Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1390

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§ 679 TITLE 4s.-PU1 by eptry at the land omco, at an acre, to ba paid at the time of making such entry: Provided. That the price to be paid a for alternate reserved lands, along the line ot railroads within 4 the limits granted by any Act of Cougresé, shall ba $2.50 per 4 acre. (R. S. §` 2357; Mar; 2, 1889, c. 381, § 1, 25 Stat. *854.) 1 679. Price of alternate sections of railroad lands.-The_p1*jca 1 of hmds‘ subject to éhtfy _0n June 15,.1880. and which were 1 raised to $2,50 per acre, and pufiu market prior to January, * 1861, by reason of the grant of alternate .si-actions for railroad 1 purposes is hereby reduced to $1.25 per acre. (Juno 15, 1880, s c. 22Y, § 3, 21 Stat. 238.·) · _ , . . 1 °689; Mineral la»»nds.-——'I`he preceding section shall Ynot apply to any of the xhineral lazids of the —U11ited’ States; and. no por-· , son Nwho shall be prosecuted for or proceeded against oh ac- 1 count of ogy trespass committed or material taken from any = of the public lands after March 1, 1879, shall be entitled to the , be11eiit;_thereof. ‘ (June 15, 1880,`c. 227, §l4, 21 Stat. 238.) 1 681. Ptfce of forfeited railroadlands and lands adjacent to _ 2 railroad la11ds.——Tha\price of all sections am} parts ot sections l of the public lands } within tha' limits- of the portions of the several grants of lands to aid in the construction of railroads ·] which have been or may be forfeited. which were by the Act, { makihg sixch grants or have since been increased to the double minimum price, and, alao, of all lands within the limits of A any shch railroad grant, bat not embraced ui suéh grant lying adjaceut.1:0 and ccterminous with the portions of the line ·9£_ .. any such railroad, which was not éomplgtedlou March 2, 1889, ‘slml1’be $1.25 per acre. `(Mar. 2, 1889, c. 381, § 4, 25 Stat. 854L)· 682. Sale for cemetery purjpoaes.-——-—$I3he Secretary of the In- _ torfo; is authorized to sell and convey to any religious or tra- ternal association, or private corporation, cuip0wared._by the j laws under which such g0rpo_ration or association is orgaulzed" J or incorporated. to hold real.-éstate for cemetery purposes, `not ° to oxcéed eighty acres of any "uhabptopriatad nonminéral pub- 3 lic lands of the United States for cemetery purposes, upon the _ payment therefor 'by such corporation or association of the ` sum of not less than $1.25 per acre: Provided, That title to any land élisposccfof under the provisions of _ thisA Béction shall ‘ ravex;t2to.t11e_ United States, should the land or any part thereof } ba sold or cease to be used for the. purpose herein ptoyldcd. hl (Mar. 1, 1907, cl 2286, 34 Stat. 1052.) " ·_ - - ,r _ ‘- 683. Minimum prioe; ·Eo·w_ fixed ·when‘ ruorvatioxw aolde-— .Whonovoz· any reservation ofpublic lands is brought into-mar- { kot, Atho- (bmmissiooer of the General La Qmce shall Hx a _ minimum price, not lass than $1.25_‘°per ac:$Q0w which such · lands shall not be disposed of. ·(R. SI5 l _` I 684. .0§ered for sale in promrtiom chosen by Presidentw- I “'h£,•Il€V€l‘ the President is authoriicd to cause the public lands;. 2 in any land district, to be offered for halo, he may- 0Her for ‘ mlb, at first, only 'a part of the lands contained-in such district, and at any subsequent time or times he may·0Ea1··£0r sale in I the same manner any other part, or‘tl1a remainder of the lands Z gohminod in the Same. (RQ B; § @58.) _ · tp, » _ _ 2 885. Advertisement of sales.--'ilna public lands which are ¤ okposed to public sale by order of the President shall be ad- ‘ .vortiscd for a period ot not less than three hor more than sk ‘ months 'prior to the day of mlé, unless qtherwix specially “ projgldod. (R. 8. S 2359.) _ ‘ _ _ _ . H I ‘ °" ESG. Publication of proclamation: of ala.->yA1l executive < proclamatiohs rélatlug to thé salsa of public lancll shall be · published in only one newspaper; tho. soma to bq printed and ·· published in the Stato or '1‘ex·ritory_ whore tha unda no situ- ; ated, aad. to ba designated by the Sacrgtary of t.ha'Ihtar1or._ 1 (Jan. 12, 1877, é. 18, Q 2, 19 Stat. 221.) F _ _ w A 687. Duration of sales--—···'.l`bo public asia of lands shall, re· ¤ apectivaly, be kept open for two weak; and no lohgor, mums a otherwise specially provided by law. (R. S. O %.) · <

