Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/836

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2144 ixmcx. Interstate Construction Company, ?•t¤ ‘ Irrigation Continued. Pm time extruded for hribng Columbia lands for American Falls reservoir under Rave, near (hander Locks, Minidoka project to be ac uired Orca., by- . . ~.. . 2 from Indians of Plort Hall Liner- Iguydqlg Qaareanae Senna, I vation, Idaho ,. - ,_,,..,... 117 appropriation for cooperation aiili Irrigation, I ndian Reservations, States, etc., for preventing con- _ | appropriation for expenses; allotments my diseases, ctr ,...e - - 76, [J5 g to district projects .. 400, 1150 for, tional, 1925 - . . · "l i for miscellaneous expenses; supervisddicnncy for- . - 511, 1343,1349 ing engineers .. 400.1151

 (ass National Pro- for investigating new projects- - - 401, 1151

_ Act). _ for Taos reservoir project, N. Mex-- 401 Ialozseatiaq (ses also National for reconnaissance of available water Prohi tion Act), miami I supplytol 8:1 Juan River, Cxioli 1151 appropriation or expenses ng or coopers we ream gauging t prohibition etc., of, by internal Qeological Survey-- _ 4 01, 1151 revizue . bf 71, 771 projeiitsdgrecincally provided for on on paying orstorage exc u . . 401,1151 sdaed etc .. - . 72 in‘ rchang ble am ts f ileod for tralhe in, amogso 1147 f `gamageshtc--- jilii 401, 1151 ... , or maintenance, etc. i , for suppresing trams in, Alaska- 428, 1182 A1-is ..._.__._ ’ __,.__,_, V $01, 1152 convention to prevent smugglinixpf, Coolidge Dam, construction, etc- 1152 intokllnited States, with n- 1809 for lgiaintexinance, etc., Celorsdg 2 mar °ver - ... 4 1, 115 with Germany . - .. 1815 for maintenange, etc., Ganado projwith Great Britain 1761 ect, Ariz ,._. 401, 1152 with Italy 1844 for maintenance, San Xavier, Ariz 401, 1152 with Norway . 1872 for maintenance, San Carlos, Ari; 401, 1152 with Panama - 1875 for construction, Salt River, Ariz-.- 402 with Sweden . 1830 for construction, Fort Apache, Ariz.- 402 Inventions, etc., for maintenance charges, Yuma, appropriation for cash rewards to postal Calif . 402, 1152 employees for, 1924, available for maintenance, enlarging, etc., for fiscal years 1920 to 1922 46 Fort Hall, Idaho .. 402, 1152 for cash rewards to postal employees for maintenance, Fort Belknap, for, increasing ehciency, etc., of Mont ... - . 402, 1153 service .. 85, 783 for continuing c<;i_l1:st1f1i:<;it;io1ikmainte(;2 53 [ · · B Dgpayhywyig J - nance etc. at ont- 4 , 11 '°°",',,,,° , °°°°“’ °f M ici msinpciidacé, Fort Péci, Mciii-402, 1153 gppromistiou for Director, etc_ _______ fOr ID&IDt8D8DCE, Bu}., ol-,pw1.,1,gen1,i__:___: ____ :___:__ 217 Mont - 402, 1153 amount for criminal identiiication Y0? m¤1¤§€¤¤¤0€»0t0·»CFoW»M0¤t- $102, 1153 I N l’0001'd;, immgiuiately available-- 217 for It1&1¤1#§¤¤¤c€» emo P 1153 ¤am•41‘ ‘ ,, 0 ev ---------------- i ngodlmltion :'uL‘;qi¤s‘·;r“ of__"_&_ _ 1910 im- mainyéimwe, Navigzo, N§1vicx-3‘03, 1154 g,n_m{,· pom og · - 01- mamenance e. ams , tional hdmtig fl- 1910 Orc: . 1 ... — 403. 1154 Iam for maintenance, Yakima, Wash, 403, 1154 bridge authorised umu Mississippi for Wmaintenance, Wind Riveéh 1154 River between Clinton County f Y°£ ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘ E ‘‘‘‘ C; ?i"‘lii ’ I 'f I t'i.".,.,..l°"’Q..‘1’i€‘i‘i -‘?‘3‘}{‘f¥; PF: -‘?’f 15 °r I1-`¤1`$Zm?i¤¤$¤fg,¤¤5{? -ii- Y it rw S.,-&i:’°i·H:’dt° Sabah, Iowa, by 173 for qgggado River, z., additional, 707 D _____ _ , - , . ° ' '°' ° ````°`°° .° · - - · ''`' for maintenance etc. Ganado pro)- I u1·)tm;td Council Bluffs 795 °°t’ Ariz" L ‘‘‘‘ ’ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘ 707 Ci,“i0¤""i_______"_______::::; 795 for maintenance, San Xavier, Ariz., Dum _______________________ .,.95 8.(1(11tIODA1,1925 .,.. - _- 707 Da Oims 795 for maintenance, etc., Fort Hall, Kwguk `````` I `'`'`'````````` 795 f Id°1?°ie*dd1*1°¤*lIi, 1225Eé —--·· 707 oad¤.wIjiZ§ZZZZ-ZZIZIZZi°T°iii 795 0* ¤¤¤¤ ¤·¤9·2» 0 ==¤·¤· r·~¤···¤. Mmm; _ , io. £.‘£i‘.E..?.‘§2‘°i»‘~Tl2i}$;‘ii.;;.z.; "' parcel Etégireement with Great Brit- 1854 f ,di11g10m_1, 1925 ________ M ____ 707 if r~·¤··=··¤· vm. `i>¥5·`~¤·"f.`—¤»»··~»»·¤ ```` °’ $153321%;; ?fi’X·---€’{’f;· m •·PP1’°P¤¤¤°¤ f°1' €*P°“m°¤1$ m_d“1'Y‘ for maintenance, Navajo, N. Mex., i¤s •¤s1 ¤¤¢¤1 P1’°d11°*1°¤!1!--- 457- 850 additional, 1925 .. 70-1 for experiments, etc., additional, for Uintah and whim Riva. UWM 1025 ------------- i --—---— ;-- 700 Um, additional, 1025----. 707 Irrigation (see also Reclamation Service, for maintenance, etc., units of Yaki- Interior Department), _ ma, Wash., additional, 1925--- 707 appropriation for investigating utxliz- for maintenance, Wind River, Wyo., ing of water in farm, etc . 542, 843 additional, 1925 --...--.-. 7(Yl