Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/982

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2290 1r<n1·;x. Straight, .Uart}m A, ltI`ltl(Ill‘\l_ 1'·•|· .\tr·u·tu¤uI .\Iuh·r•aJ», I’q• pension 1429 appr··pr•atn»n for inveatigatiom nf Strom, lrtlbllltlylttll, alms John tJ.t.s.n._ _··i··¤»¢·. ¢`€’||N‘!1\, ctr 230, Hl;19 pension [txt; ¤1|T•¢'1‘\;|IIUl1{I|I|Ih•\ wl nwtliudp gz NH4 S · , VK » _ L., 1111- lug, •· r , _ 'Q [ I h,;1(f::;;,;,,(i'N_m in Uh, ‘ A ,4;,, `lunt;»r`;;~7:'::¤f, xiltilttcaariul, 1925 . . , 706 Strauser, (`atharinc lwiriouw, l ,*,,6,;,,,,. ' HL", 1)**1***10** “‘('r€'U*"l ·-~» V · V — . H"! Student Intrrpn-tern (ur Interpreters, Dip- Strawbcrry Passage, Green Bay, li'¤.~., lninatic and (`onnular Service} preliminary exaininatien, etc., of, lu he , Nttulrnls, made,. . . . 1105 I lmna title, neekitxg to enter Dfllfl) for Slrau*br.*ry Valley Irrigation Project, l`tah, ‘ *1110) ht IH are retllted nrlnnol, appropriation for maintenance, etc., Nth <‘*;**¤*1F•¤i‘*1 ¤{4 |¤*;¤}•|¤l2•\ i¤¤· ln, . of ____ _ ______ _ __ _____ V Mpc Hyg; * llnlttfln ¤ Ul |||||11§fI lon ct n.

 Strawn, Sarah A. ( u·idon·l,   Wu":;’",‘im;’;:;’a’a`2l},'_;’::;f; V- V V 155

S,5i‘E.'Z.'Z‘?$I.L1§$ZE°’°" ‘’’`‘i‘` 2 iiii I"" { t ‘;l‘""‘““’s ""’ I ’ I , . . appropriation for cooperative, Indian h;,g:,,,x,i' g ary_A` (fl uhm I' ,504 Sggvicc with Geological Sim]! HH l q,,,,,_,_,"(' Xb,-ga, (u_u,0u,,‘° ` “ ‘ ‘ ` ··-·---VV----V·V- V ·V·-— · · wnsion increased. . -. . . 1494 Streeker, Charles B., l Sxihhurnid Land Farming, Credit in 84*0011UtS of., - .».. 1361 appropriation for improving methods appropriation for ... - ., 1361 l of__ , _ _, _ _ , , 2_______ , _ _ _ 442, 832 Street Cleaning Di1··isz'on, I). C., Submarine Mine Ilqfenue Structures, appropriation for salaries --- , 551, 1228 appropriation for repair, etc., fortificafor sweeping, removing snow and [inns ____ s _ »_______V_ , ____ 496, 912 icc, ctc . ... 551, 1228 Submarine Mines, Army, deficiency aplpropriation for- . 679 appropriation for purchase, etc., sca- Street Railway ompanies, D. C., coast defenses __,_.._ , __,_____ 502 provisions permitting merger or con- for maintenance of sup lies, etc- . - 502, 912 solidation of W.. - » 1265 for to iedo depot, giort Totten, conditions subject to ugreement of N,r§' ,_._.. , _.,.,.. . ..- 502,912 stockholders and approved by for maintenance of supplies, etc., in- Public Utilities Commission. . - - - 1265 sular possessions ,________e,_ 502, 912 approval of Congress required ... 1265 for maintenance of supplies, Panama incorgorpticpicoiénder provision of 26 f Canal _____________________ 503, 912 is vic G , 1 5 or urchase of etc. Panama Canal,. 503 antimerger prohibitions not applica- Submaririie Signals,’Lighthouse Service; ble to acquisition of stocks, etc., appropriation for establishing, etc.- 233, 1043 for merger .. .. 1265 Submarine Tender, Streets, Avenues, etc., D. C., limit of cost increased of, numbered 3- - 1276 appropriation for assessment and per- Submarines, mit wor ’ - . 545, 1222 a ipro iriation for developing motor for paving roadways under permit I Ipower for ,,_,__,_______._._,_ 191 system ... - 545, 1222 Submarines, Navy Fleet, for street improvements; designated appropriation for constructing two 881 allotments .. - .. 546, 1222 cost, etc .,. C ... 881 for constructing, and curbs and gut- Subpanas, U nitcd States Courts, ters,etc.; from gasoline-taxfund- 1226 for witnesses in other districts; provifor grading ---- 548, 1226 sions for permissive extension for condemnation, ctc.; small pagkg continued until September 19, areas . 4 , 1226 1928 1265 for opening, etc., outside of cities; Subsistence Allowances, Army, from District revenues .. 548,1227 appropriation for . 482, 897 for repairs, etc-- ... 548, 1227 Subsistence Allowances, M urine Corps, moto; trucks, vehicles, etc . 249, 1227 appropriatigii for, officers .. ggl, 879 stree ra` way pavements- 49, 1227 for enlist men . - ... 2, 879 changing curbs etc-- - 549, 1227 Subsistence Allowances, Navy, for replacing sidewalks and curbs appropriation for, officers- -- J-; 193, 872 around reservations, etc , 549, 1227 For Nurse Corps ..,.. - .. 193, 872 for repairs, suburban roads ... 549, 1227 Subsistence, Army, for sweeping, cleaning, removing appropriation for supplies for issue as f sraow andtice, etc .. - 55g, 1228 f 'Irations_ _ S . 28% S3; or lig ting, e c 55 ,1229 or rans ort ervice 8 , 8 deficiency appropriation for marking, for mea1sFetc-- . 483, 898 etc., trafiic 1ines-- - 675 sales to officers, etc- ... 483, 898 for traflic signals, lights, etc . 675 for meals, ctc., for rifle matches; closing authorized of designated, and limitation . - 483, 898 o’g1ers,toconform with highways 7 for payments; commutation of ra- 3 8 8 n-, - .. 99 tions, ctc .. 48 , 9 Strickleqlltuth E. (widow), for advertising; prizes for cooks, pension increased ... 1396 bakers, etc . 484, 898 Strothers Ferry, S. C., for preserving, accounting, etc 484, 899 bridge authorized across Broad River at 1127 deficiency appropriation for- 62, 762, 1350, 1352