Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1318

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§ 271 TITLE JO.-—·—I’UBL1C BUILD} performance of said contract arid Baal settlement theneof, an shall be oomincnced within one year after perlormam and anal settlement of éid contract, and not later: And pre cidcs iw-ther, That where suit is so instituted by a creditor c by creditors, only one action shall be brought, and anycredlto may nie his claim in such action and be made party theret within one year from the completion of the work under, mi contract, and not later. If the mcovory on the bond shoul he inadequate- to pay the amounts found· all of at creditors, judgment shall be given to each creditor pro rata c the amount of the recovery. The surety on said bond may pa Slnto court, for distribntion»_ among said claimants and creditor: the full amount of the ‘snleties’ liability, to witf the penalt named in the bond, less any amount which said surety ma have had to pay to the United States by reason ot the exec: tion of wid bond, and- lipon so ’doiu§` the surety will be rt lieved from further liability: Provided farther, That in ai salts instituted under the provisions of, this section such pea sonal notice ot the pendency of such suits, informing ther or their right to intervene as the court may order, shall la given to all known creditors, and in addition théllétd notic of publication in some neyspapér of general circulation, pul lished in‘· the._ Smte or town vrhere the contract is [being ~ pea formed, for at least three successive weeks, the last puhlicatio .to be at least three months before the time limited thereto: (Aug. 13, 1894, `c. 280, 2S` Stat. 278; Fel}. 24, 1905, c. TTS, 3 Stat. 811; Mar. 3, 1911, c. 231, 5291, 36 Stat. 1167.`) `» 271. Rclicf of certain contractors ad snb@tractors fo lossm due to; increased o¤sts.·—The Secretary of the Tfeasur is authorized and directed, under such regulations as he ma; prescribe, to rcceire fully itemized and verlhcd claims an reimburse contractors and their subcontractors, including material mon, for theconstruction, improvement, special Irepail · equipment, or furnishing of post omces other buildings 0 work under the supervision of the Treasury Department (a well as the United States Courthouse in the pistrict ot Qolumbi and the approaches and retainingwall to the Lincoln Mexnoria in the District of Columbia) whose contracts were awarded o whose bids as thereafter accepted were mailed or delivered t the proper governmental authority .prior to the entrance o the United States into the war with Germany, to wit, April t i_ 1917, and whose contractshave been or will be completed afte said date, for loss due directly to increased costs thereafte arising, dne either, mst, to increased cost of labor or materials or, second, to delay on account of the action of the _Unite< States Priority Board or other governmental activities, or third, to commaoaecnag by the Uniig States Govertfment o plants or materials shown to the S l " ctary of the Treasur; to have boon sustained by them in the tulnllment of such con ·' tracts hyireason of war conditions alone: Provided, That an; subcontractor may lsubnzit his claim through, the contracto or to the Secretary of the Treasury. Andgthe Secretary bf th· Treasury is directed to submit from time to time estimate for appropriations to carry ont the provisions ot this section Procidcd further, That no claims for. such rcinzbnrsement sha] - bcpaid unless tiled with the '1`rmsnry Dcmrtmeat within thro months after August %, 1919: And provided further, That in In case shall the contractor or Isnhcontractor be reimbursed. to al extent grcatcr than is snmcicnt to cover his actual incrcasee cost in fl1l¤IuBg»l;liS contract, or subcontract, exclusive of an; and all wars, to such contractor or snbcontractor; nor sha] such reimburscmentj°lnclude any advnncw or payments mach by the sorctlcs ot contractor or subcontractor in executing the work, but the surety on any contract coming within tim yrorisions of this muon who, as snrcty, has completed, 'o niay complete, the work of any dcfnnlting contractor on QB: such contract or who has _Inrnlshed·°§nanctal ambiance to 1 falling contractor on any . mh contract whereby ouch con

