Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1080

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§ $@3 TITLE l3.!.——-—-NAV{G.¤@TION . x·l»$s<r·l. b<>h>nged, cfssuch less, and the prébable occasionjthereot smting me name and_ the offacial number (lf any) of thé vesécl, Emi the, names of all persons on hoard, so far as the same can be ascertained, and shall fngmlsh, izpcm request oct the collw~§:·u§r •;>f_sucl1 part, such additional iifcrrizatlcm as he may be alslv; and if he neglect to comply with the above requirements within a, rvzlsmaable time, he shall incur a· penalty of $100, <.hm·.;~` 20, 1874, c. 344, § 11, 18 Stat. 128.) . · . ‘ $$3. Traxésmissisa by cullectars of imstoins of reports ’t0 Secrétary ofTCcmmucc.—It_s1laH ba; the duty of tlmcallectors of ¢.z;’§t0:ns tc ixlnmediatcly trdusmit to the·Secrctary of Cbmi a:m»¤:·:·<= such repéxrts and infcrmaticn as they mdy recelvéunder, lim gkcvisiuus of the two precedixgg .scctio¤s,, and they shall also report to the Secretary at Commetlcg any neglect or refgasal an the bart of the managing owner, agent,. 0; master oi any s·e·s.sel of the United States to ccmply _`with- the requiremvszls thereof. (June 20, QST4, c. {M4, § 12,*18 Stat. 128.) ` 364. Remission and recaicry of pcu•1ties.—Thc Sebretary of _CBHiIB&fC€ may, upon applicatimf therefor, remit 01·_mltigate may penalty provided “f6r lu the preceding. sections of this clmimer, or Edéctmtixme ahy —prosecution_ to U recover thé same,. up<5:1_,éu{:h téfdzs. as he, in his discretion, shall think proper, and shall have autlwrity tc gscertaiu the factszupoxiyall such?

1;mli<:atim1s iarsuch malunet and uuder—Such·regulationsi as he

may think proper. ° All penalties hercin‘provided may be suéd fm-, pms»e~c·uted, réc0verecl, and disposed cli in tha ‘mamlé1·` prescribed by section 396 of chapter 8 rof this title. (Mar. ‘3, 189*2 c. 3S9,§ 11, w St¤t.,69Q.) ~ ·` , . _ . “ ‘ 385. Repérts by swucfs, e{c., ofibarges in t0w.——i-The, owner; agmzt, pr master of every' Barge which, vvhileff in tow through the cpm; Sea, lids sustaiizad or caused any accident, slmllibp smhject ixiiall respects tg the [)ll0YiSi0l1S,_0£· the £0ur_(p1‘¢0edi1ng se~<,·1iutus, and tina reports thexeixx prescribed shall be transmitted Gy 4·,ullmt.ors of cdstcms to the Secretary of Commerce. . (Maxi 4, 1%,5, c. 153, § 15, 38 Stat. I184.) ” _ . · `» pl » 366. Reports by Secretary of Commerce to Congress.-;-·Tble Se§·;€.·tary,’0£,t Commerce shall transmit annuallyfto Gdngress a_ suzaiujlary af the repotrts, transmitted tb Him by the collectors cf t czssmma as required! in the preceding sections cit. thi; chapter Qxzring the previous iiischl year,‘t0getlzcr.wltl)‘a brief statement scf the aqtimn of the ilepattzxxeut li: respect t0_ such accidents; (mr, 4, 1915, (3. 1:s.2;§ 15, as Stat,_11S4;.) _ U t _ :5 387. Buxybf master of vessel in vtqllisima in give! gid, name af this wrizszlei, ctc.-——Iu§ avery case. of cqllisicn between two vessels it shall be tixé duty of the master 0::; perscm`1x1 charge, of teach wésel, it and éo ml: as he can do so withegtserlous dmiges.- te his asm 'vessel, crmv, and paséengers (lt muy), to émg? by the atlhez? vamsel until he l1&8U$§C€1't8j.B€d that gba imag lil;} mxzd of further `assistmicé, and to 1Sen§,e1·_ to the 6tl:;,cr_ , m:s:·zel,, har master, crew, mgxd ·pa,ssé¤gar$ (it any) suth assistwaxma ;; g‘mtay' he préctléable and as may b@.¤ec¢ssary‘1n.¤rclez—

  to _;;.:1x·s;+ thém (mm any danger caused by the collision, and also
 t<>."gl s·a m dye mlmtar gr mrsm in chargé of thsféthexj vessel,

the mma -<s£._‘_lais own vwsel and har port at reglétfy, gt thé gwxt cr place to svhiéh sha ,bcl0¤§a, and False the hams of the pmtzs and Qplmm from which l and ta vtrhieh we lg bctmd. ..If lm falls sm tu lic, ¤—x;_1@ uh matgqnibla cause fg: failure is spowafg tllégcallisiah `§hall, in the yabsehcelcf hmm ca the con? tmry, he deemed to have cauwd by his xv`mngtul_`_sct, new légbt, 11: defzmlt, (Sept. 4; 1%% é. 875, { 1, Stat., §2§.) g $$8. Penalty fm failure tu kgive aid, ¢t1:.··§-·Evgry master or Q perslm i, charge at .9} U:1lt&_ §ta.tea vmsel who tails, without rzasexxable cause, ta render such ass §t¤¤c~g m {give mich lm fummtlm gs required id"' the pmcédllzg mctlo:1 shall be deemed guilty of a. mtisdemexmr, and shall uwllable ta a pamally 0t°$1,Q0G, of impriscnmént I0: 2 term not éxéeadigg tm: _ {mars; mad for tha sham mm; the shall liable and

AND NAVIGABLE WATERS ltgm may be seized and proceeded against by proccss in anyldiszmrrg court of the United States liy any person; one-half Acuch. sam . to be payable to the lnfcrmér and the other half to mo t;Hg,..% ” States. _ (Sept. 4, 1890, c. 875, § 2, 26 Stat. 425.) Ghsptor 7.-—·REGULATIONS FGR `THE SUPPRESSmx »

 OF 'PIBAGY. °` .

