Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1175

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1161 TITLE .84:-- is abgugbea, egcept for the purpose of sate custody or when ha pm of 3 Sgmeqce by _¤-general _€§)Hl't··mR1'¤§}. (R, sr § wg; gm. _49; Feb. 16, 190% ¢.‘ 1§Ql, 8, 36_8tat. &1.) _, _ i Article 59, .Se¤te¤cw, haw dcteryunwd.-··j—N0 persog shall be 1*1 ` . urt-martial to suffer death, except by the th ${·¤.u—:¤<€:d W ¤ °°. · . _ _ _C{§m·;§[‘1’(§11C€ present, ad (ew; where such punishment is expresgly pfovided in. ph &rIit•1i‘S· . All ¤1~he1·`ae¤tc¤ccs may- be determined by qmajority. be (gf u»u·s.~ (R. S. S 1624; §l‘t· 60-) ~_ -*8 `. Ansde $1. _Adeq¤•t¢ _ puishwt: recemmendmou to ,,mcy,-MIL shall be the duty G! .• court-·ui_ai‘tial, Qu a1i cages or ,{;m·a&·1i<>:n, to adjudze l D\1¤iShm¢¤t adequate to the nature 5 of the offense`; but the members theregt may recommend the pe _w·,.m `;·mn·i<;t<:d as descrwjing of clcmemy, and state, on the to m·..m. their reasons for sv d0i¤g, (R. S. 51624, sm;. 51,,) 6 w1 ’ Aniele 52. Autlgeznticatism Gf j¤d§Q¢!§€•····Th€ .judgment—_ of be (wary 4·uurt—martial shall be tuthenticated by the gignature of uy £h0_p1‘vSid9!lt, and of cve1‘y_ member who may be presem: when m said judguient —is pronounced, and also ot §he judge gdyoqate. tie (11.6. 5 1624Q am 52.) & . _ _ · . _ C, Article 53. Cowrmnticn df sentence.-··No seutenpe of a court- Qmzsrgial, extending to the loss dt iife, or to the dismissal of tr a cmmnissioned cr_ w¤`rra¤t’officer,’ shall be carried into exe- U4 mtiun uml! ccxmrmed by the President. V All other sentences isi uf, a mineral 'courvmartinl may be carried into céecutioh on sh pfimirnnation of the c0§mpder_ of the ileetpr cmcer qrderiug 01 ` mp murt. (R. S. I_ 1@4,'art. 53.) _ _ . j he A Yale 54 (a). Remission and mitigation of ngntencc.—--Every @11 z»r!2*·2} who is authorized topcuvene a lgeneral ccqrtymgrtial pe snail have powenj on rpvmou df its proceedings, to remit or uc miiiéate, but not to commute, "the sentence of any such court wz u·!;i¤·1» he is authorised to ¤PP!‘0°Ye and coumm. (B. QS;] 162y1Z‘ c. arf.`I'•é.) _ . ·~ ‘ ‘· ·4 (b) Power af Secretary of Navy pier pmcecdipgs and sen-. W tences of courtsQ¤arti1§L——'1‘he Secretary of the Navy may set `N za:-ide the proceedings QI remit or mitigaié, in whole or ip pirt,_ oi my e=<·n·tence imposed by any nnvél .cqi1rt¢1iiartial convened by isi mg urdvr or by that 01 any o¤cér of the Navy ot Baring Corps. lin (i·`¤·b. 1-6, 1909, c. 131; I 9, 35 Stat; 62}.) . l .· 63 COURTS OF INQUIRY . . ` Artiele *55. By whaha amused.--Ocuris of inquiry maybe . ‘ ¤?·4w<·n< ·<1 by the Brésideut; the Secretary of the Navy, the mm- {11 n»:m<k·r of A Qeet or md by guy 0&0ét at the hdviil gg ¢»m·im guthorized by law tb gonvime ·¢e¤¢ral courts-mart1aL· eg (R. S. § 1624, a1*tQ‘55; Aug. m, 1916, c. 117, 89 Stat. EM.); tr Artide‘56.' C@it¤t§¤¤.————>A court qt inquiry shall cimgist of gg Hq: mare than three qcmmimd nsmembcrsj and of _ ‘ '¤`§mi¤e aqvocate, e; person umm g is such. (B. S.} 1624. _0; {HN. . - ., _‘ I I . cg

 ‘ Article 57. P¤w¢G.——Gmir·ts ct juquirjr shall have wwe: tc te

·~qm»:m »:,; witn<essAes, adminintéxj oaths, and Apu11ish~c0¤Lcmpts, in m my samp manner as c0urta·martia.l;· buhthey shall only state bl ._1‘m-as, and·’sh2s1i_gmt give their owlxmm, uéless expressly i·e· pq uwirvd sb mug? in the mag; for c¤.uvening._ (R; Sy S 163% ‘ fr zu·:.5?.)_ · ‘ , ‘ f ·_ _- Q. r . .` gu — ‘ A riicle 58; Oath of hchben audi {MQ aétéutb.-—The { jmzgw gdmcute, mt pergon vfmzmtiug asxuch, aha!} gdmintstei M the members thé iailbwing oath or amrmgtigm: *‘ Ybu do tt m·~¤·¤r (or aifirm) well and tmily to examine and iziqulrq ur- dg < ·;.m·Lug tc‘tThc evmmcgiato the.mat@e1··u0w befom you, with Q WY P¤rtia1tty." After which the pmsidént M¤h•ll*_d i¤i;qte¤* * » iv the jmigse mvocgtéi m-. pegmn owziatiim qa Dmsth,. ·t ¥· dl lmwizag oath. or amrmaticn: “You `du swear (ct a§m1) Q tguly mz ui regard the proceediugh dt · this court and thé eviilem mute ft 4<m·n in the cage m bgriagf (R. S, { 1®4, art. 58.) · ,:14 A rticia 59. Rights of png or ittormy.-——-The party whose m wmiuct shan be me' gghjgég at mqpiry, cx his apomey. Shelli Sh

