Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/862

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2170 mnnx. Miller, Sallie (widow), P¤8°- Mines Bureau, I ntericr Department, PHG- pension 1480 appropriation for salaries and general Miller, William D., expenses .. 420, 1173 pension 1407 for investigating mine accidents, Millersburg and Liverpool Bridge Com- , methods of mining, etc . 420, 1173 pany, for investigating mining, quarrying, may bridge Susquehanna River, Mil- etc ... 420, 1174 lersburg, Pa .. 172 for mine inspection, etc., Alaska- 420, 1174 M illersburg, Po., for mine rescue cars, etc 420, 1174 bridge authorized across Susquehanna garage, McAlester, Okla 420 River at . 172 operating stations, etc 420, 1174 Mills, William T., purchase of operating equipment, pension ... - 1455 etc ...,.. 1174 Milton, Olive R. (u·uto!w'?t~ trophies for mine rescue and iirst . pension increased . 1482 aid contests ... 420, 1174 Milwaukee, Wis., for purchase, etc., of, mine rescue appropriation for expenses, Volunteer cars _ 420 Soldiers’ Home- - - - ... 518, 932 for investigating mineral fuels, deficiency approlpriation fc} Volunteer etc ... 420, 1174 Soldiers’ ome . 63, 1346 for investigating, etc., mineral ores, Minard, Eliza Dunn (widow), etc., other than fuels ... 420, 1174 pension 1491 for petroleum and natural gas in- Mine Accidents, etc., — quiries, etc 421, 1174 appropriation for investigating, etc- 420, 1173 for enforcing provisions for oil, oil for investigating, etc., additional, shale, and gas leases 421, 1174 1925 708 for development of oil shale; operadeficiency appropriation for investigat- tion of plant, etc .. 1175 ing, etc .. 697 for enforcing regulations, etc. leasing Mine Explosions, nonmetallic mineral deposits, appropriation for investigating causes etc .._ 421, 1175 of, etc ... J 420, 1173 for mining experiment stations ex- Mine Planter Service, Army, - lpenses 421, 1175 reappointment of discharged warrant for ittsburgh, Pa., experiment staofficers .. 1101 tion .. 421, 1175 having less than ten years’ service to for maintenance of station building, be discharged with one year’s etc .. 1175 pay . 1101 temporary details of field emif with more than ten years’ service ployees for duty at Washington; to be placed on retired list; com- allowances 421, 1175 putation of pg ... 1101 detail of Public Health officers for service count for longevity, cooperative work with . 422, 1175 etc .. 1101 for Government fuel yards, District not apipllicable to previously reap- of Columbia; reappropriationu 422, po tedofficers ... 1101 · 1175 Mine Rescue Cars, scientinc work for departments, appropriation for expenses, operating, etc., by the Bureau 422, 1176 etc ... 420, 1174 funds to be transferred, etc --- 422, 1176 equipment, supplies, etc . 1174 for printing and binding for . 392, 1143 for purchasing 420 for publishing reports on lignite, peat, for expenses, operating, additional, etc .. 1143 1925 .. 4.. 708 for investigating mine accidents, addeiicieney appropriation for -- 700 ditional, 1925 . 708 Mine Scales, for mine rescue cars, additional, 1925- 708 appropriation for investigation of- - $32, 1041 for testing fuel, additional, 1925 ..._ 708 Mineral Fuels and Products, for mineral mining investigations, appropriation for testing, etc., belong- additional, 1925 .. 708 ing to United States 421, 1174 for oil, gas, and oil shale investigafor testing, etc., belonging to United tions, etc., additional, 1925 . 708 States, additional, 1925 708 for enforcing regulations, etc., leas- Mineral Resources of the United States, ing nonmetallic minerals, addiappropriation for printing and binding · tional, 1925 .. 708 reports on . 393, 1143 for mining experiment stations, adfor pre aring reports, etc., on 420, 1173 ditional, 1925 . 708 Mineral Sugstances, for Pittsburgh, Pa., experiment staappropriation for investigations for tion, additional, 1925 .. 708 economic production, etc 421, 1174 for mining investigations in Alaska, Mineral Substance and Ores, additional, 19 5 .. 708 appropriation for investigating mining, deficiency appropriation for investigatetc., other than fuels ... 421, 1174 ing mine accidents ... 56, 697 private work forbidden- . 1174 for helium gas leasing fund ... 56, 1348 Minerals, N onmetallic, for mining experiment stations-- 698, 1348 limit on payment for losses incurred for for mine rescue cars ... 700 ` war production of, etc., repealed. 634 for electric furnace equipment .. 1331