Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/135

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  • }.1;* ’ — TITLE Sr-—-»~A.L1L?.\?S1A.

sg; TITLE .8.-¢-QALIENS A .fZ;r[l`*"? · —; Sec, C 1 t;jEYEZNTQU{P·—·······""""""”""""""'!""""""Q"""V$"'_`"""'T°"""“"`°`°°“'°"""""“"` I 6 it ,1,, ,, ·,-M1;;—·;m:~:<:mm¤ -.;..-..4;...: ..,. ,.1--.; ..,... .. .. ..- 31 7

 ,,.1;,;;;<:1§`fS..#·-# ~--— —-·-··»-·»·--·······-·—--— -·-·— -—·=-—··-·*;···¤····-=-·—·····=·--····¥~·-·—-·=·¥···   8

4 1*,1 .:¤gZilT`€ ¢——· —·-—-~ ·· ——-· *·,·-·;·-··············_*— —~·· ·*···· ··-····· ···:····_·•· Q1 9 is _,, me ,,»;.rxr;s:sr1;1> GF LAN? --,. ..: . 1,-..--;.-- *,41; CRGSS REFERENCE @,,,,11;- oiions, seo Title 50, War'. 1 _ fi i · - · i gv f}s;s;s1r·r 1·.·-—C;TIZENSHIP· V } 3 so ·. · L ‘ hh 1* 1 ER »;'j€‘§,fa»\§}S: wh!} BIG. f j;.#;}§j1‘; personas born .21: Oregon. . 1 Q _ , _ 5 Q ,1 s;1m1··;···1¤dia¤s;° Indians serving in' Military ¤r“Navf¤1 Establisha "* ,.._ ixomgduring _$$’ortd' ·\\’u. ”_ · ‘ V t .1;:,,m1·; Hawaiians. _ ° (1 7.. $:1mo;.,Porto¢I2ica1as._ _ _ _, , . _ ·n 1;, smao; children of ·c1tizr·¤s bam outside ofqmteo Stgtes. _ , i_

_ l‘§ZiI€·€~!}Shi{3 oi wchiidreu of pcrsonnixqturalized under certain laws. ·
 s,m¤e; childrco,. borrnlalgrood, of alien parents, by noturalizatioir 1

,ofp:1rcuf, -1 V _ I ._‘. . ‘ _ _ 4. Y ° _ l gg

1, s;~1me_;4 citizenship of women; citizens, of United States aswnffected A

by marriage;· me-rrixgo to alien ineligible to citizenship; citizen-; ship at termination `ot marriage Status; of qoutingxous Q residence outside of United »_S_fates: expatrtgtion ·lawsj not i aiecied. __ __ , _ _, · . · . ·. . i· - ‘ 1·S_ s;1mQe;“ women marrying citlzcus_; effect of repeal of former-law. ‘f 11, imrioituro oi citizenship for desertion or avoidance of draft, 2.;:.-riiiloo; Civil Win.- E- —, _ _ _ _ · ,` _ _-1::, 1*;·ou·ction to:aaturalized·citizcr1s abroad. `f ·i 1;. izrmiso ot; citizens imprisonegi .by_ foreign `govoruments. ‘ ] ‘iZ3. iixpzairintiou; right of, 1 ‘ - " · . — 21;.- Same: during tlme of wu. i H; manic; presuxptkm. " · - — ‘. I ,_ 15.4 Repatriation-I 0£_ ckpatxiated citigeus., 4 · 2 `· .i