Sec. , t » _ 381. Use of public vessels tdsoppress piracy. 382; Seizure c£_ plratical vessels gcncrolly. 383. Rcsistanccwat pirate; by merchnnt_véssc1s. 384. Condemnation of plratlcol vessels. 385. Seizure and condemnation of vessels Qttcd out for piracy., .986. Commissioning private véscls for sclzuro of pimtical vc>;sclr, 387. Duties of 0$ccrs ot. customs and marshals asm scizxirc. I N CROSS REIFEKENCE ’ __ Ag rogarda piracy and other édouscs on tlie hlghj seas, goo SrYm.ra 48.1 ct seq., of Title 18. » · _ ’ " ‘ . - l Section 381. Use °•f public zvcéséls to supprws pirocy.·~'1‘lo— President is authoriicd to cmploy so many of. the public mom vessels ,as_in his judgment ‘thé_servlce xjody requ,l1tc,‘ aplo iBSC1;\1CUOBS.€§‘th8 comnoxidcrs thereof, in protecting iho V merchant wesscls ot the United States and their crows from piratical nggressions aud·depi‘cdati0¤§o_ (R. S. S 4293.) 382. Seizure of pinticsl vessels gcocrally.-—-The Pres%<lr»¤r is authorized to instruct the commanders of the public arinco vooscls of the United States to subdue, soizc, take, and gcndjimo any port of the United States, any armed vcsool or boot,. or any vessel orboot, the crow whereof shall be armed, and which . shall have attempted or committed any plmtical aggreséioo. search, i'€Stl‘¥;1iHt; depreciation, `or éclzoro, upowgany vessel cot Y thQ·Ullit€d States, or of the citizens thereof, or uptvé my othez- Vessel; and s`o to retake any. w·csccl_ ot the United Stotéé, or ` ‘ its citizens, which ‘msny have been unlawfully captutcdlrmon tho high seas. .(R. S. § 4294.)* . _ . l j` 383; Resistance of pirates by merchant vessels.-———Thc mm- _n1andcx·`and crew-of any mcrchontvcoscl of the United Stores, owned w‘holly,jpr in part, by a citizcxr thorcogmay oppose ami . defend against any aggréssioo, search, réctraint,`cloprcdatio.n, or rsolguré, which shim boattomptcd upon gsucovgsscl, or upon any other vessel so owned, by`.the ‘comxuondcz‘ or crow of ang orzoczl vessel "wllatsocvcr, not being it poblic armed rcéocl of comc rnatlox; in amity with the United States, ood. may subdue and V capturo the same; and mayfalso retake any rogsol so owccxl E which may have been captured by the commxmdcror crcic of. any ouch armcd vcésol, and som! the soma into any port of the United States; (R. S;f'*§ 4295.) “ . , J 3 — [ f' VV _384.»‘ Condemnation of pirgtlcol Ycssclg,¢:—\\’hcocx·er any coo sc}, which shall havo bec:} built, purchased, Httcd out i¤_wholo or in part, or hold for tho pmrposo of héi»ng’ eroploycdlo llgc commission of any jllratlcol aggression. ceorch, rostmmt. _€lop:·c—· ·

 datiimwoz sciésure, or in tho commlsmoii of. any other act 0i' »

piracy as doflnéd by the; low of notions, or frog; which our lpimtlcal oggrréssioni, soorcbx restraint, déprodmglon, or. s%iZ1§¤`€ shall have boon `Erst ottomptcd or matic, is captured wil. . brmzight imcoor captorétl lo oo;} port of the Unltéd States, the. game shall be adjudged mxd.coz1domncd to Choir oocgood thm of the captors ottzor duel procoos ono trial in any court boring Admiralty jurisdiction-. and which shall holocn for the dio- ,tl‘l¢.‘€ into which amtch captured vossol~ shall brogght; tim? tlné saamocouerf olmll thereupon order g. sole and dlstgrlbutzem. l thorwilaccordiogly. and at__~lt;s discretion. (R. SJ Q98.) 385.. §cizurc` and condemnation of veogolo Ettcd out {GT pimcyw-—Any vcsoélrbuilty purchased, Qttog out in whole or ill part. or hold for tho purpose of bolog employed in tho.¢‘é1¤B*{>*‘ _ ~ Sinn of shy piraticol oggrelsolort, soorch, ro5t;réint!,goprcd&ti0¥¥· * or -ocizm·o,· or in the commiooioxg of any othkr oct of"pit‘&€§’»· 9* kiclncd by, the mw of lu.§tiolxs,°sl1.$.ll bc lloble "to be ¢&I>*-REQ Q .. .