Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1286

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§ 605 — rzraa aa.—--rads 605. Ratirigef clerks la charge of `§€ti6¥!$` in ae§cea of dl yi— eiea eaperiatéridenta.-$—’l‘lie elerke in charge of la the e@e& of the divisieu.>su;a·ri1atemleets Vahall be rated as aseiataut rhiei elerkaat $2,800 salary, (Feb. 28, 1925; ic. 368, -§ 7,.43 Stat. 1{ld:3.)_ g " __ _ A ddd. Laborers; grades.; salaries.-=-·—Laborere in the Railway Mall Seryiee shall be divided late {we grades with annual , ailarlw as fellows: Gradef 1; amlary $1,500; grade 2, $1,000. {Fee. %, 1925, c. $68, §. .7, 4.3 Stat. 10@.) ‘ ,., · , a · 697. Sarae; premotion readjaetraeat of. gradee.j»··»Laborera. alaall be premeted te. graded 2 after eee .year’a satisfactory » egerriee ia grade 1. _Ia me readjaalment of tee service te coaiera; re fthe grades hereia erevided fer Iaberera, ` elxall iaeladel laberers ia the grade of the were number- exlatiag ea Deeeraber.31, 1924. (Feb. 28,1925, c._3dS, 5: 7, 43 Stat. 1062.) 608.. Claaaldcatlaa of crailvray mts! `cIerks.—-~Tl;e Posemaater General ehall clawify ~ and Bx the. oi. railway lpeetal elerka. adder each regulatieas as he; may premrlbe, in the grades previded by lean, He may aseiga te omcée bf dlrieiea superintendents add elaiei clerks each railway · postal elerlca aa aaayeel y dx their ealarlea aithiu the grades arevlded by law witheut regard to the claasldcatioa `ot ° railway poet ofdcg. (Aug. 24, 1912,l€.;`3S9, § 7, 37 `St,at.I5d5.)

 Railway m¤al derka; appointments-The Postmaster-

’ Geaeral may appclat railway postal- clerks ideach manner and . ei eaaeh respective and ealaries =aa may be provided for ia the aaaaal`· apprepriatioa acta for the service of the Poet Oflieei Departmeat, fer the parpeee of sertlag and tdiatribuliiag , the mall railway post, o@eea, railwjay post-0Ecé termiaak aad traaafer emeee, add for serviee in the omcesa of division, aaperiateadeats add cme! clerks; and ae traaatery clerks. and sara ether aeraiieesae may w ` Such clerks shall be designated as railvéay postal clerks.- ‘(~Aug. 2a, 1912, e. § 7, 37,Stat. 555.) -— , » i $10. Same; clweea and grades; ealaries.-—Ra‘ilway postal elerka shall be divided late two clasem, class A-ai;d.ec1aaa.B, _ and late seven grades with anmial salaries aa_r¤11<sw—¤: .Grade 1, salary , $1,900; sgrade 2, salary $2,000; grade 3,; salary , $2,150§ grade 4. salary? $2,300; grade 5, salary $,450, grade 6, aalary $2,600.; grade ,7, salary $2,700. ‘ (Feb.] ei as sel. waz.) 0’ · j 2 - - 011; Same; erigiaal ap§ei¤tme¤ts;@ time of.,

 All erlgiaal A apmlatmeate shall Be wade to the rank i

atltate railway eoalzal clerk, and- pr0taet.leaa.al1all be made; aas lyely at the @irmi@ of GMM? following a total satisfactory eerviee ei three haedred and sk daya ia nextt lewer grade. {nag. 24, 1912, e. 3%, § 7, 87 Stat. we ; . Feb. 19%,4. {7, 43 dtat. 10Q.) - · ' .. 512. Same; readjaémmt of grscleqr-—-Ia the readjaatmixt of the te to the herein previd®, web d inclaxh clerks ia the let the same ¤em§er. eximx ea 81, 1%. (E‘eb.l28,_ e. .808,1 7, $5 Stat.}0®.) `_ __ , ,- . 613. Same; here of eervieet evertime my or eempesavf Fiery time.-Service ei elerka mall be bam ea an avmge ei ara excewlg . eight .hears‘ daily for (hundred and nix days aaaam, p®r‘alrow;.ae@ ter all required ea. layed Gerka tc perferm ia excew ei elw t hears daily, as aereia shelf be mid ia ag the aaaaal rate eipny er_gu¤ta;d_ ; time at taeireptlea ter each evertime. ,( c. §7,·A3°'Stat.10@.)° -. · M 614. Sawitme at , perledamyg lime served as en aa. a , nm; u*


