Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1298

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§ 790 TITLE ss.-zmn r ice actually rendered, vrhen the additional allowance cxcoogls the sum which, according to law, might rightfully- have been allowed- therefor, aud in al1 other cases where money. of the department has been paid to any person in consequence of fraudulent 1`(’])1‘€S<§I}t21ti0IlS,· or by` the"mlstake,- collusion, or misotmclnmt of any oilioegr or other employee in the Postal Gervioo. tho Postmaster General shall cause suit to be brought to roomer suchl wrong or fraudulent payrheut or· excess, with interest thereon. (R.- S. §-405.7.) ” - ·· · `· j 799. Qelivery. of stolen · money to- 0Wi\€I.—·\Yv1lQll€V€P the. Posm2aater'Ga¤arnl is satisfiod that money or.pr0pcrt.y stolen, from tile mznil; or the pr0c<*ls thereof, has been receivedat the <!ep:1rtme11t; he may, upon satisfactory evidence as to the owner. deliver thesame to him; (R. S. §` 4058.) _ l · . 791. Disposal of fines, penalties, and forfeitures.-y-All penalties and torféitpres imposed for any violation of law aifecte ing the Post Otlicé Department for its revenue or property shall bé recoverable, one half to the use of the person informing and prosecuting for tho same, and the other half to bé paid into the Treasury for the use of the Post Oitice Départment, unless a difforont disposal iscexprossly proscribed,. All; fine-gs collected for violations of such laws `shall be paidhintotlié Treasury for the use of the Post Omcé, Department; (R. S. § 4Q59.)‘ _ . 792. Preservation of acoonnts.—The Postmaster General may dispose of a‘xiy`quarter1y returns of mz1ils sent or _ received, preserving the accougnts current. and all 11¢c0mpauyiug‘v0uchers, and use such portions of the`proc0eds as-may necessary to defray the cost of. separating and disposing of them; `lgut the accounts shall be preserved entire _ for at least two years. (R; S. § 4060.) ” ’ { ‘ Chapter 22,-Q-MISCELLANEOUS PROVISHHYS RELAT- ING, T0 THE POSTAL SERVIQE. “ · 801. Salaries of requisition- Hllcrs and piékors in division ot eqinipmeut and 2··.ut;1pliea.— _. . ~ · . S»02._Cantr¢cts; rental ot. canceling machines, hire ct equipagos for City Dcliricry .. Serviéc and collection service. ‘ 803. Same; miscellaneous supplies. ‘ 804. Same; printing post-route maps. 805. Sale of postwoato maps and rural-delivery maps. · 806. ·l’wt—rcute maps; pay rolls ot topographews omce; · 807. Contracts for furnishing Omclal Postal Guido} sale thereof. $08. Contracts for supplies With persons combiningwo Hx prices. - 805. .Contracts; mail bags, mall locks, and keys. · 810. Metric postsb balances, · _ _· 811. `Ciril pension roll prohtblted. 812.- No employee- to receive fees. _ . 813. llowards for invontions and improvements in service. 814. Bonds: Liberty loan bonds in lieu of other bonds. ‘ · 815. Bonds ot postmaster, clerk; carrier, or postal employees; renewal. . 816. Payment to legal ropresentatlvosot deceased clerks killed or dying from injuries. . ,·_.. ` 817. Agting employees for·employocs and substitutes injured ’wbilo` on --duty! ‘ ‘ —- ‘ .· I 818. Reinstatement of employees ontario: military service. 819.. Terénation of employment by reason of absence on account ot. - illn—é¤:a.. ‘ , “I ‘ ‘ . 820. ljer diana allowed to o&¢ers and employees of department only _ f whoa actually traveling. · · ·• · 'SBI. voawenantion and promotion of printers, mechanlos, ctc. 82;. Salaries at annual or monthly rate; division ot tlmo and compute- t , tios ol pay. ., " _ — • 8*23. Leaves ot absence ; sick lure,. ° _ 8:34. employees of mail-bag null mall-lock repair shops. _- · 825, zlults and prosecutions in State courts. · . _» 820, Ascartainéoat ot révenues derived from and coat of carrying and ’ handling several olsasos of mail matter ; statement of annually: payiaent of coat. - · _ , _ . 89.7. Motor-vehicle trust routes and motor cxprém routosv Section $61. of Qian and packers in division of equipment and sapwes.·—-·'§l‘lxei salary ot requisition ` nllers and packers in the division of 8§\li];!I@ll$ and supplies allall be ub follows :· {me foreman, $2,160 por annum; ton requi- , aitioa anllars and nine packs.-ra at $1,806 m& per anntim. (Feb. %,1925;c.8®$9,438£nt;1064.)_ · ‘ ~ . • * E ·\ '

