Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/107

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93 T1 TLB _7.-·-AGR} enlmre as be may mlgnate, made after the wrties in lnterut h de here l1nd_0pp01't¤nity to be hwrtl, @1111 be accepted in the nu

nuns nf thi? Unlteq States as prlmn facie evidence of the he

mw gmdc of the grain determined by him at the time and el igzleg in thn Rlldin (Aug. 11, 1918, c. 313, § 6, 39 e Se $1:4}.43*}-J P ~ ’ `" · _ _ l' m $9. License . to inspect and grade; State inspctersr-—The 11 "esn·¤~tary ot ;`§,_,,"'l'l(t’l1}'E¥1l'€ may issue a license tclnny person, - · ngrpn préentadon in him nf sntlsfactcry evidence that such

  • `gwéun is ccmiwteut, to inspect and grade graln and to certltl- ( m

{me the grade thereof ter shipment or ilelivery for hhlpment -1:11 in interstate or foreign commerce, under this chapter and the 11 enées and regulations prescribed thereunder. No person nu- ( gzmrized nr" @$0yéd by day `Stnte; county, city, town, beard kl

 made, chamber of commerce, <:0rp0ration,"society, partner-!  35

Seen, or association in ¥ln$pect `oxg g·ra`ln shall certify, or_ gi {·zin·rwise state or lndicnteln Wl'iti¤§,' tmt any grain for shlp— m ggeeizi or delivery I0; shipmqnt in lgterstute or ‘ foreign cém- in n¤·¤·e. which has been inspected br graded by him, nr by any`. ga

¤»m»n acting undef his anthnrlty, is of one nf the grades of S;.

me nrlicinl grain standards of thelinlted States, unless he holds pl an nnsnspended nnd nnrevnked license by the Secretary in uf Agriculture: Prméidcé,-,That. in any State which has; 01* in whirl: my herufter have n State grain lnspeetion department m »r;el»1i>=l1ed by the laws at SI1;€h’St8t€, the Secretary 0t“.§g1flcnl· th mee shell issue licenses t0__the pers<Q•ns`duly -autl191iized`.nnd· {A l·n:;»lnyed to inspect m1d.§¥‘¤de_grnin unde1¥the—1aws‘ot such T yéeésre.- (Aug. 11, 1918, cl 313, 5.7, 39 Sint. 484.) _ ‘ > _ In w. Revacnaim ramisnspion af lice1wg;.-g—Thé_‘Secrétnry·0f- in ( Aesrlculmre ma#y·su~spend_0r revoke any- llqeuse issued by him pg under this chapter whenever, after opportunity for hearing has 3, been `givw to me-li e,·the Secretnry shall déterminc]tlw.t_ 'tg, snr}: licensee is incompetent. of has knowinglylor carelessly M

£rndl~d grain imprgrly. cr by` any other wnndnré than is or

nualanrized under thisxhapter, or has issued any»fn1se‘cettiile<·:1t+¥ n{_gg_§_e¤Q»>r has nceeptad any xnbney nr other gzonslderw se mm, directly or ln2ifféE5i,i Iéiany ‘n cr;··impreper»pex~nn» l`••i"H}£1}1i.’¢ of duty, er has (vlqlnted guy provision of thin chapter H, <·r_ of the rules aud,re@1ndq3s thereunder?. Pending ih- th awstignticn the Secretary ot Agrlc1.utu1·é,(_ whenever hel deems th zwesszrry, may suspend a license tegpbrarily yvlthemthearlng. in (-\n::.‘ 11, 1916, c. 313, S 7, M Sat. 484.) · _ _ “ be y 81. in- act u inspector or 'depnrtmental agent.-—»—Nc person licensed y tbl; Secretary of Agri<.lture to (3; ·im=peet‘ dr grade grain or efzléyed by him in carrying out any uf the provisions at this ch pier shall, during the temp cfsiléh -3; I iicm1sc_qr employment, he interested, Hnnnciully er otherwise; - 92 llirectiy or imlirect;1y,· in any grain elevator or wa1·éhs>use,‘0r mq _ 93 the xnerelinndislng of grain, nor shall he be in the emnlbyment —94 of any person nrqéorpcratlcn owning or npergtzlng may grain 95 =i‘lt*\'&i{£3l’ or wunehimuse. (Aug. 11, 1916, c._313, } 7, 39 Stht: 96 484.) -. _ · _· .91 82, Records and reperts by i¤mpect¤m.·-——The" Secretary oi Amiculture shall require every inspector licensed under this 58 vlszapter to keep eemplete and correct records of n1l' grain 99 — xmded nad inspected by him and to mskerepnrts t0· the Se¢re4 _ wry qt Agriculture, in such farms and at such times as be may wqnxire, showing the place of insnection, the (lite of ineipection, ‘ 611 me name et the elevhtcr- or warehmme, it any, tc which the $¥ xmin was delivered 0s.·imm‘which it was shipped; the kindof _ ¥l’=1ii2.·—ll10‘qrlmntltgrof ench kind, the grade _.themnf, and Such Hiller »ln£¤;mn_tionans the Secretary of `Agrlculfnre may deem I - Hxwestynry. (Aug, 11, 1916, c; 313, { 7, 39 Stat. 484.) » A L · YU 83. Semiannnal repartq by Secrniiy.··--—The sepretary pf Agn·icaultux·e, on each Bmt in January and each Brat ml Tuesday ln July ct mqhflyeur shall mfneké publication 'ot a summary et such `Iacts as iare nscertnlned, showing in as nat pe ¤ \

