Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1328

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‘_ § 11 _ `TITLE 42.%-TI1E 1* ll. Same; sapervisbri powers.-———The Surgeon General of the Public Hea1tl1_&rvjice shall, `umler the direction of the Sec-, refzary eft11e Treasury, superyise all mattersgcpnuectew with `ihe I*i1l ;lic Health Service. 1{R,. S. § —.i:$tE; Aug. 14,1912, c. %8,` §_1.3?>St:1;.3{39.} — · ~ _ l»» " _ l · l _ _‘ I2. Ellediesl céicers; appoilntmeni afterexnmj1iqtién.·>—llIedical Oxiicers of the Publf: IIeaiil;_.S]ewiee df the United States shall be gmpeimed by the President, by and with, the .adviee_ and eimseut of the Sex1ute;` 110- person [ shall be $0 ap- . painted until after passing a sdtisfactory e;;umiu:1tion in the l several brzmclaes of mediciz1e,Vsui·ger5·, and hygiene before u ‘ beard ei medical 0{licers, of the said- service, Said eziaixxinaztlou shall be cumluéied :1cb0l·dl11g te: rules preguyed by the Surgeon General, mad apipmved, by the Seeretgrytuf the Treasury `aud the lwesideiét. (Jaw. 4, 18@, c. 1§,"§_ L 25 Sta?. 639.) _ 13. .Oi·igi11al€ appniugments is assistazat surgeon; pmmcti¢m.—` Qrigimzl axispeixztementg in the S;€i?\’i€‘€._Sh31l_0I}]Q' be mi1de?t0.!the ` rauak of a¤;si§tmit‘surgequ;_3i1d no 0lE+cg1·; shall *be prmgxofed to the mak (gf passed dSS[$t&§l£;$l1l‘gB0l1 until; after,fdu:"y@rs’ · getvice and a éecdnd exégmiuaticm as afdi·esaid·; mid po passed _ aséistant surgeon $l1:£ll’l»e_—pi·0m0ted to surgeoni " uintil after" due examination, 4, ·1889L` e._19. § rg} 25 Stat. `G39.) ` 14. Help pmvided by C0¤gress.+Tl1ere· lmfiyxbe. empl0$*e¢;l_ii; the 1’i;l.•1ic Health Service Such help . as zuaj'. be pl•0¢ided for from time te time by Congress. _ (·Aug.·14, 1912, c;-288, §_ 2,_· ’ -Smt.·3Q9..},» _. e·_ `/ · _~ 15. Hetai¥$§ dvty in b¤re&ii.—-The Surgeon General ie ‘m:l· thotized to muse the detail of two sinijgecus; two passed assist- &Il{__S¥1fg€0l1S, and cme medical officer and one hospital steward _ fer duty in the · byreau, who shall ezieli receive The pay; and ` al1ew:me&_·d£*$pective grades in` the general service. (Mar. 3, 1891, 1;, 541, 26_ ${:11; 923; July 31, 1894, c. '174,` §:1; 28Stat.179.) - , ‘. _- ef 16. Same; fpr work with Bmeau of Mix1e$.+'1`lge Secretgaryw of me Treasury may detail medical ofllceis of the Public Health Sexvieef fm; eooperative ‘hezil“th,» Safety; or lszgnitatlciu work with the Bureau of Mines, mul the 'compensation and expenses gl! line ameers. so detailed may be paid iroui applicable dppropti- ‘ ations made ‘fe1;` the Bureau I6}? Mines. (Juine 12, 1917, c. 21, § 1. 46 Stah'146; May 24; 1922, c. 199, 42 Stat. 588; Jang. -24, 19%; c._ 42; 42 Stat. @0; June 5, 1924, c. 264, `43` Stab _422;" .Miar. 3, 1925,’cQ‘ 462, 43_Stat. 1175.) ` “` . g l { 17. Same; jc Deputxent of Agriculture.-'1‘l1e Secretary of ef t;he_Tteasm·y may detail medical ouicem of the Public Health Service ‘t0* the .Dep¥u·tmenf ·0t Agriculture for`. cooperative . siveesietaule iu_ (he administmtivn of secti011s.·1 to 14, irlcldsive, ef Title 21,}*000 M~m—·Dm3cs, and the compensation and ex-

 0( the ciheers Sc detailed may be paid from applicable ‘

appropriations. made for enforcement of s2ld sections. (Oct;. 1, 1918, c. 178, 40 Stal. 992.)l . A . . ·_ . 18. Rmrve of Public Health Service;————-For the purpose ot securing a reserve fc; duty in the Public Hwith `Service in § time of national emergency there shall be organized, under the. direction of the Seer·ei;mry of the _Treasury, under such {tiles and regulations as mtlie President shall preserlbe, a reserve pl _ the Public Health Serviee. The President alone shall be. éufhorized to appoint a;1d cemmL¤zs i0n qs owners in the said reézervet n such citizens as, umm examination pvescribed by the President, shell be found physieglly, mentally, and mmQ·ally qimlitled to lmld such C0i11'lIli§i9BS,_ and :s:1ld‘c0;nmissions= shell bejin t0l°CB’ for a period of fiveywrsl, unless s00uer·tern1ixi§ted"ln·tlie~ discretion of the Pr~e¤ider1t,`but commission in saiel reserve shall; net exempt the holder from piilitary or u&val·se rvl<:e :` `Provided, That the cllkezjs eemmissismed uuder°_thi>s sectieix none ot- ‘ x%#1;1£>:?u shall have rank above thafof Assistant Surgeon General, sl;al_l_l>e ¢llst'n·lI»uted ill the several grades lu the same proportlohu as obtained on October 27, 1918 among the cqfxlxaxissiuued medical

