Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1358

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§* 231 www .|8.···-Pl ma S GB the of hi! Q! QEQ 1 the‘·rl@m ot third persons shall not have intervened end the nmlhonnl or %nd entry has not been mceled. (Ap}. 28, 1%4, o, 1991, 55 1-3, & Stat; 548: Har. 2, 1907, c. @37, H 1-3, Sd Stnt.·l224; Hay Q, 1908, c..220, _§ 7, 35 Stat.409; Ang., 24, 1912, c. 371, 37'Stu. 499.) ‘ LEAVES OF ABSENCE AND EXCUSES FOB NONRESIQ . SENSE GR IYGNGULTIVATIQN { 23l.~0 leaves of sheueeg proof on oomnwtuion.-` The entr®¤ menhoned in section {104 ot this 'wziptav nponhlinglnthelocallsndomcenoheeottheheglnnmgoignch ¤&&w at hieoptlnn shell beentitlsednto an lave ot nmmcei in om os two`conmnom·ner1ods, not exceeding in the

te Sure months ln aw yar    
   Tmrthe gégloter of the bool land

mee mw mls •nd‘@1•t1m me Gommlemoner of 0&::0 mu, npcs lmlper phoving, upon nppllution of me ·:nd.m1y.—!or¥ &metlc ton-'

 meta     for  

monthsia ee& yesrj; hu·@ip, redone the teriot restdmce tnnot more slxmonwnln each yeer, over a period of i'nm·` Jun, ogito mt mmeuwan hvé m0¤tM Qé RSF ¢Y¤1" s oflhoe bntthe tot•1 · ···» irednired shall in no devmi; emeed twwtyhve months, not lem then five ot www ln en& year;. prootto. be mde within Eve

 hitter mtr}; andnponthé te;minhtion‘ofmch absence,

in each peflod, the ontryman 'éle e notice of smh t@l+ mtlw thelml land o§ce; hutjin cane of commntadon the `fwteen néonthnl actual as now teqni1*ed,hf law, @t be ehown, n¤d`_-the permn emmntiughe et tmtlmen oltlsen ot the United States, (R; B. § @1;··Jnne"6, 1912, ¢._153, 87 Stat. 1%; Ang. 2, 1914, o. 270, % S&ti 794; Fm @,-1919, e. $,10 Stnt.1153; Mar. 3, 1925,}:. 462, ¢338tn.t. 11451) · »_ . 0- m. Smmz on mmgveyed Liu.-5-Au? qmlmed person who hu neior to ·.luly`3,, 1916; or ini gooditnith make ¤ettl t and improve unmrveyed uneppro-

 public lands ot the United Stnteoi with intention, npon

mrvei, oi wmeumef the ho d lawn shell be entitled to nleave of § {5B_1B om_ or two not ex-

 the awepte Bvé months in &oh yeai·‘atte; es—_

- ~ of residence: Rrooided, That he shallhnve

 on &e groundthe extaior   of the l¤@"

chmod and-hnvejnled in the locvlland of the ep? »pmo&teloc¤tionotthela.ndssettledp1lonemclal@,ot the ot M eme,. &h , and that he shell upon the

 ot the   and his rethrn to tm  

notice tmneoi i¤` the local land ohca. (Iuly. 3, 1916,1:. M4; @5tat,84.L) J ‘ .i ._. - V

 for sv•®¢-—Eve;·y peinon who, alter   from we

military or navnlierviee ot thejllnited Bute: jun: anim G~@ny and its is vouumlj nwhllhatim &r of the Yocatlnnal Rehabilitation Act, sections *631 to W ot Title &, Pmuous, Boanm, Axe Ymiruzw Bum, upon the pound lthet he now iithin A@e lll ot the Act M 1917.* oFo;-tl@ Volme, Sututes at Llm¢{ NSG @8. and vm bdvm

 npon meh course shall hméemdo entry won yo:

