Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1374

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`§ 418 ~ · ‘· TITLE 43,··—-Pl . the anproprintc local lgudoffice copies of an instrument; giving . a description of fhc“rigl1t.0f way or cascmcnQ; and uoticclthnt the. sanic is resérvcd to the United States `tor Federal irrigation purpoécs under thin chapter, in which event entry for such land and the patent issucdy therefor shall be subject to the right of way or wscment so described in- such ingtr11mentx;_ ind reference to each Such instrument shall be made in` the appropriate tract books nnd_`a1so` in the patent. . (Dec. 5,,1924, c. 4, § 4, subset:. P, 43 Stat. 704.) . _ `. . _ 418. Privgte ladinwithin proj¢¢t"§ lgreément as. to disP°8¤l of excess over farm nnit.——Bcfore any contract is let or work {gun for the construction ot_ any reclamation project adopted, &ft€1‘>A\lg'i1ét 13, 1914, the Secretary of the Interior shall re; qniayn the owners ot private lands thereunder to agree to dispose of iii lands in excess of the area which zhcshnll deem sum-- cient for 'the support ot"_n family upon jzhc land -in,qucstiou, upon such tcrmé and at not to cxccéd such price as, the Score? tary of the Interior mnydcéignate; and it any landowner shall rcfnm to agree to the requircmenté iixcd· byjhc Secretary of the Interior, his land shall not be included `within; the pr0jéctit adopted for constrnctionl (Aug. _13, 1914, c. 247, $_ 12, B8 Q  ».~». C¤@t" _ °I¥iH`E` _ irtigable, ,¤nit of entry, and construction charges.-7-Upon the determination" .tha_t any ·irrigntioi1 project is practicable, the. Secretary of the Interior anay cause fo be hit contracts for fhg construction of the; mime, in .such ._ portions or Sections as; `it. my; be practicable to construct and complete as parts ot the whole project, providing the necessary funds for such portions or Sections nrc available, and · thereupon he `shhlll giyo public _ notice of the lands irrigablé under such p1:0jcct,_nnd 1i'mit_ of; arm `pér entry; which limit shall represent the pacreagc which, r in the opinion ot, the‘·‘Scc1;eta,ry, may befrcasonnbly requli·ed< forgthe support ;o; jh family, ujgion the lands in question; nlso of the charges which shall be mndc upon the _ mid entries, `and upon iandslm private ownership which mnytbé irrigated by the. ‘—wntcrs of ihé said irrigation p1·0jcct,`nnd·the numbcrgot annual _instal1mcn~t3‘in which suclrchnrgcs shall be paid; and the time when snch payments shall comgncncc: _Pr0vided, That in all constrnction work eight hours sliall constitute a day’s` work, and no Mongolian labor shall bc employed `thereon., unc 17,. 1902, c. 1093, § 4, 32;Stat. 389.)- ° . - 429. Use of earth, tim5i{ €t¢.,_`fl'0lil other public hmds.4-In , carrying out the provisions of this `Chi1.[)tQ1’, and nin constructing X works thereunder, thejSccreta1*y 0L the llntcrior is hereby [ authoi·ized~ to usc and to permit the nsc by those cugagcd in ·thé construction of works under snid luayvfundér rulgs and regu-., lntions to b€,'])l’(-!SC}‘ib€d by him, such cnrthystonc, and tixnbcr c from the public lands ofuthe United Stntu ds may bé_ required n in {the construction of snch works, nad the Secretary of Agric cuxpureas hereby authorigcd @0 permit the Qnsc oi earth, stonoj and timber from the forest reserves of the United States for ' thé,811I`§1€·D}§fDQ$€,.U!id€f rules and rmnlations to be prescr bed by mm. (Feb. 8, mos, e. ssz, as s:p¢.‘·10o.>_ F c , M _ · ,421. Acquisition of hndajor irrigation project; emi cnt doénin.-rg-Whore in cnrrygng out the- provisions ot thischaptcr `

 it becomes necessary to acquire any rights or propérty, the

‘ Secretary ot the Interior iq nnthoriicd to § uirc the snmc for the United Btntcq by purchase or by c0ndc®ntion`undcr judicial process, and to pay from, the reclnmoiion. fund the sums which may bcazcedcd for thqt purpose, mr ir shall `be the duty of the Atromcy General of the United Stntu upon cvcry nppli- {cation ot tho Secretary of the Interior, under this chapter, to V cause proceeding to .bc commenced for condemnation within thirty days from the receipt" of tho application at the Depart-‘ ment of Jnsticn. `_(Juné 17,1902, c. 1093, [7, 32 Stat} ’,¤ ¢ _ 422, Conitruction · _ of dams norm Yellowstone River,-— Whc1ie,_§n carrying out projcctéunder the provision; of the