ING8, PROPERTY, AND WORKB· 1304 cl s tractor hes been enabled to complete such contract, may ile ge claim, within the period hereinbefere dxed, sud be relinbmsed 0- in the manner hereinbetcre provided fer the increased cost due »r to the causes hereinbefere smcfiled of the lsbor and material »r supplied in so completing any such contract, or fer the in-

ur pressed cost of the labor and material paid for from funds so

d furnished by such surety: And provided farther, That the rl- Secretary of the Treasury shall report to Gcngrms st the be- (l*gil1Iliug of each session thereof the smemit of each ·e;m¤dltm·e vt and the f8C[S.0I1 which the same is based. (Aug. 25, 1919, ey c. 52, 41 Stat. 281.) _. ° e s, 272. Same; psyments.—The Secretary et the Treasury is

y ;gufhm·ize<l to make partial payments of amy dslm payable

y under section 271 of this title, and to make payment of any sud 1- all loss and expense (exclusive of 'pr08ts) luéutred by a com e- tractor or subeontractor in fulmling his eentrsct or submall trsctwitln the Tre§su)§»Demrtment in exmssoi the swrmxt rg whiéh such contractor or subcontractor may receive antler the 1; terms of his contract or js¤beontrsct,' li. swh lem and exmse my were, in the opinion of the Secretary of '1‘r , dee to e war cqndltiqns. ‘ (Mar. 6, 1920, c. BQ,} 1, $1 Stat. §07.)_ " 1- · '· 273. Contracts fer heating spmntss.-—Cm!;mc¤ shall be r- made by the Secremry of the Tr for mrni®l¤g and put- I1 ting; in heating awrstus for public smh sdvertlse r. ments iu_ some pleading newspaper in the Stste. awe ucl: 3 building is situated; containing specldentlcus of the kind at .l1ea‘tlng°app:1r:1tus required, sud meh. contracts shall be made rr with the lowest respexislble bidder therefor. (Mer. 3, 1887, e. y 362, 24 Stst._512.’) · ·_ j., V . — s _ · y' ·274.` Payment fer electric viring,·-¢·’1"be Secretary of the d Treasury is directed, ·ii’ in hisjudgment such `werk would be g performed, te psy for the wiring for electric Hging of sl! r, buildings in process of erection er which mey be erected emer lr the control dt u»é···rres¤¤¤·yp Demrtment from- the  »:» we ~ M - s funds of subhgbuildlngs. (Mar. 7;2,`1895, c. 1@, Y! 1, %· Stat. s 914.) _` __ · < _ i’—” ’ Ll 275. Paiment for gas and Extures.-—-Gas elec~· r· trlc·1lghting Hxturm for the eqpipmeut of pgbHe bplldlnw md Q extgnsiens lr; cem·se of .c¤ cti0p under · the c0¤tt¤l` of l ·Tressui·y Department, except spell gu spd eleculb-lighting 5, fixtures as areuuder contract or may be otherwise provided fer r by lsw, shall be paid for from the r@cBve appropristkms r provl& for the constmctiexf et su@_ pelalle b¤lld¤gs or exs, . tensions. (July 1, 1916,, cf-209, § 1,39- Stat. 2'•'3·) W ;_ cl ,276. Payment for epgineerhf au elastic-Mkt plume r, The Secretary el the Treasury is apmized, whmeveris ef juelgmentsuch work should bemrfemed, tp pay fdr the isstsly lation of engineering sud electrle-liglgt plants is all building {-» in. process of erection, er ywhicli may M erected, crepyp trol of the Treasury Department, {regs the cppmrpetlcn `fxiuds r qt such buildings. (June 6,* 1900, e, 791, S 1, 81 Stat. 591,) , e `.`_ 277.. Compensation of émwyeesl from fer s ° public .b¤ildi¤gs.—-Not more than $6, per day shall be paid to -: any person employed outside ei the Dlsulct et Columbia, ll any cspscity whatever, whese twmmamse is paw frem sp? e prepriations for public buildl¤@_ is course et eesstructien, e but the Secretary of the Treasury may, in his discretlep, sun. tlmrlze payment is cities of eighty thoumml er mere. ishsbb ·_ nl tents ct sspm petexeeeding Q wr hy for mw {mmm w`· {Aus. c. I 1. 27 Stat 351J · # al 278. E¤#¤y¤eet of fw sepervisien and care of ‘ e me gs.-—Where Dillllé building shall _'be completed with gl the lexeeptlexf et hmtlsg apparatus and eppmsehes but cpe e perssn slmll be employed ‘ by the Gcvernmut ter the supervir 1 step mreot such building. (Msr.»3,_1887, e. $62, 24 Stats _ 612.) " - _-  »’ ·` I s 279. Appmwhtlsns for baiwngs svallablc fer me @r ten- »· peruy rented quarters.-—·Unlcss otherwise speeltlmlly pro-