POTSTTAL sunvzvu 1284 1 802.·C0¤tracts; rental of canceling mpchiues, hire of equiiiagcs for City Delivery Service and ccllectian service.——'1?1m 1 ostxpaster General maj', in_his d.iscrction, enter into contracts I fof a period of. not gxceetiiug four years for tlte xremal of can- & celiug mgchines, {or the_h1re of the equipagesi for the,»City [ Delivcary‘ Service, For the-colleéticm servicé by means of boxes i zittaépcd to street cars,.a11d fqr the stvamhoiat and othexgeqixip-A {ment necessary for the Detroit River, Postal Ser}*ii·e, but ud 1 contract Shall bg made Kfcp any annealing machine fo; —m0re than $270 per am1_um, including repairs lon said machine, and 1 all contracts entered into` shqll belet after having advertised ffor bids hud shall be awazrded 9n_ the basis of cheapness and lciiicicncy. "‘(Mar. `4. 1911,—c._2~11, § 1, 36 SEL 1333; Mar. 9, § 1914, c. 33, 38 Stat. 303,) . · ° 1 A

 ..803; Shme; miscellaneous supplies.——The Postmaster General

n1ayY1s6 contract for a t(éI’lll_1lOt ckpeediug four years, for miscellaneous cqu`ipmént_ and supplies for the Postél Service, _when, in his judgfnent, it shall amiear to be for the best interests _ of the service. (Apu 21, 1902, c.-563, S 1, 32 Stat. 114.) _· ~ 804. Same`; printing ]>0st·r0ute maps.-—The Postmaster Gehatal may, in his discretion, cause the contract for. printing pm- `i·0ute;ri1aps to be let for .a termpt fom: yéa!iS·— (Mar. 2, IWS, c. 177. `§ 1, 28 Stat. 803.1) ‘ _ = - . . · { “ ‘ _805. Sale of post-yroute maps and l#§\l'$l•d8liV¢!¥ 1paps.—1'he Postmaster General may authorize the gale to the public; at p¤st—r0ut0 maps hud rural-delivery maps or blue sprims ·ut the cbst: oi printing and 10 per ccntum thetcot added, the .p1·0bgeds of. Such sale ·t6 be used as h, fmjthexi appropriation for the mpreph ration and publication éf; mévroute mam and _rural-giélivery- maps Ol'- blue prixxts. (Ma;. 3, 1917, c. 132, §· 1, 39`Stut. 1067; Mar. 1, 1921, c. S8, {*1, 41 Smt.-1154.)` _

§06.` Post-mute maps; pay Drolls of tépogrgpliefs 05ce.-=——

The disbursements of the moneys appropriated fqr the preps-. ratiun and publication oi p0st·i·0ute méwps shall be made by a. regular bonded diibursing 0$ccr df the Post _0$ce,. Deparb ment, according tof the laws, rules, and customs as recognized by the General Accounting Office. · The pay mils of the draftsményclerks, messengers, `aud other employees of the topqgrn-_ Vphefs officc, . shall be regularly niaQe out by thé topvsmpher, examined and checked by the_aDD0l¤tme1it clerk of the Post Oiiice Department, and the °p¤ymgn_£sé `tltéregzgt by é bqnded dlgbursiug. 0§C§‘l’° of the Pést 0$¢~e Department. Alt; cxpeniiitures made by the topxtapher `for the preparation and [)\1b]iC'i\ti0I1.0f p0st#r0t~1te maps shall be accuzxnted 'foi· by vouchers, accompanied, by nmdavit, _ and the zinapeysz ‘ _thereI0r shall be disbursed by a disbursing umn-er of the Post O&cc Dépgrtment; and` all of the above disbursements stmli be paid out of the-_appr0pi·inti01i for the preparation and puhlication of post-route maps. (June 17, 1878, ce. 259, 5 2, Stat. 143; —J_um;· 10, 1921, c.¤1S, 6 304, Stat. 24: Feb. 14, g 1923, c. 79, 42 Stat. 12g1Q.) ·· _ _ _ . » . x -807. Cantkncts far furnishing 0%:11 `_P¤gthl Guide; plc thereof.--Ekgrépt as 0tliqm*ise:pmvidc@ tin sectimx 111 of Title 44 Postmaster Gmérél xiiris discretion, cause the contract fe}; fu1=¤i®iiig the Omcial Postal Guide to be let _fo1·" an term of Your years, and hg `umy authorize the sake tot the publicat such guides at the total cost thereof, the ixroveéds uf such sale to be covemd into the Treasury as a miscéllaneous ·

l‘£*C{*i[)t. _ t x _ U _ _ . _

_ ~C0mrau·ts let for the pxiblicution. of such gu1¢i0_shall GDN)- vide fc: the mpply of such copies as may Km required for · public use by the several cxc¢:uth·e .· d•·pa.rtmex1ts_ and other Government astpblixlzuwnts at in price not c·xce·odi_i1g the mst of suéh guides tu the Post Cimce Department. (May 28, 1896,1:. 252, { 1, @..Stat.` 178; May 19, _1916.`c. 117, { 1, 39 Stat. 108; Mar. 3, 1921, c. 124, `§ 1, -41 Stat. 1@5.) 1 -. E SM Contacts fm- sapplies with persons mnbining to §x» .m·ims.—·-i-No coutrshct tm··fumisI1i_&g sgxpplim to the Past. Odim _ Dépanjtmcqt was the Pwd! Service. shall be made with my -