  Q   S¢<2§2§r 1- jQ¥{§€9_!i..;__E§9 “ @-***11 .P°"`“°”*S im in the  

lkziwxi States and llof slibjeij {6 .f§£§wf5i’él5*i$0iY¢t EHS _ i·l1m·1f to iso citizens ot this Uoitocl S&tcs.`, (R. _S. { 1992,) _ ( _. _ 2. Same; bor; in Qrégmg.-—-All persons born lin the { W iiirzrict of country formerly kxlsowo os tho fI‘errftory of Oregon, I uml subjottto tho jurisdiction oftho United Stntu ontho 18th ( Ma 1872,sro citizens in tho same, ll18.1lI1€1*_’I8 it born elsewhere;. ii: Ebb United Statu. '· S.'§i1995.) . . _ 1 V q . " 1 3. Same; Indians; 1¤oi¤.M’¤m·i¤g or Naval Es- ', ,t ablislrments dtlfing ._W0rId Wa!t··v—-AQII Ilgdialls b01'tl_ witllin that I 1 t<·rl‘if<•riz11 limits éf, the U11i,tod_.$ta,tos info declared t0, bé ¢”:iU· ( ezmw of the Unite; Smuas., The granting ot citizenship t6“Ip· e ,—, <ii:m»a ximiibrgot in ogy mnmior affect the-right of any Iml1¤¤"_ 1 1·31rii»;ilor othor property. _’ 1 1 .‘ _ P ‘ _ .1 , a·Z·,~1;:·y Aszoorfcmi indian, whoscrvod in tlpoi Military or Nayal 1 l.Z~i;1b1isi11uox;‘t$ of, the United Btatés du1‘i1lg_ the ·'W31°'Bg&iD$#_ I i!11:‘ lmporiui .»Gi?l’l§1&fl Gojroriimout, dud 'W'hO’·`h884, lf€£!EiV€d W0!‘V I i m¤;··· roooijgo an ho11o1‘ub1e;dtscliargc, if. not a citizen _0il`- Novem· g mj G, “1Q19, and it holso desires, shall, on-.proot_1_o£ such dis-, 1 ri1.1rgo ond latter proper idoaxtmcation before a court·.of come s ,;·1·‘1·2:i juri5dfotion,·m1d withoait other examination, "evxccpb 1 ·s·# }l1°{'*f·¤4'l'ib€(]’ by mid ooxirt, grautodrfull citikoxiship with _&H· _- ii¤1·$}fi‘viloge.s pertaining therotoh without {zi may `llliiIIl3·€l,°i im-

i;11ring or otherwise aniTocti11g·t1io property rights, im1_ivldual° 1

M triisol, jot may 311<;h.Iudinn, or his i¤.te_i‘28t in tribal or .,1 1~11¢11·;· lmiiau property; 1 SQ 5 *%].2; Fob,_8..1S8'I,_ c. 119, §_6, 1 iii Wait. Mar. 3, 1901, c, 868, 31 Stat, 1447.;-'M¤y_ S, 1906, ··q 12::348, 34 Stat. 182,; Nov. 6, 1919, c. 95, 41 Stat;. 350; Mar} 3.; i Wifi., c. 119, 3, 41 Stat. .1250; Juno 2, 192-1, C. 233, 43 Stat. 1

 Same; Hawgiiaxxs.-—-—All porsons >\Y1lQ were citizens ot_ tho 1

_ Rimuhiie of Hmr.o_ii on Auguot 12, 1898, are 5loc1aréd‘ to be < sfiizoos oftlio United States. (Apr. 30, 1900, c. 339, 5 4, 31 *1 Sam. 141,). · · 1 · ‘ 1

xw c1T1z 1;m111P §§ L7 ND CITIZENSHIP h rlxahtcrt . sam _ , Iuumsemcx ... z ...*. 1.. ;. .. ..-.. wt . Excmsmozc cw Cmxsmz- .~... T ..., - ... 1 261 . Tum coomr mw; ..*,... t n,m., . ¤.,m,... h ...~,. ,.t...,...$..,. 331 . NATl§Bf\L12A‘I‘i0§€ -; 1...,.. ...,..1 .~*. ‘ 3231 5; Same; Portp Ricang.——A11Aéitizens st 13*crm Rico, de- Lnéd bysecticn 733 of Title 48, and all natisres c»fPm·t0 Rico who wera°tempoi·e;rily absent frcm that island on April 11, 1899, ndvlhava since returned and are_‘pe;7mm1te¤‘tEy residing; in that sland, and aide not citizéns of any fomign country, are dmlzxred, und shall be deemed and held mfbe, citizens of the United N"? Rates: ·Pro#vided; That any person hex·gi¤be£0re‘ described reaiped his political status held on B1a1;ch'2,1191’2', bymzzking:1 leclaratiem, under o;xth,; of hié decision te; do so within; six _ uozxthé from said date before the district Icourt in the disttict n" which he resided, the declaration Q to be in form as follows: t‘ I,y . ,. being- duly sworn; hereby dcciare my intention not to become `a citizen of th; Ujxited States as provided in the kct of _·C<1Hgl'€$S conferring United` Sthtcs cithenskipb upon eitizexié of Porto Riéo and éertain fmitives permanently- residiixg — nsaidis1v,nd." d· . - i t _ f ‘ , {In the caséjof any such person who may have been absent From the island during-- said six mo¤ths»— the term of this p:·c· risc wéra_aygiIedh of bk transmitting a declaration, under oath, I1 the form iherciuw provided `withih {kit months fum; March 2, L t917Q to .the`Téxecqtive· saérétnry of `Portcr Ricg, Any person wha "‘° ~ ms born in Porto Rico of faq aliim pureptiand was mrmaxxgntli

