Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1137

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1123 h TITLE 34 that the rates of freight charges hy, such vessels arétexcesslve

lll€l4llllF(*21S0H8l}l€Z Provided, That nopgreater chargesbe rnade

by <u··h Fvesscls for transportation for the use of the said Navy _,f,,.;; me- made by such V6SS¢l$ for transportation or ljkg goods for pn-igate parties or companies. _(Apr. 28, 1904, c. 1766, g L 3%:% Stat. 518.) · · h °· · . ~ W 529. Regulations as to articles, stores, and supplies for per- _ ,,,,p—.;— in ‘Na,vy;-duty of Pl‘¢Sid€nt_to make.-—It shall {be theduty 0,- at- president tornake. subject to-the provlsionsot law `coné vzming supplies, such regulations- tor. the purchase, preserva- @.,53; :l Htl disposition of all articles. stcreskand supplies pei'- sales in the Navy, asxnay be necessary for the safe and·eco· · 'i1;·z:1i<·:•l administration of that branch of the public service. simf Reserve material fund.-#—'J2he vreserve material Navy him shall be used for procurlng apparatus and materials » _ (qp{li{*l` than ordnance materials and medical stores), as a‘*war· ~` _ ;(·s4·rve necessary >to be carried in_ thesupply departments for . {llc purpose ot iittlng out vessels of—· the. iléet— an merchant = :.uriliaries‘in time of war or whenyin the opinion of the Presldent. a national lexnergency exists: Provided,-· That to prevent vdefe~z‘iul'£l£l0Il_Hl&t€1’ill]8 `ptrrchased under this fund shall he used as required in timefot peace, and when so used reim- 1

  • bursl>ment shall; be made ‘to_ this tundtrom current jnaval aplamprialtions in order that additional stocks may be procured.

sxlarq 4, 1917, c. 180, 39 Stat. 1183;* June 15, 1917, c.; 29, 40 sm. 211.) , ° " _ » — . l ‘ 531; Sale of fuel tonvolunteer patrol squadrons}-The Secretary of the Navy is authorized to' sell at cost and issue lubri- (‘;ill'll§{ all and fuel to vessels of the volunteer patrol squadrons duly enrolled in the several naval. districts; and during niam·urm·s,or practice drills when any vessels of said patrol-boat s_l,u;al·rons shall be acting singly orl ,_.i as squadrons under the slim-? vmnxliand or control of an olhcer or officers of the_United. S:nm··:; Navy, fuel shall be suplinéu to them. free of charge. eau;. *29,.1916, c. 417, 39 Stat.'600;··Mar.* 4, 1917, c. 180, 39} >¤m. 1172.) . . · . . - _ ‘ " S32. {Exchanging wom-out motor vehiclesi·—·—·—Worn·ou_t motor- _pr<;pelled’ vehicles for the Naval Establishment rnayl be ex- · (~l;;m;;ed as a part of the purchase price ot new ones. (Aug.

9. 1918, c. 417, 39 Stat. 565.) , at __

533. Procnreqent and sale of dores is uomcers- and men and ` to civilian employees.--Such stores as the Secretary of the N ary may designate may be procured. and sold to officérs and cniisterl me vy and °Mar¤il-he Corps, also to civilian lmlloyees at naval tions beyond the continental limits of me UnitedStates and in Alaska, under such regulations as the . §S..·;;t:;ryz£t)’the Navy may prescribe- (Mar. 8, 1909, ·c. 255, rw . ll . Q I . ’ ~- 534. Sales te éeeta, enllned arm, gse civilian employees, ot subsistence storm.-····¥So·_ much ot the appropriation ‘* Protlsions, Marine Corps" may bei necessary may ··be applied mr the purchase, for sale to 0¤eers. enlisted men, and civilian onlployees, ot such articles of subsistence stores as may from ‘ n:se_ to time be w s.; a`ndi-under ranch regulations as · ;¤4¤;;;_be4p1§e$hed”hy the Secretary ot the Navyd (Allgr 29, ` ‘··l,C. , B£:t.613·} ik l G- " ·’ ‘ luhllc Health Service.-Omcers and enlisted men ot the Coast Gaard and oQeers’ot the Public Hmlth Service inay be per- Illlllt:tl_ to purchase qnartermaster supplies from the Navy and Murme.Corp| It t®.,Hmé·§I‘l£8 as is tlre_0§lcers slid " gl} 2 Nffy GGTQ. ‘ (i·{·:• 69 l 536. Sales! stars, etc., to persons Under PaHie Health .treatg»mat.~Honorably Gln- ¤§§‘S and mea x the Army,—Nary, or Karim Corps, Wheelers, hda; cared for and an @1vlm UQMMSQUQ

