Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1296

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§ 769 TITLE eeeweel

 eeviegs depeeltere, ee hereinbefcme provided, and the excess

thereet, if ees, shell be covered inte the Treasury of the United Stetge ee eepert of the postal revenue. Pastel eavlxxgefuixds ie tee treeeuzy of said beard shell be subject to disposition. as pees·i¢led* ie this chapter, and net etherwiee; The board ef treeteeezxxey eyeey time dispose of bends held ee postal saviege ieeeetmeeie and use the proceeds to meet withdrawels oi deeeeite by deieesiters. The word “Territory " as need herein elnell be eeldgte include the District of Columbia, the Territory Q of Aleeke. Perte Rice, and the word “ bank " shall be held te leelede Qgeviegs banks and trust companies doing a banking beeiem. (Aug. 24, 1912, c. 387, § 37 Stet. 512; May (18, 1916, e.12d.§2.39Stet"159.) i ‘ ·_ . ·— 7§§. ieeued te demeiters; . investment; of savings feeds in imeds.——·—Aey edefaeeitbr id a postal savings depository meg? eerreeder his depeeityer may part thereof, in sums of $20. $49, $$0, $86, $100, and multiples ei $100eug $500, and receive in lieu of such surrendered deposits, underrsuch regulations as gee? ee established by the beard of trqsteee, the amount of the eerreedered deposits in United Stated! ceupdn or registered beetle of the deeemiuetiens of $20; $4 §l$60, $80; $100, and $500, eieiela bends shell beet interest at e` rate of 2% pei -centui11 yer emmm, ·peye.~l}le"semiennue 1d he i·edeexi1eb1e.. at the pleeem·e of the {Exalted States a_ er one tear `frem the date. of T, tleeir issue end peyeble twenty years fromdsuclx date, and both pdlxaeipel end interest shell, be payable"- in United States gqld eeie of the present standard as value,. The bends herein eu- \\merieed ehe*1l’"m issyxed only (first) when there ere outstanding lteedeef the United States subject to call. inwhich case the proeeede of the bends shell be applied to the redemption et per of l etatetélleztlizzg bonds of the United States stxbjeet t0icell,'a11d {e=el·<mdb et tleées wlleu lIHd_€l‘ authority of law other than that » eemeieed in this chapter the Government desires te issue bonds fer the purpese of repleeishleg the Treaeur,v;"d1=ie"vs*hieh case tteeieeee of bends under authority of this chapter shell be ln lieu of the issue of it like amount of bends ieeuebleiulder a.u· therity of law other than that contained in this chapter. 'Tkge beetle eutheriygd by this elgeptexq shall be iesded by the See; retery of the reeeury under euel1`regu1eti011s_ee he. may pre eez·il>#e. ight} eutherllty ceeteleed in section 759 of thie title fer the imieetmeet et postal eevinge fuede ie United Statee tmede etxell leelede the eutherity te im*eet· in- the bonds herein

 eetheriwd whexxever such bends may be lawfully issued.

The bonds hereie eutlaerized shell be exempt from all taxes er Qdetiee of the United States ee well ee fxem texetlem ih any ferex tig; er under State, municipal, or leeel authority. Ne bends eutllerlzetlty this ehepter shell be receivable by the Treeeurer ef tl;e,U:1itedtSt;itee Ie-et security for the issue of eireuletmg eetee by eetleeel `b3i1killg.&SSO€i8tlQHS· (June 25, 1910, c. 386, § 143, 3d`Stet. S17.) _ q ·. 3 `° . “E » A

761. Investment of funds in United States bonds subject to call for redemption.- Whenever the trustees of the postal sevt lege 'itmd have iz; their peeeeeeixm fuzlde eveileble for im·eet·· meet in Ueitw Stem bonds they may xxetlty the Sec‘ret&_?lY et tee Treasury of the zememit of seek funds in their her.1de_wliich they desire to ieeeet ie meds et the United States subject te cell, xvlaereemel, it there are United Stetee bends etibject to `eell, t11e·tl>ee1¤etery et the Treeeery shell eell {er redemptlen ep etaetmt et eueh bends eqtie.1 tp the emedet of tee hands in the iheede et the treetem which the trustees cleelzse in time invest, and the bleeds ee celled ehdll be redeemed etlper eeerued ieteaaeet let the Temeixry of the jieited Stetm en edd after; three meeths freed tee date et meh ee11,"a¤e interest cm the said bends shell f1§ere¤ pee éeeee. Said bends when redeemed shall ee relsued et_;¤=11’ to the tmeteee witheutlgheege in then} terms ee te rete ei? interest mid date et maturity. The b2mM

 ee reissued may, id the dieeretien et the Sexetery of the Trees-

. ery, te mlled fe: reclemptien ieee: the tmetees im like manner

POSTAL seevzce 1282

as they were originally called for redereptlen from their former owners whenever there are funds in the Treasury of the United States available for such redemption. (June 25, 1910, c. 386,,

l 11, 36 Stat. 818.)