me ter. mam aaaulyperre gat mee: l per mmm, the dreejmr as aervlcepto A webe-

·0,sm.L emzvnm. 1272 _ tlemary period, and when appeiated regular elerke shall receive credit cm the chaste of one year et aetael I eerviee Performed ‘ as a euhstitute and be appointed to the gsraée te each clerk weeld have prdgreeeed had hte erlglaal appointment ae a aabmitate been et grade 1. Arty fraetleeal part of a years substitute éerviee will be ineladek with' me service ee a, regular `clerk in determiaing eligibility fer prametiea to the aext higher grade fellcwiag appointment te a regular peeltlea. * ‘ (Mar. 2, 1907, e. %13, 34 Stat. 1213; Feb. %,_19?5, e. W, §~ 7, 4:; smt.10ee;) .’_ 1 ‘ A e — t ‘ ~ ` 615. Same; f all time and .tr¢vel exapemm traveling under orders.-Substitute railway elem shall be creeited with full time while travseliag made: et department te and from ·tl1eir* t ’ vte mice ep aa assignment, together with travel expenses. not to exceed $3 perclay, whlle·e1x·claty away new heaé· 'qaarters; ·Whén_ a. substitute t clerk in a railway peat omee `startiag from bla emial heaéq&t§ers the smll , lge RHOWBG-_U{V$1-EXEIEHSES under law to elerka _ °regularly assigned to the nm. , (E @, 1925,1; in?. Q Stat;1062.) r , . _ ._ _ _' ‘ 616. Compeasatory time·”te me ln£¤sy ‘ élcrka at terminal railway east &ees am fer fer work cm- Stmdays er Belldaya; evertime E. tkreef.—-· When the reeds of the service the - emelaraaent ea J Stmdaya or holiclaya _ of Qlaberers or ·ri£lw=ay at "terminal ·_ railway past arid they Exe allowed cempensatvry _ time on eee éay aix days next lsucceetling the`,Sm1day,' except the last thzm Saaaays in ealexidar year, ana cu one day withinnthirty Gaye aexti me ceegliug the- lxqllday audi the last three Saaéaya la the yur ea master General mayhlt? the Ve! the-eervlee—· lt,_ , autherize the payment et erertlme fer service eu the Stmdaye in- the year tree Ghrlamae `Bay la lieu er compeaaatory timel (Reb. 28, 19%; c. 368; {11, 43 Stat. 19%.} ‘ 617. of railway po£·e§ée Eau; _ of , clerka.:—5;Ra`i1way ·peet-gmce {shall ml divided jmte me ‘ claaem, elass _A` and B, 1 te claes A lines éhall the prea·rcte;l` successively te grade *4 and elerke ia; chergeto grade 5. , aasi@edfte ahgll .m§ _‘ euceeemvely ite. __5f and · éerka ia elxarge te grade 8.1 Linea in elasa A_ e lta ea $1, IRQ; aha!}

 luelase A, and lmeeyia elaw B exlating éajhat

new mm be eeammee in cl&_B.. _¢r·ee.m, c; eee, {7,* 43— Stat.‘10@.) g` -, ° ‘_` » T · 1 `618:ZCl@ of w e e tibia! pc; aime; ef clerks.·~·-gTm·a;tml· railway e@@ shalt pe elridee. late tyre ¤  :; .=-te clam KA aaa else egteeee than twenty empleyewishall am · ta A, and thm having . gtwmty er &ere ,Bt _ {B M ¢» _ tc S§ vt t we glide 4, a¤dclerksln®¤r£B°f¢¤¤‘¤tegrsée§t

 shall     te grade 5; aaa

clerks in amrge at tears teegraéa6. Qt 19%, c. SSS, i 7, 43Stat.1Q83¤.) ‘ {_ _ · _ ‘ t __ 619.jC ei'. treme: ¤§e¤¤;" of titnmter came mall be eivldecl ’t¤te `twe elmew elem A aaé claw B; them havluglem than ave empleym ®a§ be twisted `te Eve more tceléam B. wuts ta be lvely te ‘gr¤de.4,,e and et. tears te gruée 5. ··Gerk¤ la elam\B

 be premetw   te grade 5, me derm in eharge

ef tagrade 6. 19%, e. {ff, 43 Stat. Iam.)

           &arge,Q¢e§¤ed as- ·

a clerk in at a e&ce, mmiaal nllwaypem ¢§ee, as t at lt . mw wmtlger he part¤rms\•ervice slane or