YBLIO nuns ··1360 reciamation law, it shall be necessary to construct dams in or across the Yellowstone River in the State ot Montnnn, the. , Secretary of the Interior isn hereby authorized to construct and. -. , use and operntethe same in the manner and for the purjioseg fcontemplatedby said reclamation law. (Mar. 3, 1905, c. 1476, 33_ Stat.-1045.) ‘ ‘ ‘ ·WA'1jER-RIGHT AITLICATIONS ‘ AND LAND ENTRIES . 431; Water-right dppljcations generally; limitation aqfto ‘ nmount of water; qugliications of applicant.?-No right to the use of `watep for Qgmi in private ownership shall be jsold tor`! tract exceeding, one- hundred hud. sixty heres to any one landowner, qm1_¤o such sale shall be made to any lnndczwner unleas he be on actual bong tide resident on ,such` land, or occupant the:co*’ residing in the neighborhood of said land, and no such tight shall pergnauently attach- until- gl! payments therefor are `mude. (June 17, 1902, c. 1093, Q 5; 32 Stat 3@.) ,_ - ' 432..— Enttii under homestud. lawn ¢e¤¢n1ly.——Publlc lands which? is proposed ‘to‘ irrlgate by means of any contemplated `viorks, _ hall be subject to entry only under the provisions ot the homeétead laws, gud shall w· subject to the limitations,


the commutation provisions of the homestead lows shall not apply .to' entries mode. under thii chapter; (June ‘17, 1902,, c. 1093, { 3,-82 Stat. 388.) ,— ’ ~ · _ c 433. Character gud Acdpitaf quslmcation of e¤tryme¤.—¥The ·_ Secretary is authorized, undelf regulntione to be promulgated .by him, to require of each applicgnt including preference right ex-service men for entpy to public lands on a` project, Such qualiiicétions as to industry, experience, character, and 'capitnl, ¤g__1¤L111¤ opinion ,hre_uec&i·y to give reasonable assurance of success by the prospective settler. The Secretary " is authorized to appoint bmrds in part composed 9( Private L citizens}, to nssistl gh determining such qualifications. .·(Dec._

 5, 1924, c; 4, 5 4, subsec. O, 43 Stat.’702.) -

434.~Amonnt of land for which entry may be maée'; farm unitj subdivision. of lands.-vPublic land [which it is proposed - tooirrigate xby means ot, any contemilogd works` shall m subject to ent% in tracts of not less than forty not more than ,,,.9Dé hundred und sixty acres: Provided, That whenever, in`the "opiuion of the Secretary of the Interior, by, season of maiket éontiitions and the bpecial Btness of the soil and climate for the_ growth_—ot fruit und garden produce, a` lesser area than forty` acres may be sumcient for thesupport of a family on lands to he irrigated under the provisions of the reclamation law, he may Hx a lesser area than forty_ncres as the minimum. entty andmay establish fnrmf unite of not lm thou, ten nor more than one hundredyand sixty acres. Wherevenit may he_ necessary, forrthe-pu1·@e ot accurate description, to further

  • subdiv1de lands tobe litigated under the proéisions of said

reclamation `law, the Secretary of the Interior`. may cause ‘ subdivision surveys to be made by theomcers of the reclamatiou__gei·v1ce, “whIch subdivisions-shall he rectangular in form, except in cage; where irrezular subdivisions may be necessnry in order to. provide for practicable. andfeconomicnl irrigation. Such subdivision surveys shallgbe noted upon thetract books in the"Ge`ueral—_Land Qmco, and they shall be pqid for from the. reclamation fund.: Provided, That an entyyrnnn may elect to €§'ltEl‘_`.\llld€1‘°'S§id reclamation —law` n lesser aren than .the minimum limit in any State or Territory._ (June 17, 1902, c. 1093, § 3, 32 Stat; 388; June 27,1906, c, 3559,-} 1, 34 Stat. 519.) - - · · ‘ _ W · — . e 435. Entries in eicess of farm \l!i}t.e—AII entries under reclamation projects containing moreathan one farin unit shall bé. reduced in area and conformed to n‘sing1“e·farm unit within I two years after making proof of residence, iinprovement, am. . cultivation, or within two yearé aftér the: iééuance of n fann- __junit plot for the project, 1t' the same issues éubéeejuent to the