’L'BLlC~HEALTl1 L .1314 OQCGITS of‘tbe·United States Public Health Serviccantl shall :1t~ J alltimes be eubjecg te cull to ·{l(!'fi\'Q duty 133* the Surgebn General zmcl {when em such active dutynslmll ‘re·z·eive the same paiy and allqwances, as are provided by law and regulation for the . commiseioned medical ctllcers in the said regular commissioned medical corps,. (Oct. 27, 1918, c; 196. -40 Stat. 1017.) . ` 19. Leave of 8b@B€€ to medical 0&¢ers.——-The Ser.·r_etury of the (TPQHSIIYY is alilhorized. in his discretion, to- grunt to the medical officers ci the Public Health Service ccmmiesiuned by th_e Ihtesiderlt, without deduction of pzzy, lczlvce of abxence for the same periods of lime and ln the same xxxzmmer fas is_:1uth0x·— ized to be gralilted to officers of the Army by ¥}iémSt!01’(‘Ihl‘Y of _Wur.· i(Feb.»19,.1897, ch. 265, § I, 29 Stat. 554.:} ` · - 20.. ]?enéions"to _ e§cers cletailed rfer service with Coast Guard, _ArmY» or Nsvy.e—When ctllcers of tlre_·.United_ States Public Health Service are serving, on Goset ¥G¤a.rd_ vwaels in time of vmr, or are dethiled in time of wer for duty wltlhnlxc Army or Navy in éccerdaixce wifh la1_w,`they· shall be entitled tb; pensions for themselves d widows and children, if guy, sis oh J nily 9; 1917 were I0·r ehicers cf. cerresjsomliug grade and length 9f_ service ct the Cornet Guan}, Army er Navy, as the case may be, and shall be sulect tc the lmvs prescribed? ionithe government of the service to which they are respectively ‘detailed.' (July 9, 1917, c. 37, 40 Stat: 2é£2.) ·. - - Q21. Hygienic Laboratory; advisory bard.-—-Thereshell be am laclvisory `bcard for the Hygiehj.c_L·ab·er&r%e~ry fc: ccneultatieh {vith the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service relative ·t0 the irivestigations io be lmmgurued, and - the methode cf conducting che same,` in said laboratory} Said beard shall cam; sist of three competent expertsfio be detailed from the Army, `the Nhvyh xfnd the Bureai1`0(·Animal Imiustry by th;} Surgeon General of the Army, the Surgeon General of the Navy, andthe Secretaryot Agriculture, respectively, which experts, with glue director ‘0£~the said laboratory, shall be er oiliclq Members of the beard, and serve jvitheut additional compensaiimx, Five _ other meiubers of said board shall be appointed by the-Sm·geen General of the Public Hea1th_Serviée,'.wltl1- the approval of the `S€Q»`€t£ll;Y of the Treasury, whe shall be skilled in laboratory work. ih iis relation t9 the public health, and net in the regular eunploymegyt of tbcj_G0vernme:;§. "_ ‘1‘l1e·sald ¤ve_megx1bers shell each receive .c0rnperiseti<m of $10 'per diem- while serving in conference, as ;1fi>resaid,_t0gethe`r with allowepcc for actual em! necessary jraveling 'expenqes_ and Jrctel expenses while ih *ceeference. Said conference `ié rxct_ tc exceed. terrdavs in hh-y che iiiscal year. _ f1‘he term of service ct the five members of said , ·b0ur£l, not in the regular émpleyqéent ei the Governmht, mst appointed shell be soiarranged that one of said shall. rerire each year, the subsequent appointments to be fer ea period bf Eve years. Appolntmerlfhlto HI] vacancies Yoccrrrring in a manner other than as` above provides! ll be made Yer the unexpired. term of the member wlncse pl:x)as become vacant. ,(July 1, 1902, c. 1370, § 5. 32 Stat. 113.) _ ’ _ R 22. Samei chiefs bf divisions; l directar of laheratery.-—-. There shall be appointed by the Smgeqn General, with the approval ct the Secretaryof the Treasury, wlnehever, ih the epic- _ ion of the Surgeon Generel, 00mlhiSSi0Béd medical cbicers et' the Public Hezilth Service hre net available for this duty by detail,`_c01r1petent persons to take charge of the divisichs. respectively. of chemistry, zoology, and pliarmacolegy of the Ilygieuic Laboratory, who shall each receive such phy es shall be fixed by the Sgxrgequ General, with thelappreval of the Seeremry of the Treasury. The director of the` said leboretery . shell been ‘0$cer detailed. from {be corps of commlssicped medi'- - cal cmccrs of the Public Healxh Service. All c0&missicirc•l omcers of me Public Health Service not below the grace of _ passed essistunt surgeon slihll be eligible to` agmignmeut tcduty ln charge of Lhessid divislcms of the Hygienic Labomtcry, eind Q