762. Funds kept seperate; ecceuntebility therefor; epplica- · tion of laws relating te postal receipts; aéditienal bends ef, ? pcstmestere.—-Postal savings demeltery feeds shell be kept = separate from other meds by` p0stme etere»· and other lmleers ' and employees of the Peetel Service,. whe shall be held to the Y same accountability uxider their bends fer eeeh funds ee for I public moneys}; and no person connected with the Peet 0§ee ‘Departme¤t shall dieelbee to any person ether thmrthe dgpee! itor, the amount of any deposits, ualesé qlireéted ee te de by _ the Postmaster .G/eperal. All statutes reletlag to the ~ safet `keeping of and proper accounting ferrpeetai receipts. are made »' applicable to postal savings funds, and the Postmaster Geeefel _ ¤ may · require -p0stmasters,` assistant peetmaeters, eee clerks at r postal savings deposltories to glveauy additional hem! he may l deem necessary. (Ja¤e%, 1910, c. 386, } 12, % Stat. 818.) - 7 63, No additional compensation ate mtmaetem er ether - enipl0yees;—¥Postxpasters, esslstantmtmasters, clerks, er other _ employees at pest emcee Iof we prwldeatlal grade, and pestrhhsters at post emcespf the feurtlz claw, shell not be allowed `_ or geid any additional cempeeaatle¤',Afer the transaction ef postal savige depository business. _"'(J1me 25, 1918, c; 336, 5 13, 1 36 Stat, 818; Sept. 23, 1914, e. 308, 38 Stat. 716.,) v J . ” - 764; ._Duties of postmasters end ether e§¢,ers.——-The Peetmaster General ie authorized- to require pestiteeatefs and ether postal _0B1cers and employees -t0. transact, le Veesmeetiee with their other duties, such postal savings depository business as ` may be necessary; ang he~ie also agttherized te make, and with rr the appreval of the beard of tru&éee te premtxlgete, and freia ‘ time to time t0_ modify nr revelte, subject to the epéprpvel ef sz1id_b0ard,.euch mlee and regulatiees net in eeeee-rz vvith law as he ma_v deem necessary to carry the provisions of this cheeter into effect. (June 25, 1910, `c. 38$, 5 14, 36 Stet. 818,)

 765, Application of safeguards fer preteétiee of pe&e  

, numeys and of laws as te e§ehees_ against Penta! Servicer-· All the safeguards provided by law fer the §1‘0£éctie¤~ef,peblic _ moneys, and all `etatutw relating to ,the. emheulemeet, eeever—w

 helen, eimpmper. handling, retentlen, eee, er tiiepmel of pmtél

sad money-order-funds end the punishments previcleel fer eeeh OHBKISQS are hereby extended aed made applicable to pwtel savings depository feeds, and all statutes relating te false returns of peetal and money-erder lmslee&, the forgery, eeee-r terfeitiug, alteration, improper or haedlieg of peetal ered B10}18}’·Ql‘d€l'” blanks, forms, · veuehers, aceetmta, md» retivrée, and the dies, plates,. ered engravings therefer, with the penalties provided in such statutes; are hereby extemed and meée " hppllcahle te ‘·p®tel saving depeeltery business, ead the forgery, counterfeiting, alteretlea, improper use er handling ef postal eavlngs clepeeitery `blanke, terms, veeehem, accounts, aud` records; and the dl@,` plates; and eegrevlegel therefer. (June,%, 1910, c. 388, I 15, 38 Stat. 81&)_ _ v D — · ` 7 66. Faith of Uniteé, Stgtm pledged te paymelgt of ée·· ’ melts.--—~T he faith of the United States is eelexmty pledged te the payment of the depwlté made lu pwtal saving depeeltery emeee, with acerued interest thereon ea herein prevtded. (June 25, 1910, e. 386, § 16, SS. Stat., 819.) » » t _ » 767. Judgmmt ediudinéng right er, intxut ia depmdt.-e-·· The heal ereer, er; decree er any mart of eempeteet, —jurie<ll<.:tiee edjuclleetleg any right or interest in the credit of any ems demltétl by any pereea with a ·peetel savings . rdepceltery if the shall net have been appealed)- from and the time fer wml hea expired shell, {mea. submission to the Yeetmaater Qeeeral of a eeey of the geese, duly aethénticeted

 in the manner preview Yby the laws of the United States for

the amtheetlcatlea of the amt judicial proeeediegs of )