YQU..LT_URE , Q2 stall as possible oil the facts;. includipg a summary as to tho _ mount and grade of groin delivered to any elevator or woremse and the amount land grade of grain delivered from such ovator or w¤rehome,· and the mtimsted amount received OB nmple or typo by sixoh elevator or wé1rehouse,‘ and the estiatod amount ,dclis·ercd therefrom on sompié or typcj (Aug. L, 11916, ci 313, { 'Z! 39 Stat. 484.) ” o _ 84. Adoption ‘ by Secretary of mia sind regulations ge¤erily.·—·—Tho Secretary ot Agriculture shall, from time to time, ako such rules and regulations as he may deem necessary for ne emciént execution 0t’t.he.provisio·¤s ot this chzxgtcr. (Aug. L, *1916, c. 313, § 8, 39 ‘§t&t. 485.) ‘ $5. Violatioins geécijtni; P¤Rishmc¤t.——Any who shall mowingly violate any of the provisions of séctions `76 or 79 to 5, inclusive, ot this bhaptor, or any inspector 'under niowcdgapter évho shall k:1owi\ng1y‘i¤spect ·or » grade improperly my groin which; hasn béeqshipped or dolivercd for shipment » interstate or foreign cogmorco, or shall knowingly glie am? A also cértiticaté of grade, or shall aocept money, or other conde;·atiou,"{dirog:tly d. or indirectly;. for any neglect or improper?} ztfformauqg oi duty, ·am1 any porsox; who- shalt impmimrly —

H_ue1;ce~» or attempt to improperly- iH§§1¢!1€E’ inspector

l- the `performance of hi; doty, shall bg guilt! of a__misdeeanorg and upo;1 couir1ctioriYtIzogeo§‘shdlI be _£ncd not m—01’€ ton $1,00§,_2o1‘. bg imprisoned not more than one yea}, or both, Aug,;1,1916, c.·313,_ {S9, 39_Stat. 4%.) · · / _` · . _ 86;; Interference ivith gxecgtm of p&¤&·

mt.¤-—Every" ivho forcibly amaults msism, impeéos, or

itérferos with uu} omécr oxjomployeo of tho Huitod 8tatos Donrtnient of Agriculture in the oxecxitim of any éatim anthem ed to be —por1'om1od by tbislchamexi or the mm ind d ¤t - ons_ made thereunder `s§sll, upon cwticdoa th@f, be Swat M: more. than $,000, ot be im grtéo¤ed"¤ottm¢o:e· than me year, · both. · (Aug. 11,_ 191Q, c. 313,.5 10» Btéti. _ 87. ;EEgct of `psirtitlr hvaMity. of dapter.-o-¢—It myd dame, »:1tencé,`pa1*agréDh,_ or part of this chaptm mal}, for ao! raw

+b¥» ·¤¤¤i|'·-QLQ° €B$_  to bo

yalid, such 1¤~<i8mc1it shall not a¤oc·t, ~imp¤ir,` or ingnlidsto to rémaindor thereof; but shall be coimnod in its omndou to— Qc `clauso, sctxtonco, paragraph,} or part thereof directly i¤· >1ied—· in the controversy an which inch judmout shall have eexi reudegcd. (Aug; *11, 1916, cQ 313, { 11, 39`$tat;4%t) » btiptor 4.-4-;-NAVAL STORES _` AG1‘.;_ "` . `Short title_d,of_ chiptor, ` , >. Dctiujtions: ·. . 4 · . o. Establishment of hl Mya! stores s`t¤.¤•;lu·dst” . Supplying Mduplicat wot sta.ndu•ds;_t·.cxo.mi¤atio¤, etc., of uavql ” storx and-‘<:e:‘°tI!1 ttlt tibix thereof, ‘ » . ~— . _

 Prohtbitioin ot. gcts Eeemqd injurious to commerce i;1_naval Stoyes.

~. Punlshnaenx iorqiotation otprohibttiou. ~ _ * '..I’u,mhas§ gndhanilysis ‘by Secretxri ot samples of spiyits of tur- —pontin¤ to jlotect wiolatiohs; reports to Department of Justice; publication of results of amxlysis, etc. 1 t . Appropfiatio;1 forwxmd expenses in enforcement of tbapteo:. d. Egcct bfsparttail inyalkllty of chapter. ,· Scctionq 91. Shott title of éhspto1·.—-··For convenience of reforpcs, thisphapter may be designated ood cited as "TI1e Naval

ox·es'A<:t." (Mar. 3, 1923, cz. .217, 5 1,42 Stot. 1`435.)

92. D¢§Rifi0$v¥`V1l&H_U$§t‘§H this ghgpter——— » _. (a) ‘*—Néw&1 storoS" means spinjifs of turpeutine and rogin. (5) “Spirits of tm·pontix;a “ includes gum spix·it of tarponuomxd wood ttikpentixiot - · ~ 1 . · (G) “Gum ¤pix·its'o§_turpo11tino" moans spirits ot tutpvnthinoo ade from gum (oleosesiu) from a livixig trees ‘ _ (cl) "Wo0d ‘éturpeoti;1o_" includoé stesxm distilled, wood turrntino and destructively digstiilod wood turpontine.