Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1125

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HH _ TI1'L.E .1 ~ ,1,.;.., laptalas, comma¤dar¤.) llehteaant commandera who wr up may be, carried 0¤ rlhv NKY! list as addltlml to tha ,,,..,...a·a or reach wm mw be W %¤¥¤~‘l¤*°¤ wl! fmw tm mm gage; five grade Hwh ‘ recommendation ot aw {mal of naval efhwffr is hiB\`9¥!l provided. (aug, gg, 1915,- c__—4l7, 99 Stat. 578.) J . . . I ‘ ag:. •rw¤¤¢¤¢·¤¢· M ¤¤¤ve¤i¤x of {election .heard.——The board shall of nine rear admirala on_ the active list of the line of tf Navy mt l'€$l'1{ltCd;, by law t0 ,;...,,..·rrarmaaee or shore Gtr only. andehau he amomteq {hr me Secretary 5 at the lilavy and convened at leax once Yeaclz year.and atmh tixesvas Secretary of .the,Navy may direct. (Ang. 29, 1916, c. 117, W `Stat.- 578;} July 11, 1919, · 9. 41 Stat. 1%.) _ . , .. -._ . J L Oath of ieanbera of hard.¥—Each nmnber of mid board? shall axvear, or a§1jm, that he"` villl, withont prejudlcet or nartisalily, and having; ln View 8019*1] I the special 5t% or - H oai<—e:%s and- the emleney of » the naval wrvlce, perform. the `dama·ia¤;>osed» upon him as herein provided. ‘ (Aug, 29, 1916, `(~_ 417. 39 Stat. 578.) * ‘ _ ‘ a j ·— 294. Secretary of Navy to tarnish number ef_ vacaneiu; written. eoatdudcatioas of camidates.-—The board shall he furnislletl hy the .S&reta‘ry of Navy with the. nnmberof v;a·m¤·lt·§ in. the grades of rear admiral, captain, and eom-

 !;l‘:lllll(*l‘.{1l€!l existing and which may occar daring°_the next

- . hperiml of time. and with the new of all ohters who are pllzillli. `for eonalderatien for selection has hereln aathoriaed,

ctm·r ivith the record ot each otllcer_: Provided, That any

l»r!l=·e¤· eligible for eonhderation for 'selection 'shall have.the rissllt to forward through o@clal channels at any jtlme not l:ater`th:1n"`ten glaye after the convening ot wld board a written elemmmieation _ inviting`at~tention to any matter ot record in the Navy- Ilepartment.·coneer;aing himself which he deems rim} T pomzut in the cunaideratlcu of his case. “ (Aug. 29, 1916, c. —1lT..:;9 Stat. 578; July 11', 1919, 41·°Stat..139.·) ‘ _ 295. Service in grade before aelectloa.—No capl:fins..<:<»n1mzlntlt·»ra, or lieutenant commanders who bball, have _ had less than {oar yeare’ serv the grade ln- which they are a·¤·viug on _Noveraher `30 o the year ot the convening ot ··ll_a· ward shall be eligible fo€;onsideration by the board. (Aug. .1916, e. 417, 39 Stat. 8.)- ‘ . v V · , 296. Engineer: oEcera;· eligibility Qor numbers.-———The· recommendation et the hoardln the cane of ’eal<·ers ot, the. former Engineer *Corps who are rwtricted by , lavv to the perfaxmanee ot shore duty only and ln that.·of omrera who may hereafter he to e¤éiD$¤1'|¤8 fmt! `°¤l¥· shalll lmbaaed upon their comparative tltnme for the duties ereacrv for them by, law. Upon promotim they _¤hal1 be girgterl as additional numbers in grade. (Aug. N, 1916, c. 411,'{8.) __` < ., ° 129;. Namhcr of ahem reenmulended for necceeay arm¤m&of•lx¤e¤ber•efheard.—JI*heboardshall tfwmmend forhpromotion number ot .p&cel'a` HI ma! lbé necessary to dll vacancies tmn exl@ aw which may occar " **¤*‘l¤s. the next of time: Provided, itat noe —= shall . he recommended for- promtion u¤l$· he shall have rmelved the recommendation or not lm; than alrmembers oi "éald hoard. (eng. %, 1916.32. 417, w Stat. 579: May Q, 1917, c. 29, l 14, +9 Stat. 87:1 July 11, 1919, e. 9, 41 Stat. 139.) · ‘ ‘ · ’ 298L Report of robert of thelboard ahall h6 in { writlag sigma by]11 ei themmberajand. shall certify that the l beard has wenaay the me at every aww eiizihié dor consideration under the nwvlmas ot law. and that in the opinion et_at least aix et membera, the omeers therein ¤‘r<:<¤maaendea are the bea awed at all there under ccmidctar tm: to assume the {lathe ot the next higher grade, except that the recommendation of the Board at the eaaeot officera of the _ 1e:·mer En r Oorpawho are by law to the per-?