-N4v1r X § 1200 we the right tch cross-examine all the wkitncsses. (R. S. 1624, art. 59.) _- Y , h a . _ Article. 60. -P1‘0cecdings; ahthentication; use in cviécncc.-— 1c_pr0cgedings'0t courts ofinquiry shall be authenticated by e ·signh{ure of the president ot the court and ot the judge lvocgjxe, and shall, hi all cased ndttcapital, nor extending to` e dismissgl of ix commissicméd or warrant-oiikéer, be evidence tore a c0ui·Q-martia,_1, provided oral testimony cat: not be 0b· ihéd, (R. S. { ·1624,.art. 605 ` LIMITATION OF TRIAL AND PUNISHMENT Article 61.* Limitation of trials; cmmsés ·i¤ general.-——Nc> »rs0n shall be. frigd by., ccurbmzirtial or ctherwjgie punished

r any- olfense, except as provjdéd in the following article,

hich appears to have been committed more than two years store the issuing dt the order for such txjial or punishment, xless by reasogi of having absentee} himself,.·or of same étber anifest impediment he shallx not have been`a1pe;;aBIe to jus·_ zé within thai peribd. (R. S. § 1624, —ax·t_ 61; Feb. 25, 1895, -128,28 Stat. 680,) h h Article"62. Deserticm in time of peace.-No person shall bs ied by courtgmhrtial or" otherwise; punished for desertion in me of peace committed -m0re" thhn, two years hetmze the suing of the order for _éuch`·friA1_ aj: jm¤ishme·nt,· uniems he 1&ll_·m€&nwhi‘le· havé abscnted himself from the United States, " r by reason of some other manifeét "impediment shgll xm; ivé bpen amenable to justice within that period, in w_hich_cass‘ xe time of his absence `shall be cxchxded i¤ `chmgiuting the eriod of the limitation: Provided, ifhat mid Iimitstiéu shall >t begin until 'the end of the f tefm‘ fdr which person ué enlisted I¤_thé hérvicc. (B. S. { 1624, art. 62;; Feb. 25, 18%, 128,2asm.cso.>-~ _- — ‘ h » h x Artiéle .63;`_Runishment“ for qE•mses In time of. peace.--- 'heuever, by any of the Articles for the Government of the my of the_Unit;¢(l States, 'the pghishmeni; oh convicticu at an tense is left to` the discretion of the éoixrt-martial, the punhment thetetor shall hot; in. time °ot peace, he in emma of a mt which the Presideutmay prescritiej (R. 8. 5 1624, arf. _ P; Feb. 27, 18%, c. 137; 28 Stat. [ “


Article 64 .(•). 0&ccta authorized · ta mder.-———-AH nmcers of me Navy and Mérmc Corps who aréfauthorizcd to order hither

11-eral or summary c<>urts~martial may order deck charts upon

zlisted meh; under tbgir comming}; for mine-: otihnxei minv inble by summary cqurbmartial. ·`(Aug.- 29, .`1Q16,ifc. 41}, 39 · .. tat.“588.). ‘ I "i_· · _ :* ` (b) Constitution {towers.-—¥Dccl; courts shall mnstst otie commissiougd omcer only, who, whileh serving ih su;·h` npucity ‘éhsl1_have power to administer oathh, to hgsr and de- ____ N. ermixie cases, and to impose either a part or the wI10le2,.§ §"“ AY bé appropriate, 0{auy cup of thqpunihhsxxents pm»scribed_ V artirk; 30 af the Articles for the G_QV8!ffl1'Dt{!§hIZ of, the Navy: ` m¢€4¢:d,-That in rib énsh shall Such courts adju.dg&—dis{·lh1$:x·ga hm the service at ndjddge_c0h§11ement of forfeiture of pair pr a lcmgerperiod thai twenty days. (Feb. —16, 3.909, Qc.· 13},_ 2,,35 Stat. 621.) _— ~ · · V , _ (c) Recm·der.·~—¥—A¤y person in the Navywimder cohmmn4l·<>t • he bméer by whoéa. order &_ deck cond: is, comrehehi may he atailedg to act as recorder thereof.- (Feb. 16,»190»9, ez. 131, 3,s5$m¢.621.>,-*‘ h h (d) Appsoinl bf sehfémge of deck c0m·t.—-——qA1l s0¤(0n_•;·es og __ ack courts mhy be éaiwied i!1t0_6g€€‘t mimzn appmval of the ` mveaihg authority or his *successor in offiaee; who shall have . all power as reviéwigxg nuthhritzy to remit- or mitigate, but at CQ commute, any sqch nenténcé and to pardon any punish- ” Eént such cm1rt'ma.y adjudga ;` but no sentence at a deck court nal! be carries; into e§eqt rmt}! if shall have beén so apppovegd