.-NAVY ”§ 544 from the Public Health Service or United States Veteran? Bureau, shall, while undergoing such care and treatment, be pcrmiftcd to purchase subsisténce stores 8l}d· articles of other authorized supplies, egcept articles of the uniform, from the Army, Navy, and Marino Corps at the same price as charged the oillccrs and enlisted mcxfct the Army, Navy, and Marine . Corps. (June 5, 1920, c.° 240, 41`Stat. 976; Aug. 29, 1921, c. 57, 42.Stat.' 148; June 7, 1924, c. 320, 43 Stat. 610.) —537. Sale of uniforms, accouterments, and' equipment at c0s§L¥—Uniforms, accoutermeutc, and.equ'ip1r.ént shall, upon the reqpcst of any-0fHccr of the Nagy or zmyibfiicar of the Marine Corps or Any officer of the Coast Guard while operating with the Navy cr any midéhipmaxi at the _Naval Academy or cadets nt the Coast -Guard“·AcaAemy,__.bc furnislréd by fha Government at ccét, subject to · such restrictions and regulz1ti0us_ as the Secretary of the Nayy may prescribe. (Jan. 12, 1919, c.- 8, 40 Stat. 1054.) ~ . · ` 538; Salé of Army subsistence ·s¤pplics.—The officers and enlisted men of -,the Navy- and Marine` Corps! shall be permlttcd» to purchase subsistence supplies from the Army at the same? price as is charged the omcers and enlisted men bt the Army; and the- officers and the enlisted mer; .0t the—Army shall be permitted to pur¤cha`sé‘ subsistence supplies Jmm the Navy land- Marine Corps-at the same price as lgicharged the omcers and enlisted men 0;; the_ Navy and .`Marine Oorpg; (Aug., 29, 1916, c. 418, § 1, 39 Stat. ,630.) ·" V. _. ° . ‘ . 539. Sgle. of _ '.A§{ny` quartcrmxster property.;—Articlcs of l serviceable qilartermaster property. iuay be sold by the Quartermastcr; General of the Army to officers of the Navy and'Marind for their`u$e_ in thé puhlicbervice,. i¤· the sambmanner as these articles are now sold to Vofficers of the Army. (Mar. 4, 191.5, c. 143; 53, 38 Stat. 1079.) . { _ ` 540. _‘Salc »0f Army qrdxunncc pr6pe;·gy;e—A"rtiéles of ordnance property méy `be sold by the Chief af Grdnance to officers ct the Navy and Mariné Corps, for their use in thejpublic service, in the same manner i1s·thesc·articlcs are now sold -tq 05¢€1'8 of the Army. (Mar. 3, 1909,*cL 252, 35 Staf.;751.)‘ n _ 541. Supplies and transportation to naval and mariné `de- _ ltaighmenté cooperating jvith land tro0ps.———Thc_, o$cers ot the Quarterumétcr Corps ‘ of · the Arzriy shall, upon the requisition yo! the naval or marine officer commanding detachment of scaimcqfmr marines under orders `tcract ori shore, in cooperaticu with 1aud"·t1·0op$, apd. during the time such detachment is so acting or `proceeding tc act, furnish the émccrs and smmen 'witlr camp cquipage, together with transportation for said oQccr5,_ seamen; and · marines, their bggge, provlsiong, ami cannon, and shall furnlgh the naval omcer commanding any l suc!) detachment, gud His nccessarycaicls, witbborsésg accoutcr-· ments, spd forage, ind sbalrturuish rations zo the omcers,. seamen, a_;_1g.marines. . _(R.'S."§§ 1135, 11%3._) _ , _ _ 542. Pm§_t mn sales of items.--—A prcmt pot th, exceed 15rp»er gentum h1ay·be charged on yles frqmchlpd ctcres, such profit tolbegxpggmded ini the dlsérctioncf the Secretary of the Navy, under éuch regulatlcés as hc may prescribe, tbrrthe amusement, comfort, and tccntentment. of! the enlisted fqrce, and (0 be `accbu¤€éd· for to the Bureau- of Supplies -a¤d~ALcé0u¤ts, Navy Department. (June 24, 1910, cg 878, 36 Stat., 619.) a » ° 543. Salg of cemdcmned ‘mppli¢s, stores; nm msterials.-—— The Secretary ot the Navy is autherizedtb sell, after advertisement ofk the sale for such fimc nga in his `qfudgincm: the public interests mcg; require, ccondcmncd naval éupplies, stores, hand materials, cl£her by public auction or by gdvertisement for scaled Qpmpcsmls for the purchase of tlgc same. (June 3G, 1890, l ¢.640,§,1,·26 SLM:. 1.94.) · », · N F _ ‘ _

 Usa as ale of ald material.-——-No old material ct the

Nnry shall hgmaftcr be sold or exchanged by the Secretary of ihé Navy,) or by any cftlcer at the Navy, which can bc promably usd by rewéxklng or ctharwlsé in the £O·DS§{\`tCUOR or repair of