Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1248

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I 681 ”¥’iTL§°`38.—PB}iBIOL’S,\ BONUS] 1 , z W . _ U _ I ». in tooo pnrentis to the veteran at any timeprior to theminnlng of his·&1‘$<ice. (May 19,.1924,1; 157, 5 607, 43 Stat. 130.) e Past VII.-—-·MISCE.LT.AN.EOUS PHOVISIQNS _ 681. Authority of adminiotntiye ;o&cers; appointment of e§cers, » employees, ets.; ·eipendit¤1‘es.-··4~Tl1o otlleers `ha$·ing‘

 or the administration of any`. of the provlsions ot this

_ chapter are anthomined to appoint 'sucn omcers, employees, e and agents in the District of Colombia · and elsewhere, and to make seen el V dit=ures'tor rent, furniture, 0Qce equipment, printing, [binding, telegraxns, telephone, law books, books of ret-· ·eren—oe, stationery, moto1·~p1~ope1Iéd·vet1i<:les or trucks used for 0${,'i£i1_ traveling expenses and per diem · in lieu of _ snmistenoe it- not exceeding $<1`for omcers, agents, and other, employees, for the purenase of reports and materials for imblicaj ,_, and for othe1·_contingent_and xnisceilaucous expenses, as may be_ aeeemary eiiioientiy to execute the purposes of this chapter nail as may be presided for by the Congress from tigne to time. AH"' such appointments snail be made subject to the eiv,il¤-service _ laws. ,_In‘ all _- appointments under this section meterenoe shall so tar as practicable, ’be given to _" veterans. . _ imurrmn See ,Title 48, Tsaauoams asn


See come-io, Ann. 0 W I. t rnosrnam

 Title 30, Mmmar; Lanes

' .PILO’l`8i AN}: See Title 4.6, Surname. · . ‘_ me _;, See Title 49, Tnsvxsroaumosl V ° row See T{t1e21, Foon] Asn Davos. __ . ron¤}·¤0N or COAST; See Title -8,, NA.VIOA’1‘ION‘ Asn ‘ ..PQPlJM Bee_T1t1e 13, Census. P _ I _ _ none Bee Title _48, Tizaujoaxass ssa PGSTAL s

 Bee chapter 20 of Title 39, Pc

F8, IND VETB#kN8’· RELIEF _ 1234 - 6 . .` · _ For the adminiqrutloh of tho, ’provmons of this `_cha.pte1·, tie President_ my except from the operation ot sections .8. ,& 27, 28, ~ @7 and 10% of Title 10,.01*0i guy Act ame·n@toxy thereof ur

% ®··v<;¤l  th€1"€t0,;IIOt IBOPE HIRE     of UIQ Allmy!

(May *19, 1924,12. 157, § 701, 43 $5%,130.) . _ 682. olhlno or tnuéulgnh rtstwtny pc¤alty.—\vnoo»·€r . knowingly xnakea any- {also or fraudulent statement oi. a material {not in iauy application, certimraté, 91* &0(!ll!R6!1tT'§mdt; under the provisions QL Parts III, IV, V, G! VI `GL-this chnptgy, ox··of any`-regulationmndé under my title, mall, upon · conyiotion therecii/bo, Hned not more tha¤_$1,000, or imprisoned not. more than ilvctyonrs, or both. (Ex; 19, 1924, c, 157, 5 702, 43-Stnt.131.)‘ .· _ A ‘~ ` i 683, by $96%*817 df Wtf, the Navy, gud diI‘¢ct0l'.—-:—TIl€ 'S€€l‘€t¤l‘Y of mC df the Navy, and the dlreotor shall qevornlly submit in tm manner provided by.-law estlmates of the amountsnewssary to be ¢¥P%BdQd an cngrying out ‘ such provlsicmpo of thii. dugg as meh is -clm·got1 with administering,. There ls'. authorized to be appropriated amotmté S1l$Ci§Ill1 to QQIYSY such €XBé¤ditB¥¢S»‘ (Hit! 19, 1924, Q. 157, S 703,43 Stat. °131.) I ‘ · ‘ - IQLANDS _ I I,NSUL4lt, POSSIQBSIONB.


E · I Lum Miumo, ¥ ·PI`L0'!`AGE·~ _’ {NQ} ONS U


L HLVIGABLB WATERS Nnvxolwxm WAHQB. VHON RICO I . I ‘ · INSULA.B.POSSI8BIONS. miuwrtgs _ >s·uL Sxnvxcz.