤¢¤· I nfantile Paralysis, l’•I•· appropriation for establishing stand- appropriation for prevention of epiards, methods of testing, etc., demic - . 76, 775 of .. -- 232, 1042 I nfantile Paralysis, D. C., Industrial Property, Conference for Pro- appropriation for preventing ... 562, 1237 tection of, _ _ Infantry School, Fort Benning, Ga., denciency appropriation for expenses of appropriation for instruction expenses 501, 916 re resentation 1340 or additional, 1925 ... 711 Industrial Property, International Bureau Influenza, for Protection of, appropriation for prevention of epiapgmpriation for quota ... 215, 1023 demic .. 76, 775 d cienc§ appropriation for .. 56 Information at Source, Industrial eformatory, United States, returns to be made by persons making site for to be selected by Attorney fixed payments to others of (leéiiiral and Secretaries of War 724 1%,000 tir more- E- if. .f. 3- 292 an nterior .. regs less o amoun 0 n males between 17 and 30 convicted of on obligations of corporations, offenses against United States foreign coupons, etc ... 292 to be confined in .. 724 names and addresses on demand 293 offenses excepted .. 724 payments on Federal securities exmay be sentenced without specifying cepted ... 293 place of imprisonment . .---- 724 [Mele Agnes estimates of cost of construction, etc., psyiheht te heii.s ei- {ei. death from ii,- to be submitted ... 724 juries _____ _; ______ _ _____ ___ _ 1574 eligiligismto be used for construction 724 [Mersey, Ray D_ (widow), 574 --·———--———---—-——-———-· 1 rnointenenee expenses to be eeiimeied Inpgrrgiiftlo District of Columbia Employees, fn? Yearly --—---——--—---——---- 724 ippropriation for com nsation 542, 1219 plans, etc., by Architect of the Treas- Injuries to Government Egnepgeyeeh my reimbursement --—---—---- 724 appropriation for allowances from com- Attorney éeneral vested with control, 724 pehseiieh fund ger _________ 524, 1202 eio ----~--------------------- d ii · ‘ i‘ i ll discipline to be correctional, for pre- e mel}?-g¤:%%;3gen€s;2:,n(zi;d?v@¤f? 1316 venting Y0nn8_¤H8nd€l`8 b8°°m‘ officer of Alaska Railroad to be desigins hebitnnl enrninnls --------- 724 noted to administer, ooo., claims comriistrgblsnleedtrade schools to be 725 of miimsdleérggieiiees _________ } 1356 prodnois ronrnniod to Government 725 p'°““"f,§‘§,‘§,;§§§’,,},,,, i§,,,‘§,,‘§,°§,?§§f,"{,,,‘}. ¤8€8 ----———-----—-—--——-——--— f t' d t t' f persons eligible for eipnnement in, to -fll-.`i.{.li-ll? _ - 10s4 ¥:t£’;n8f°¤‘°d mm Pnnnl in8ti‘ 705 rexgew of compensation awards ... 389 short-term sentences excepted .. 725 _ 6c1S£gnre$,ie$y0gl;u;;s;0gth1§- 8:3:,5,2, ineligibles and incorrigibles in, to be ing Ogieei-, ete ________________ 389 88nli to other P¤80n8 -—-—---——— 725 validity of awards heretofore made- - 389 monnpiglseg transfer; payment of ex- 725 terms construed; injury includes dis- --_ --—-—-----——--—- ; ---- ease . 389 board of edvisers to be appointed, compensation, extension of . 389 Fedc(;_£?i;lii§8?§_)rmS’ ctc ‘'”‘‘‘‘‘ Inland and Cioastwise Waterways, duties; lpnyrnoni z.r.;,;,;;,;g.;r1;;:;::i 725 "PP'°Pfi§;‘°g§5{,i;Q°§g‘”g *’§,’};l,2°g‘;‘ inmceotgs e igible; for parole partment ’ y 516 g conduc commutation . · '·' '7 ''''''''‘‘ transtporiiation, clothing, and cash on 726 dehcwlgguappropmation for tl-°‘uSp°rt°"` 63 isc argc . . ‘'‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘·‘··· inconsistent laws repealed ... - 726 m°dm°g';;,°:s ogtccoggrgga §?§l_i§1s°;Dg§ Indu8tri°‘°’ America"' andgG1{eat llakes Co ration 1255 appropriation for investigating prob- terms of sale under mo "‘ 1255 lems of new, developed since the unc to b 0 rated B3i£iE" E5 World wor _.. - ._._ 232, 1042 8 l’° . °'° for i·i,gg*io·*l<=¤¤· on-· ¤<*<ii**¤¤¤l· 06 npnnri1r;Ir{"Efn°Zi°i’$L‘ii§“é“r-Pn‘}i£s ininna 1255 ” ! *7 I _ Industry, Persons Disabled in (see also 7 Waterways Corporation ‘'‘‘‘ 362 Igelderal Board for Vocational Inxziiggypazgiglggogcfér 59 699 762 ucation) _ _ ----- r r cooperation with States for vocational b8·lnn°€8 of ¤PPY°P¤ntl°n8 fol', ¢0V¢l’<·>d rehabilitation of ______________ 431 ln -~--------—--------------- - 934 Infancy Hygiene, Maternity and, Inland Waterways Corporation, appropriation for executing Art for pro- deficiency appropriation for purchasing motingc . .. , V . ,.,s.. - - 2-tl, 1051 capital stock- - ...__. _ 757 denciencv rciqrropristion for expense-s of incorporated; Secretary of War the in- Clii r¢•n's Bureau prirnioting, in corporator, etc ____... - 360 Hawaii . . s . , ,.,.,., - . 688 capital stock $5,000,000 ... . ..n... 360 Infant Mortality, subscribed for, by United States __.. 360 appropriation for investigations, etc- 241, 1051 appropriation authorized for . n 361