Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1234

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472 , Q # TITLE 38.-—PE'N8'ION»S', BONU1 denied eempeesetien by reeeen of willful miereedect; _· Fer the perpesee of thiseeetieu every such emcer, eellsted men, or other member eépleyed.-le the active service under the We; Department ter Navy Department whe was discharged. er whe resigned prier te July .2, 1921, and every such emer, enlisted mae, er t ether :r1`ember·empleyeH· in the active. service mider the `Wer Department er Navy Bep ertme11t°eu° er before November 11, 1313; whe en erefter July 2, 1921, is discharged or `resigus; » shell e012eluéively` held and _ tekeri te have been in sound twltlitielr when examined, accepted, eud”em·e11éd for. service, except ee te defects, disorders, er iuiiruiiIieS° mede of record in may memier by preper authorities of the United States et the time ef, er prier ·te, ieeeptie:1r0»f{ active service,. to the extent te which any such `defect, disorder, or iniirzmity was se ’mede ef I`{*{*¥}1`d`Z Provided, That ee eex·serviee men who is shown to here er, if deceased, techeve had, prior te January 1, 1925{ raei:re;>`s5?chi;1tric disease, an ective tuberculosis disease, paxfzxly- `eie egiterls, encephelitis lethergice," or emtebic dysntery. develepieg e 16 per eentum degree of disability er more in gtecerd-. were with the —prerl`sieus of .secti0{;wéi4,,ef this title, shall be ‘{3I`€‘S{l!il;(’d· te here,__,Qe,wei·red disability in such ,ser`vicef between April 8, 1917, and July_ 2, 192-1, lor Qto have eqeeffered ee aggrevatien ·0f‘e_ preexisting ·neur0ps$*chlatric disease, tribercr1iesis,. parelyeis rtgiteus, euc·epl1alltis·;_leth:rrgica,_ er eretehle dysentery in such `service `beitweee said dates, sand

 seid preet1.mptie11‘sbellYbe cexiclusive in eases of active tubercu·,

lease disease; but in all other "ceses`eeid‘ presumption shall be rcbritteble by clear end convincing evidence ;_ but. irethlug in this previtee bball be construed tec prevent a claimant from receiving étlxe beeeiits of compensation and medical caree11d`treatme11t for e_ disability due to these diseases of mere than L10 percerittim c degree fie aeeefdenee with. the previsleue of sectio 474 of. this title) eu or sebsequerit te Jzmtiary 1,- 1925; if gte- facts . in the cesebeubstaritiete his claim.- (June 7, 1924, c. 320, 5.200, 43 Stat. 615; Mar. 4, 1925, of 553, § 6,43 Stat. 1304,) n _ ‘ ° 472. Deathireeelting from idjury; amounts peysble; burial allerwnrsces; payments te vridejuv‘er`cl;ilglrer1`;_veterai1s ef. other ·wam»—-ilfideeth ;l‘€811l£8‘ fI‘*€llI1_ll1]1ll‘§’·····zl l · " » “ _· if the deceaeed leeres e. widow or child, or if he leaves a_ merher er father either or both dependent `upcm him fer Sl1p• per;. the monthly cempensetienl shall be the follewing amounts: (:1) If there_is e, iwidew but no child,*$0_. H _ Q _ Y (la; H there ie e widow mid eee child, $40, with $6·forez1ch edditierml child, ‘ · ._ l ·. l “ ’ (ei If there is up widow, but one ehild, $20. ’ W (Nd} if there ieee ewidew, but twe children, $30. _ 1 M jig} Ii there is ne widow, but three children, $40, with $5 Yfer r deem edditi0h&l_c13lldl ‘ ’ , _ . _ _ · - ` {fi If there is a dependent mother (eitdependeut fether), $20. er-beth, $39. .'1‘he emeunt payable under thié subdivision shell net exceed thedlffererice between. the tetel amouiit pey· gable to the widow and children and` thesum of $75.. Such com-Q . pemzetiee shell be playable, whether the depeudeircy of the {ether er mether er beth eriees before er after the death of the pereeu, but he {*0133[}t3H${lti£)ll shall be payable if the de-l peedeecy erlees were than dve years after the death of the qrereear . ·· _ - _ . ,` . I ~ · - . (1) If death occurred subsequent te April 6, 1917, eiid before 1 {li:§{'ll{ll`g{§ fer resignation from the eerviceQ the Uxilted Stetesl \'eterees' Bureau ehell my fer burial and funeral. expenses .a.ud_ the return of bedr tehie heme eyeum nette exceed $100, as muy be Bred by reszuletitm. Where e veteran of any war, ln» clmliug these·pereeris, whe served henerebly es Army purses rzeder eergtrecte fer ninety days er mere during the Spanish-· Ameriee.:1 War, whe tree ziet diebenereblyldiseherged dies after `»dieeherge er reeigsalatieu Item me eemem and dm mit in` the jed.g;;w~:af of the direieter leave eufficiexit teeeete `te meet the exée pews of burial and funeral hud the tmxxepertetien of the body,

