Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/979

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INDEX. 2287 Standards Bureau, Department of Com- l`¤8¢· Staples Transportation Company, Y¤K¤· merce——Continucd. may bring suit for collision damages to appropriation for cooperative stand- steam tug "I£ureka " ., 1567 ardizing, etc., of gauges, screw Stapleton, Bridget (widow), threads, etc .._.. . . 232, 1041 pension - ,._.___,_______ 1429 for investigating, etc., mine scales, Star Routes, Postal Service, and cars at coal mines -- 232, 1041 appropriation for mail transportation for metallurgical research, railway l by, in Alaska ..._ 86, 785 equipment, etc ... - 232, 1041 emergency service ... - .. 86, 785 for investigating methods of high for inland transportation by, except temperature measurements, etc- 232, in Alaska ... 89, 787 v 1042 deficiency approuriation for, Alaska, - - 60 for applying principles of sound to "Star Spangled Banner " military and industrial pur- restoration of Fort l\lcHenry, Md., to poses . L ... 232, 1042 become a national park, as the for investigating problems in indus- birthplace of the--.. _._.___ 1109 trial development, etc .. 232, 1042 Stark, William H., for investigating, etc., track scales, pension ._._ 1428 etc ... 232, 1042 Starkey, Ann (widow), for establishing standards, etc., of pension increased .._ 1465 industrial devices `. 232, 1042 Starns, Martha J . (widow), for standards for checking chemical pension increased _._ 1434 analyses - . 233, 1042 Starr, Mary E. (widow), for investigating radioactive sub- pension ._._.___,___ 1502 stances- .. 233, 1042 Starr, Sarah A. (widow), for determining tensile strength of pension ..__.,,_________ 1453 ropes, cables, etc . 233 State, etc., Departments Appropriation for automotive engine investiga- Bill, tions- 233, 1043 correction in enrollment of, directed--- 1610 cooperative work for departments, State Homes for Disabled Soldiers and etc., from their appropriations- 233, Sailors, • 1043 appropriation for aid to -.-... - ----- 519, 933 for testing structural materials, addi- State Laws, National Conference of Comtional, 1925 --.. - ..-.. 706 missioners on Uniform, for industrial research, additional, appropriation for aid to ------_---- 545, 1222 1925 - ...-.--...- 706 State, War, and Navy Department Building deficiency appropriation for replace- Commission, ment o altitude chambers - 40 abolished, and all powers conferred for promoting, etc., economy in auto- upon Director of Public Buildmotive transportation - 41 ings, etc .-.--.-..-..-._.----_ 983 for paying damages claim .. 41 personal records, etc., transferred to for gauge standardization .- 55 newly created office -.-...-.--- 983 for industrial research .--. 55, 61, 759 I State, War, and Navy Department Buildfor military research -------.-- 697 ings, for standardizing mechanical appli- appropriation for deputy superintendances ---.-.-.---------..---.- 759 e-vit, and office personnel -_-- 529, 1207 for enlarging site of building for .--- 1328 for operating expenses .. 529, 1207 additional lands in the District for ex- for heating plant for Munitions and tending site of, to be acquired-- 950 Navy buildings .-..-.-.--- 529 Standing Rock Agency, N. Dak., for printing and binding for - 529, 1208 appropriation for support, etc., of deficiency appropriations forfuel, lights, Indians at, from tribal funds- 411, 1161 etc ..-.---.. 55, 759 deficiency appropriation for civilian for elevator repairs, etc., main buildemployees at -..-...-. 1329 ing -..-...-...-.--_-- 680 Standing Rock Indian Reservation, N. for installing electric elevators, etc., and S. Dak., main building ----.--------__- 1316 homestead entrymen, etc., in former, additional rented buildings for Internal allowed extension of time if Revenue Service, in the Disunable to pay money due -...-. 1184 trict, placed under superintendinterest in advance to be paid -- 1184 ent of ..- 693 further extension allowed; limit - 1184 funds, etc., transferred .-.-.-.----.- 693 Standley, Luraney R. (widow), office of superintendent of, abolished- - 983 pension increased, - .------.----.---- 1468 duties conferred upon Director of Stanfill, Jasper N., aliasloseph N. Stanfll, Public Buildings, etc -..-.. 983 pension increased ---...-------.- 1394 Statement of Appropriations, Stanislaus National Forest, Calif., appropriation for preparing, first sesexchange of lands with private owners sion, Sixty-eighth Congress .--.. 586 for addition to -_.---..--. 953 for preparing, second session, Sixty- Stanley County, S. Dak., eighth Congress -.-... - ..-..-- 1294 bridge authorized across Missouri River States, between Hughes County and--- 101 additional yearly allotments to, for ag- Stanton, Martin V., ricultural experiment stations--- 970 pension increased ------------------- 1392 access to corporation income tax re- Stape, Rhoda M. (widow), turns allowed to officers of, on pension --------.----------.--.---- 1512 request of governors ---.- - ----- 293