Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1001

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`9S7» ~ i TITLE 81.·—HONEY me estate · and eEects of an ahscondihg. cimemledgeqr absent l dome m·e`dttache<1. by ot liv, cs to in which 1 an set of bnukwpicyis committed. *(R. S, §· 34%) { » 192. Liability of Sdncinrles.-=Every executor, admiulstx:at—or,_ e `or :£ssigéi‘€,”0r to the: pe n, wh? my due by the l 1 poi·e.,»n or estate whom or · {or jwhich he :_scts,· before < -· he sntisnes 'nud pays; the debts he to the United States from 1 ' saith person or estate, shall me nxlswemble- in his own 1 peréen and estate ie: the debts V due to the United States, 1 or fer so much·théreof as may rr in ·dne;end unpaid. (R; 1 s_§:%46?.} . f§‘ "1 `I93. Priarity of sureties.-—-gwhen r the princlphl in any. 1 howl eziven to the United States isZinsoW•§t§T>T _ t i . · g p · . . J p¤·im·ipnl deceased; his- estnte and effects which come. to e gt; hands of his executor; admlnistrato1·,·.or assignee, egg. in? Q, susneient for the payment of his `de6ts{ and, in either ot such 4 psses. any Surat}; G9 the bond,·o1: the executor, adzninistretor, 1

  • ..1-‘ assignee ,of sneh surety ps,ys—~ to‘the`United,hStates 'thet

‘m.·m—§ due "upon such noaa; such surety, his executor; p.d§_ , ministrator, or` assignee, shall have the like priority for the 1 m·»x·ery and receipt ,0f the moneys out ?of the __ estate and , _(·;`4‘·_»¤=:$ of such ~i;iso¥veut or deceased principei as ,.is, secured? q 1.. me United. Ste.tes~_; and' may bringnnd maintain a suiti 1 upon the `bond, ie l:1w‘0r equity; lu his own `muii—e,_for the .1 `m_··»sjer;· at all xncneys pnid‘_there<mQ (·B. S.` § 3468.} _ - .. 194. Comprqmise;—Up0u a. reportby :1 district,.attoruey, or { phy special nttorney or agent. having charge of any claim in mvor oflthe United States; ·showing lndetail the conditiou_·ot_ j enich claim, and the terms upon which the samejmaybe com- .

i.;=eg1, and (recommending that it be compromised upon the _ 5

n·¤·ms so oéered, and upon the reécnmxehdetion of the Solicitor : ··£ the Treasury; the»SecretarQi‘ of the Treesi1ry_is.a¤thori2e¢l- `: tqcannpremtse such claim accordingly. But the provisionsbf this section shall not epplye to any claim;};1rising· under the `· postnlluws. -(R. S.} 3469.) - _ _ ·- G l - 195. Purchase on execution.-—At every sale; on e2gecution,.£1t— ; me suit of the UnitedfStates,- of lands or tenements of a debtor,. · the United States mayyby snchngentgas ·the_ Solicitor of the _ ’}`rea:sury shell appoint, become the purchgsér thereof; but in“ ( ` ne ease shall the agent .btd· in behalf ot the,United States a. t grenterhrncunt than that-.0t the judgment _.-for which such ·~ estate may be exposed to*si;1e, 'aandthe costs. —WhenEever 'stmh ; _;»m·t·hase is made, the mershnl ot the district in which the . sale is held shell make all needful conteyances, assignments, hor transfers to Qthe United Stqtes. (R. S. Q- 3470;} ` A _ 1%. Disdu.r¢c“of poor debtor; by ef_ the Treas- · ¤¤'··-———Any imprisoned upon execution issuing. from ·=sny. —. Mutt of the United Btntwga for i debt due tof the United States, ’_ which he is unable to D8!. mah "nt ani time éfter commitment, · make- appllcatien; in writing; to the Secretary ot the Treasury, · stating the circumstnnc& of hh case, and his inability to dis- ' ‘ ”·charge the debt ;, and thereupon the Secretary may make, or require to be made, sn egemination and inquiry into the cir·· eumstsncés et the debtor, by the oath of the dehterh which the Seeretary, er any other pemn by him_ épecinllyl appointed, is p suthoriied to ndinlniqter, or otherwise; is the Secretary shall deem necmeery had expedient, `tc ascertain the truth; end Html-Jkoof made to his satisfaction, that the debtor is unable . tg Pay the dehtltor which he is imprisoned, and Hint he has . not concealed or inade any conveyance of his estate, in trust,

 {or himself, er vfith an intent to. detrand .thé·Uni_ted States;