see, um vm·.eeAzve· nearer __ · 1220 the United States _Vetere,ns’ Bureau Shell po? the following some: For u nag to drape the casket, zmdefter bnriel to be _ given to the ·next_,_0t kin of the deceased, eg sum not exceeding $7 ; also, forbnriel and funeral expenses end the transportejign 'qpghe body»(including_[itepnPf1ti£>Il of the body) to the pleee of bnriel, n" sum. not exceeding $$60 to- cover eneh items; I end to he paid to such person or persons as may oe need by regulations}: Provided, That when ench pereondies while reeeie _ing·_froxn the burenu compensation or veentionnl training, the nbovebeneilts shall be poynble in nllcnses: Provided fwtiwr, `Thnt where Such person, while receiving from the bneeen · mediee,l,lenrgienl, or hospital treetment or vocational treierlmg, dies away from ho¤1e`end_;et‘ thelplece to which he xvee errlered by they bureau, or while traveling, under orders `ofgthe hnrenn. the above benetlts shall be payeblein ell cesee end in edditien thereto the hctunl and neceseery cost of the treneport§atl{>;`f“£;§i the body of, the person (including preperetion of thebodyl to the place of burinl, within the continentej limits of the Ilnited Y States, its Territories or possessions end including else, in the discretion of the director, the actunl and neeesenry cost lei `transportetion ofen attendant: med provided further, Thee no accrued pension, compensation, or inenrnnee due at the time . of death shall be deducted from the eunz allowed. "' _ (2) The payment, of compeneetio;rto» e widoweholl contiene until her; death. or remerrioge, ond the payment of cenepenention ~to‘ ·n"4.parent shell continue to the death of sneh perent. {3) Therpayment ofcornpensntion to or for e child ebelt continue `until s`nch`chlld reaches the `nge of elglrteen yeere or marries, or if snch child be permanently incnpehle of self-su;} port by reeson. of ment§ or physicel ·de£eet.,· then during snob incupacityl . t "_ · · hq _ ‘ . {(4) .Whenever the compensation payable to. or for the bene · Ht of any person none: the provisions of this section is terminated by V the » happening of the contingency upon which alt is limited, the compensation thereafter for the reneeininge beneficiary _0r:bene§cierlee, i£ any, shell. be the amount which would have been payable to them if they had been the sole original benedcierleen · ‘- _" · `, — _ u _ ` (5) As between. therwidow and the children not Nin ker custody, and es between children, the mnonntof compensation shall apportioned ee may be prescribed by regulation. e (6) . The term ‘.‘widow," jas used in this eeetion, shell inet — » include one who shall have married the deceased later then ten yeersefter July. 2,, 1921, and shell include wldoeeer e·henever’ " his condition Qin such that if the deceased person were living; he wo_nld_hnve been dependent nponher for support .·_- ‘ · (7) This section shell be deemed to be in effect os of April 6, 1917'E Ilroiiided howe·ver,_ Thet the receipt oio gratuity, {perteion, or compensetion, · including edjneted compensation, hy ,_widow, child, or parent, oneceonnt ot the deetl1,.dleebility, or service of any person shell not bor the payment of compense tion onecconnt of the death or disability oteny other person. Before con1`pensetion._ under this section shell be paid thefcleirn; ,. nutshell first surrender ell cleirn to eny gratuity orpeneion payable under any other law on account ofjtlxe denth ot the eerne person; , No changes in rates or eornpeneetion mode by `°tl1,e provlsione.of this chapter ehell be retroactive in effect. (June 7, 1924, c. 320, ;§ 201,513 Steti 616; Mer. 4, 1925, c. 553; § 7, 43 `Stet,1305.) ’ é , _ · _ 473. Dieebility resulting from injnry; total end Dcifmenent t ‘dieabilfty; *1oes of both eyes; lose of use of beth eyee and - one or more limbs; tubercnler ex-service men.-—<I£ and while the disability ieereted es total end·»mrmenent,» the rate of compensation shell be $100 mr month: Provided, hoaeeve¢·, Tl1et the permanent lose of the nee of both; feet o1·_l)oth` hende, or of both eyes, or of one foot end one bend, oz; of one foot end one eye, or of one hand end one eye, or the loss, of hearing of both ears, - or becoming permanently helplese or pern1ex1ently`bed_rid#