.ap$h "tnr pnbl:lcin¤d—s of tm United on n o the » l ne w d inw¤,‘-or whoyhah settled or npm_p¤&lcl;@, nhallheentitledto g buo`d¢h¤@ce

 bln land {ortho purw of     by

the Fedml Board ot Vomdwal Education, and while nctxmhy we in saw be as . ¤c¤vo;rml :j $11 we to who has notrwdod

mtm LAHD8 1344 and cumvsted his hémestezd · ter an perleé of •t cue year. _ . I l · _ . _ y -.. _` . J

 abcye provisions of this mctlea gre exteedw td theée

wm, nfter disgcharg from the maitsry or mv:} aenleeci the Uxglted; States, are tum1& the Gcvemmeet rm? * mums received br diiehillty lm¤& iq Hm et duty. - (Sept, N, 1919, c. M, 41 mat. %; Apr. 6, 1922, e. 1% I 2, 42 Stat; 234; or fume ef‘e@ sk ,, er uaveld. able c;s¤•Ity.—Whenever it shall be mee to awér to the regimr et any public lash cme, hmer. hcl: regelgtiem as the Secretary of the Interiw my m, & séy neuter spam — thepublie 1awisu¤ablabyr et¤ total__0r_p•rti¤1 ®¢1'¤¢¤®u_or fxHm% Cl! ag de@, or `ether‘@nv0k1abl¤ %elty, te  »¤¤ l l y for ll t,* .hermt,<¤·t§¤sed ¤t¤pe¤kl¤e;¤r$e¤mp.ln¤&_ settled upqn, then su& " my gtatte na nuttin n leave otjbséme from the upmjvhteh he cr de in alecm-; enmmmmr ;t;•¤y¤¤m», ue mhsettler se gramw eteakem $3 fetfeltic ~r@s {by reason ct, such Tut @e of nw eetgil gbsehce shall be frm éezml res$@ee requirm byl9w:~Pr&d further, Th¤t$!&¤:‘ Qwkfhm

 prior tb   w, 154, fcr£$ed Qkb whe 511 fe! any ‘

kot mel: pemm be te mh em: lot; mtte exceed- an on iw ¤ land·¢ject .t0 entry mxderthe h0me&@d‘§•w, mel to the same mlgler the nm @16mh any rgect up Hehe hadn not made thefermer ° ilqiir.`2, 1%, ca @1,1 3, ‘% Stat. ,854:, De}. 29, 1894. e. 14,28 Sit. EBS; liar. 8, 1%, e. 4Q 432, ?Stat.\1145.) · · _ . ·` __ _ Q235. er he = ti gp Qby grgnhgypern.-——It' lslmll be. lawful ter mttlm ea me p¤¤ltr__l&, whae crws h¢ve.bem _ msybe er·_qdi@y in- ·j¤ gramhevpérs. to leave endhe absent from paid lame, under éuch rule! and régnittiem, as te ei the nm, as

 of the G l Land    the;

.lmf in no case shall such •.h¤@.'exte¤d bey@ maya: ccntimxeusly ;_ land during 'sueh BQ adverse Iishts attach to mid lands, such to and periect their nettmmeat as mem nemw sbmee hed

 (July 1, ISN e. Q, { 1, 21 &¤t.4S;   IQI,

c.·561,$4.28&ht.1®'{.) . . 236. Absence te fum l¤bu` dui¤g·We13ll War.--;

 et-`the urwith   her dim
     w t h gsettbr or  with    in s  

02 nhameircn hislsmé fe: the pm-pen ed tm` labor, and sew a walk h fl1‘$~llh81‘,. ‘

 nr    rereéilmee:     mttler `
    ~ ¤ t  gle     m the U#u`£éL_

‘_8t¤tu Land O& hunt the ~ tt t Ig M yar Meinl 'sald ei me wherein claim is_ sitmtm • mtemmt, tmc asm and mehcnm hy two mwta date er mea wha he his dtlm; d§@0!’§IlC¤.¢R®l;§€¥¢td»lB=éW%E§£f&W h¢ was enmed ln £um—.l¢her·durl¤¢_imh pmw cr puicm et, absence: féfhéa That h&ins*b¤*d§ Shall gem my bemmmclj mtleayer ggking imprcve·~

 or pertermlw the eumvptiva @1rQ byrppliesble

1aw.u t his mr farther, Rstdae pre viqm eféla nwmrnhallnmtymlyteheamasdsettlen we wt-rymw whe my haw mu ,r¤·i¤¤r te Dmmbs m_`191"l. Smwry etthe mmm is n¤th®·

 to provide mk:   @1mcm for qrrylng thiesec-`

tieaintndm. (D•c.®,1§17,·¢.§,_& Stat. iw.) _ " '