 tin that island maygit qt full age, withig six months

from }H§1ich_ 2, 1917, or if;. minbr, qpoxi reaéhiug his majority >1·. within chew yéar tithergatter, maliéh an swim declaration at n1@zL&n1;9,.t@;$h_.LU@§Qt@ht§`§€§$$§it P€¥9I.¢;E*§fU mtéd Smtm mg

rict—`C01ujt for Porto Rico, égttinggtorth-d th¢}·§`{H i”£iim tB§A faétsm

zoxmected with this or he`} birth " and residence 'iu `Pcrté Rico md ‘Vaccomp;1¤yiugt dt1e proof; thereat, {Erm and after the naking ot suéh. declaration shall be. c<msidered to 'bé ta citigen >£ thé United _( Mar. 2, 1917,; c; 145, tf 5; Stat; 6.~ Samé; of pitizcns bélt of Usiitcd States,-e-All phildten ·b0f¥1`_`Q\I[ at- the and jurisdiction >£. the United States, whose fathers may be ht the time of theié V ahjth citizens of the United States; arc` déctared kto be citizer1s__ >I the, United States { but _ the right of yitizeusgip shall not iesceud to children whose fathers never in the United States. All such `children who Acontigmév to feside outside that United Stgtest shall, in order tot receive the pxjotection of this Governtnéut; bel reqqima upon reaching the hge at eisghteén years t0_ record at &l1‘A1Ilé1'iQ811 consulate their .inte¤ti<m» to become residents and remain citizens of the I§nited;Smtcs am? s11all\bé.dfutthér required tétéke the éatlit_0fal1egiancc to the United States`. xipon attaining their majority ·DupIicates of any evidence; registration, or énther acts ‘hy this seeti¤m`sh9lrbe_¤léd with, the Departmentwif State for,1:e<·oi·d. . (R. S'.} 1993; Mar. 12, 1907, c.‘2534;,Q §§ 6, 7; 3··1.St&·t.»1229.)» . · · ,7. Citizcnshipwof qhildren af `perscns mtunlizcd under certiiu law=s.—·-'I'he Chudl`·€\l·°0f.])€FSO{1S wh:} have heed duty ·;m_t~ · umlizéd uhdet ai1y·1aw‘0f the United Ststés,' oz) w110,.p1f@vi.o1is _1 to the‘pussing_d0f_any law 0n‘that·s11l1jgct, by that Gm·é,z·nm¢.>ut 1 at the United States, lgnxafy have bécogne citizens bf any onde ot tha States; u¤dQi·2tl1”e luws tl1g·1·€e§f, being Ul\'d”t!l' the age of cwem:y·o¤e' }fé&_l‘$ at thsrtimc of the ‘untm·¤lization (if their _ pa1i·cut:s,.sha·1l, if ·dwéI1ing—in tlic.dU;;ited States, the 'considemd xs citheeixs theveofjaud uk€4('h-i]ddl'£‘!1 of pci*1¢0ns»who now nrc, Qt have`béén,*cit»izem>§‘ of the United States, shall; tl1011;.;l?:1»9x·n

mt_0f,t11e vligpitg and ju_risdi•
ti0u °.0f the United Sti1t€%:·§," be

zonsidered ·as` citizens dthereuf;'° ·‘{1t. S. § -2172.)` 1