Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/133

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119 TITLE v.»+-AGR. 12791-Peivuj tmdniuister exsniee vltnmeg er_t·e· tl quit·e. iw_ ef, beets; etc.——·In° the ·perfmmeuce of the A témies required of t11e‘Bm·mu et Econcmitgstiu the admieist S {Wien' or ¢i1f¤1"¢3@§t’9f previmenq 01*VAm (United Steam 1 t1 tween I·‘¤t¤mpeAct,,c1anp1e1·,13`c»£ Title 23; U¤1tedStatesGre.l¤ tl n Szaeaaade Let, empter 3 at this title; United §t.etee .W¤.1je- d mtise ActQl’<Si$•ptez· 16 of this title; Qtnnénrd Container Act; E Title 15., and Trade, sectieans 251 te %6, inclusive, and Acn:cm.·x·un4x. use ‘See Title 7, 1 to _ _ Am an

 See chapter 13* ot"'1‘itle_%; Pom

1 1 . ·~¤¤¤ See Title 48Q nm I1 _ _ . Amana: see chapter. 7 of T1tle;.20,`%Uc1 see:¤t1e·s0,_ewA¤- _ =

mvmrvzza g 420 me ·Acts jnéking annual apprbpriations fdr the Department ct lgricultme); relatmg_ to the ;D€f}3l‘t1I1*E}1t·0f Agricultmje, th; e~cmtm—y» of Agriculture, or any »rq¤»¤me¤mtlve au· {mrized, in writing by him for the purpose, xkall7have p6we1· > ,a;lmix:ister oaths, examine witx , and mil for the promztioupt tbooks and mpers, (July 24, 1919, sz; 41 Stat. l B7.) ‘ ’ ‘ ` zugmcnx. céuécm » JL t

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