rg.-·-NAV; g §e, 311 tormance of shore duty only, and in thetfef omcers who` may, hereafter bdemigued to engineering duty eely, shall be beeed ‘ upon, their cemperative Mums te: the duties prescribed for them by law., (Aug. %, 1916, c. 41%, 39 Stat. 579.) ’ · Q _

  • 299; of e report te rmavming ef

bcdrd in case of &apm·evnl.·—The regiort mg the bemjd shall be submitted to the Prwldeét for approval er di&ppr~eval. Ihs

 any ewcer or omeis reeemmeudm by the board are net

zaceeptnble to the President, beard shall be informed, of the name of such emcer er emeersgsnd shall recomend a nmgber ot owceré equal to the mumbai et thme teund mt accemeble to the audit neeemnry be reemvenx ter this ptnrpme (Aug. 29, 191Q, c. 417,;@ Stat. 579;) . · ‘$¢6._EQect of President': approval; en¤i : failure _ to! pins.-—Wheh therepert etme Bwrd beve been up- ·prov¤ed by the President, the e¤cershrecemm~e¤@d therein ehalL "be deemed ellglbletoxj selection, and- K mall, take rhnkwltli one another in. aceerd• th their mleritym the grade ’tmm which pi·0meted: frevided, That any emcers so e Qlected shall prior toepronietiou be subject in all www to _the examinations `gifeseribed bx 1aw_ ter e®cers promoted by seniority, edd in cése*ef iailupe to were the required prefasional examination stick cmer shall therwftez be i¤ell@ble for selec/tion end promotion. led sheeld ae} meh e§cer tail tb pass the rgequired physical examination he shall not be cen-- sidered, in the event of retirement, entitled to the rank pi the I neit higher; grade, (Aug. 29,1916, c. 417, 39 Stat. 579.) _— ; ' .3012 Provisions relating te byeelcetiei as applicable to ustai" corps.-—The pmeisione of exiséng laws with reference tb promotion by `selection ln the line et the Navy are heseby. ezgtended te include-gud. authorize advancement ie the ranks_._ot comggmnder, captalny &¤.d`__1‘€%l° _¢dm‘ire1 in the stu! corps efthe Navy under the same ceeditiens mill respects seixcept as mei be necessary to adeet the said pmirislens to such sted come: Provided, Tliat boards ot selectieezshell breach case be composed, ·when pmetieeble, of not lm then Bve members et the corps concerned and pfremetions shall be made en the basis ot Htness alonebir selection {rem amen; the c®cers et the rainkpext liel0€v:—Prm>ided farther, Ihat tequlrmeats tensed servlceln grade, length at zhd maxl·— » mum age in, for prebxetien-shall uoitnmy. (July 1, 1913, c. `114, $0 Stat. 8_; July 11,1919, c. 9, 41 §t•t. lm) " ‘ . 392. Eleet of. pravislensjen wauéeé in line nf .dHt!.—-—-·T}18_ ·pmvmle¤s regarding the yremetiem by selection ot reapteiustih tm 'llmhf the permanent Nay; shell t net regtrlct the promotion of such captains ae may have beea wounded in" line of duty pricr te July 11, 1919, and jvylm we:·e· on the active· Hat im that dete, and such captains shall be wtitled to the hwedts of the ;>reviei<ms_ef seetlen—272 and sled te the bwedts of sectienu%0._ "(July I1} 1919, c. 9, 41 Stat. 147.) ~ SERVICE AND AGE;R®UIREMEN'1‘S . `. [311. Sea service age 'ef ¤pt&, cepnandmf er ;liee·.

 commander.-—»Ne·· mptain,   er lieetwoget com?

t msnder shall be pfometed anim he hhs had not lex thaatwe `ymrs’ actual sea servlee en seageing emps in the grade ie which seryinger who, le mere tmn &tty-slx, fifty, ee i0rty·¤¥·e years et age, respectively: Provided, ffhat in exceptional cases . “whe;e emcers are speclhcnlly deslgnhted during war er netional emergency declared by the Preeidwt by the Secretary of the ' [Navy as performl;ig, er_ as hdving. performed, sdch · hlglily ire- ` pcrtnnt duties on ehere that.theii‘,¤ervices- can net be of could ‘ net have been egred {rem wud; nseignmeth without serious pxgejudiee to the mcceesiul prmecutiee of the war, the qualificetlcn et service in the casa of these eEcers`_eo specideall; - designated shall not apply while the United States is atwer, ot during a·_11at“ieénal emergency declared by the President, or withixr two end one-hel! years subéequeut to the ending ot