’or to deprive them ot their legal priority,. the Secretary is · authorized to receive from- such dehter nn! deed, Assignment cr conveyénce ot his real cr personal estate, or any eollgteml sccurlty,_to the use ot the United Statese Upon s compliance by the debtor with such terms and conditions és the Secretary? may judge reasonable and proper, the Seeretarjr must tssne ·

wuz: FINANCEZ ’ e§ 203 gis order, under his hnnd, to the of the prison, directlng him to ndlscmrge the debtor his nnder such execution. The debtor shall/Expt tiable to be; imprismed again for the debt ;’ the mil remain in rorce, and may be »&t&ned ont any e ny then, >r nt any time nfterwnrdi beloné to the debtor. The benent ye at this section all not extended to Amy person imwhened . ` for any tlne, eitnre, an penalty, by a brea@ of any law ot the Illt€d_”St8té§,` or for moneys héd and. received by niy__ oill _ , Yhgent, `or other for their nee; nor shall its pr isiom-_ extend to any elnim arising under the postal mw .- (-1:. S. _; 2.411.) ‘ ·  » , b_ * { ’ 97. Same; by President,—Wnenever any person is impriw , med` upon, execution for a debt wine to the Unitd Sthtes, wllioh he lis unable. to pny, nzigl- his énse dis sue}: as dws not. authorize _ his dtsclgarge by the. Secretary of the, T¥ 1f], under section 196 of this titlfr he mny.-mnke_app1ication’»to me Presldent, who, upon proof, made . to his satisfaction) mnt the debtor is unable` the debt, and a compngnee by the debtor with such terms and conditions as the President} shall deem proper, may order the glilschnrge - ot enc}; debtor from his imprisoQninent,f·_ The debtor `shall not be liable to be "iinprinoned nga-in for Ythe same debt; b~nt~ the jnégwnt shell remain in force, and may be sntisned ent of nnyeeiate . which may then, "`or nt any · time nfterwnrd§,' belengv to tm ' debt0r._· (RTS. § 3472;) . » Q , Q · r198. Debts to, the United States; in what cnrrency to be . paid.--Allltnxes nnil nll other debts and` demands than ldnties on imports, accruing br becoming due to the Unit& States, may lm pnid in gold aml.sihjer coin, Trensury nota, United e States notes, or notes ot natienni bz1nksQ._ (H. S. { $$73; Feb. S 27, 1877,-e. os, § 1,*19 sm.1;249;) 5 a y , ‘ 199. _ Same—;° what `coin receivable.-——No gold or silver other f than coin.-of standard tlnenem of the United stn;es,’mn11`¤e £ receivable ln » payment of dues to the Ullitéd Stntw, except ns provided in seétions 372 and 374 of this title. (R; S.-S $@4*) a , 201. Mints- of Unit; States; naw bank mtu receivaHe for.-—The note; ot_ national bnnlrs nlug! be received nt par fer · nl1,`debts end demands ewing by the _ nitéd States to any pereon within the United States, except `interwt pnplie <lebt,` or in redemption of the national currency. (R. S. { 3;475L)i _ A __ { » _' M ‘ 202. Same; Treaanry notes payable for.--Trqsury noteey bélfillé interest fmay be, paid to any creditor et the United States at their fnc’e_ value, excluding interest, or te nny credrtcir willing to receive mem` ag par, including intermt. - (B. S. § 3476.)y._ ·, ‘ " " -— . 203; Aaégnmenta of Y0id·r··-·All transfers ami Ynmigm ' ments} made ot any claim npontlrie United Stetee, or ot any ` part ~ or share thereof, or intermt therein, jrlyetber `abeolnte " or conditional, ?and nybatever may be the cclnsiéerntion there-» for, ang! all'? powers or attorney, oréss, or other aptlnoritiw ¤` for receiving payment ot any such claim, org any part or share, .tereo·t,xexcept askoprovided in section of tbls—~·tit¥.e, shall be jnmolutely, nnll and yold, unless they nre freely made and execnted in the premncejot nt least? two nttmtlng wit- . nesaw, after the allowance of such an clnim, the ’ascertnln· ` ment of the amonnt dne, and the iseiing ot a warrant for the. payment thereof. Sncn transferee assignments, nnd. powersi of nttornelh must recite the warrnnt for paymentp and xxmst be ack}ow;le<lged‘ by A the person making them, before an omcer having antbority to take. `aeknewledgements ‘n£ deeds, and shall be eerfined by the oélcer'; and it must appear by the certincate that the omcer, qt the time ot the acknowled,ge·— _inent,{read nnd“ fully explained the. transfer, assignment, or warrant ot attorney in the 'pernon acknowledging `the same. The ‘provisLpns of this section shall not apply to myments for