Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/881

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., . INDEX. 2189 Nagy;-Continued. t f f ht Pgs? Nz1vy—°(gontl=.i1cd.l i Palee cienc appropria ion or roig . , oan flap, or uaugrol ceremonies n y pp P 61, 700, 1349, 1353 Washington, . C., March 4, for fuel and transportation . 57 1925 944 ger alciiationb 57, 61, 689, 698, 760, 1349, 1221 Naval Rug", uublhbod as part Of; or anne orps . , n __________ 61, 698, 766, 1349, 1661, 1666 per .ne'I,‘,§°`§li$,‘Z#'2eZd‘ii,,‘ri,°i,i1eg aerial 1°8° fd? Bumdd df Yards and Docks- --—~ dh surveys of rivers and harbors--- 1191 6981 1336·13‘*9 iemer ee emneet to in enehi for transportation and recruitin 689 pr°° wu y . ° Z . . p for expenses, scrapping of navagves- °;. %v°°°1{§°’§,fr°m* Bmw umlstlcc 1940 for 1$°a],;;,;1r $,1;,;,1 *6;);,; ‘1;,"·{c; 689 rentni guowgiiees t:;B}!ieere—n1Jdiiied_.l 250 fund-_______________Ij__Y;___ 689 repeal gg authority for turret gun 45 for damages claims, collisions with _ ° Dges ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘· uva] vgggglg ______________ 689, 1335 retainer pay of transferred members of for n1o&u11j1e1§t gs Charles Fort, Parris 690 gggt l§¤v¤luu%e¤<:€l¤m-gidly fl, s n , . .. _ » 0mP 69 0i' for Naval Reserve Force 566-1éig 6398, _ _€¤l¤¤i·°<}lm€¤ -~-—-·-·-—---—--— , ’ 1 51 m1n1mum_a owance ..-.-.-. _ ..----- fer Bureau er Medicine and Surgery- 700, sundry specified rpstters affeetms the- 1269 1349 men reenlisting in, after transfer_ to for Naval Observatory _____________ 756 F1€B15 Naval RBSGFVB credited for investigation of fuel oil, etc - 760 with pay, et¢·. While 011 aetlve for major alterations to designated duty lll Fleet Reserve . 1269 vessels ...-----.-------------- 1335 enlisted men in, or Marine Corps, re-

0l` ihefiase oi the Navy .-.-------- store?} to rank, etc., on reenlistor avla 1011 C 111111 .---------------- in ter dischar e from service

adjusted compensation for World War togbe em-01184 ag gmcgrg in Rc. service in -...-.--..---.-- 121 serve ________________________ 1259 dltdmtldmr °t°·» ddthdmcd m d°“8' status of members of Fleet Reserve Dated b”·m°Sh’§S —--—····---·- 719 when temporary appointment new 6geT e6¤§5¤1. " ew Y<>rk" ¤¤d 719 as officers in the, revoked .- 1270 exas --.--------.--...--.- . . . - - · enlisted man discharged from, and in °°“*°'“,°,l§?§Z,.-2§‘Z‘$2{f‘.‘§§*ee‘3{ Stiff? ?FZ’I‘Y ne ggg;e;¤;<>¤¤,g¤ emged Megmger i¤ six river boats; cost, etc -----..-.-- 719 f d if gtlicei R°°m ring' armor and armament at South ar Od tie °8°rv° W cn 1270 Charleston, W. Va., plant -.---- 719 _ g°_ ’ ° ‘··············· work at navy yards if cost not in- ddhstdd mlm discharzed fl`0¤1» fo1' ehcregggd thereby ______________ _ 719 rollment B8 RBBGTYO 0mC§l‘, I6- above authorizations subject to treaty ddcdd td N9·VY T¤lF}¤8 dl? hl¤ 9W¤ jjmmmons ___________________ 719 request, and serving unexpired · suspended if international conference ddmumdnt Period l¤_ Navy, to for naval limitation held ----.-- 719 have Pay. etc-. as if not disappointment authorized of Richard chafsed ----·--—--- — --—--—-——— 1270 Evelyn Byrd, jr., a lieutenant charges of desertion may be relieved of , commander on retired list of--- 821 men servin honorably in Army, Henry F. Mulloy asensign ...-- 961 Navy, or g/larine Co s subse- Ralph B. Sanford, as lieutenant on quently during Worldl§’ar -.--. 1270 retired list: conditions, etc --... 1590 honorable discharge to be entered on Frank Stinchcomb, as lieutenant; re- record ..-,.-.---- 1271 tired if found disabled, etc - 1374 no back pay etc., for service prior to Captain Douglas E. Dismukes, in recog- World War --.---.------.---.- 1271 hltleu of Sallaht service in retired officers credited with all active World War when retired to have duty April 6 1917 to March 3 rank of rear admiral ---·------- 1279 1921, ernee retirement in com; diSbl1I`SlHg ]`€ll€V€d ·fI`OH1 I`€• puting longevity p8,y_!________ 2£’§f"‘?$B3¥,eS°'1,,°°’$r“é¥id*°%?; dsbumgig ;**§=,gg,,g*·"_;;,gg,01;i¤r;¤,g service accounts; time extended- 860 ~ 2) ’ · c Y enlisted men with out ts to enlisted men dis- °d* wh° Se"°d ee charged since November 13 commissioned officers in World 1917 for had conduct et ’ 1271 War, to have pay of retired war- . ’ ?":"° rant Omcers __________________ 472 Cemmedore retired rank not given to helium for, to be obtained from. Bureau staff Qmqen unless mdk Of °”·P' of Mines _____________________ 1111 tam attained ---..--.-..------_ 1271 production, etc. funds nate be trans- aviation sites; ec%iri¤s authorized at ferred to lvlines Bureau -------- 1331 Galveston, ex --.------.-.---- 1271 insurance provisions in World War Lakehurst N. J -..-..-.---.-.--- 1271 Veterans’ Act -.--.----------- 624 Quantlco, Va -.-.---------.-.-.- 1271 limits of cost increased for converting Chatham, Mass .-.-.--..-.-. 1271 “Lexing1;O11" and **88,;-atgga, sale authorized at Galveston, Tex--- 1271 into airplane carriers ----.--..- 882 Marine Corps personnel --____-_--____ 1272