smc LANDS 1376 688. Several certgticates to two or more purchasers of same sectio11.—-Where tw or more persons have become purcfhzxsers. of a sectiou or fractional section, the register of the land omce of the district in which the lands lie shall, on application of the parties, and- a surrender ot the original certificate, Issue separate certiticates, ot the same date with the original, to eee}; of the purchasers,. or their assiguees, in conformity with the division agreed on by them; but ju no case shall the fractions so purchased be divided by other than north and south, or east and west, lines; nor shall anycertiiicate issue for less than eighty acres. (R. S. § 2361.) ° ’ 689. Réfundlof purchase money.—The `Secretary of the Interior ie authorized, upon proof being made, to hiseatisfaction, that any tract of la11d has been erroneously sold by the United States, so that from [any cause the sale can anot be coniitmed, to repay to the purchaser, or· to his legal represexo tativesv or .assigneesQ the sum of money which was paid therei tor, out “ot_ any money in the Treasury not otherwise aporopriated. ·(R. S.'§‘2362..) ·. . _ . · ` 690. Sources of funds, for: repayment.-e—Where any tract of land has been erroneously tsold, ae" described in the. preceding section; and the money which was paid Tor the same has beep invested in any stocks he1d_ in trust, or has been mid Into the- Treasury to the credit of any trust fund, it is lawful, by_the sale ofsuch portion of the stocks ads} may be necessary for the purpose, or out of such trust fund, to repay the purchase iuoney to the parties entitled thereto. ~ (R. S. { 2363.) l 691. Purchase of _ lands lognted in good faith bi claims arising under treaty,—#-The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to permit the purchase, with cash or military bounty- land warrants, of such: lands as mayo have beeggoceted with claims arisiugl under the seventh clause of the second artiele of the treaty of Septetuber'30, 1854, at, such price pexnacre as hedeems equitable and-proper, but not at a less price than $1.25 per acre,-aud the owners and holdersof suchclaims in good faith are also permitted; to complete their entries, and to perfect their titles under such claims upon compliance with the terms above mentioned; but it must be shown to the satisfaction- of the Secretary of the Iuterior that such claims are held lhyfiunoeent parties in gmd faith, and that the locations made under such claims have been made, in good faith and by innocent holdera of the same. (B, S. 5 2368.) -692. Coin receivable in payment.-The lgold coins ot Great Britain and other foreign coifm shall be received in all pay- ments ou account of public lands, at_ the value estimated annually by the- Director of the Mint; and proclaimed by the Secretary ot the Treasury. t in accordance with the provisions of section 372 of Title '_31, Moss: nm Fxzukcs; (R. S. § 2366;) 693, Provisions for mistakes in e¤try.——····In every °@se ot a purchaser ot public lands, at private sale,.having eutered at the land office, a tract dmereut from that_he intended to purchase, and being desirous othaving the error in his wtry corrected; he shall make his applteatiouttor that purpose to the register of · thelaud omce; and it it appears from testimony satisfactory to 5 the register, that an error in theehtry has been made, and that the same was occasioned hy original ‘ incorrect marks made by the surveyor, or by the obliteratiou or change of the original mark; and numbers at corners of the tract of land: or that it has in any otherwise arisen from mistake or error of the surveyor, or oEcers of the land o@ce, the register sliatt ` report the case, with the testimony, and their opinion thereon. to the Secretary of the Interior; whois [authorized to direct, that the purchaser is at iiherty to withdraw the entry so erroneously made, and that the moaeys which have been paid shall beapplied in the purchase ot other lands ia the same district, or credited in the payment for other lands which have