Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1408

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§ 907 TITLE 4:.-1=ru made improvements upon any of the lands hexjeby respmed nud restored, audnre not entitled to ententhe same under. the provisions of sections '904 to 907, inclusive, such parties, per-. sons, opcorporations shall have six months in which to remove any =growing`crop, Zend within which time they shallnnlso be‘ entitled to remove all buildings ana other Umoveble improve-· ments- from said lands: Provided further, That the provisions ot this section shall not apply to nny lands situate me the State of Iowa on which any person in good faith has made or_ asserted the right, to make a preemption or.homestead_ sett1e· ment: And provided further, That nothing in seetious 904 to 907, inclusive, contained shall be- construed. as limiting the rights granted to purchasers or sett1ers_by_sectionst 894 to 899, xucxusxve, or as repealing,. altering, or amending said sections, nor as in any manner affecting any tense oi action existing in favor: of any purchaser against his grantor for breach of any covenants of title. n _ t ’ ’ _ ` " Actual residence nipon the lands by persons claiming the tight to purcnasq the same shall not be required where such lands have been fenced, enitivnted, or -otberwise»_ improved by 'dsuch claimants, and such peréons shall be D€1’I!1iU'£d•t0 ·pu1·- chase two or 'more tracts of such lands by legal subdivisions, whether contiguous or not, bi1t._uot exceeding three hundred ind twenty acres in the aggregate. ; _ _ _· . Nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to intenfere with any ndveyaeltclaim that `may_ have attached to the lands or any part thereof. (Sept. 29, 1890, c.`1040,.$ 8, 26 Stat. 496; Feb, 18, 1891, c. 244, 26 Stat. _764d; June 25, .1892, $c._133, 27 Stat. 59; Jam 81, 1893,Le. 54,27 Stat.427; Dec. 12; 1893, e. 1, 28 Stat 15; Jen. 23, 1896, c. 8, 29 Stat. 4; Feb. 18, 1897,c.250,.29St¤t.535.) · ’ _ · "`. W7. Rights of original grantees to forfeited landsq-·~No

 declared torteited togthe_Un1ted States bye motions 904

to 897, tucindve, shall by reason ot ouch iofteiture . inure to the benedt of any State ._or corporation to which lands mny have beenj granted- By Congrm, except as Ktheyein otgerwise; provided; no1·_ shall uectionn 90·1" to 907, inclus ,` _ construed to enlarge the urea ot land originally covered by . any meh grant, or to 'center any tight upon any. Qtate; corporation, or person to- Land; which were excepted fiom such grant. — Nor mel! the motety of the landn granted to any~ railroad company on gceount of 1 mom and Ka, branch line nppertaining to uncompleted road, and forfeited by oection 904, within the com dieting limits of the junta for such main and branch lines, when but one of o meh lines has been eompletedy inure by vs-irtue of the !orteitnre‘dodared`to thehbenedt ot the completed line. (Sept. N, 1890, c. 1046, { 8, 28 Stat. 498.) ’ ` 905. by railroad eempaniu {or cons of surveying and conveying umurveyed lands gr•nted.>——·'1‘o enable the Secretary ot the Interior to complete the adjustment of land grants made by Congress to ud in the ponstruction ot muroads, ond to subject the lands granted to taxation by States, Territories, and municipal outhorim my ra·ih*oad_ corporation required by law to pay the emtn ot surveying wlecting, or eonveyim any ·1nnds·‘;ra.nted to meh company or corporationyer to: its nas nndbenedt, by any ot Gon in required, 'within umuy days tron: d&d by the ot the Interior, to depcmt in a proper United sum depository to tm eredit ot tbo“United Btetea n-umn mmient to pay the surveying. •nd“eonV¤!|¤l M1! of the nnpuweym mea mum me men me m au me beneit, my Act of (bmw: P•fW·¢4¢4 f#f¢N¤f» TBM the &eretu·y et the Interior shall and wacky b the notice or dwnd to company the smnnt ei the trequiredd •ndm•.y, inht•d¤ndn@¤¤s¤&·· cient unto eonr the east of the survey. md; nonvinnce ot the granted to IB! commu!. or for its one and bemt, then nmumeyod, or to: meh townships or

wma LANDS 1394 fractional townships as be may prescribe and designate in the notice or demand to such company, as aforesaid: And pm. vided further, That the amount deposited lshall, subject to the rules and regulations of the Department ot the Interior, nnder the direction of the Commissioner of the General Land Otliiee, be disbursed. for the surveying, including oillce and Held work, oselection, a and conveyance ot the lands granted and designated in the notice of the Secretary ·ot the -Interior,?»eas aforesaid: And provided further, That in the event the money deposited by any railroad corporation under the provisions of sections 908 to 911, inclusive, shall. exceed the coat oi Said surveys, the i said ercess thereof shall be repaid to the corporation so depositing the same, or to its assigns; (June 25, 1910, c.-406, { 1, 86 Stat. 834.) . * 1 n . _ 909, Forfeitnre of grant on failure to make dep®it.—It any railroad corporation required. by law to pay the costa ot enrveying, selecting, or conveylnglany lands granted to such _ corporation, ot for`its use and benefit, by any Act of Congress, shall, for ninety days from notice ondemand by the Secretary of the Interior, as provided by section a908; neglect or refuse to deposit an amount sullicient to meet- the expense of sm-- veying; selecting, and conveying the nnaurveyed lands uanted, to such cpxfapany, or for its use and benedt, by any get ot Congress, and designated in the notiee or demand by the Secre— tary of the Interior, `aa aforesaid, the fig‘hta,_title, and interwta — _o·t such_ company, and all those claiming by, through, or under it, -1n and to the nnsuryeyed lands designated in the notice ot the Secretary, as aforesaid, shall cease and forfeit to the United States; And the Secretary ot the Interior shall notify . the Attorney General, who slmllpat once commence to declare the; forfeiture and to rwtoro the lands forfeited to the public domain. (June 25, 1910; ·c. 406, -.$» 2, Stat, · 910, Right to extend public surveys over lanh granted, and .other rights of United Stptu, not •l`ected.·¥—SectiQ¤8 908 to } 911, inclusive,‘sha‘ll not, the right of the Secreflf! or the { Interior to cause the public surveys to be extended over any

 landagrantedto any railroad or corporation by any Act ot Con-
 gress me the manner on Juno 25, 1910, otherwise movided by
 law, nor shall any claim, d right, intermt, or de&and· ot the
 Government ot the United States be wa ived_or_annnlled by the

§ provisions thereof: Provided, That `all granted lands `surveyed

 under the provisions of sections 908a to 911, Inclusive, shall be
 subject to taxation by States? '1‘erritorieaQ and mnnlclpal an-

Mthoritlea, and the right of the Qovernment to reimburse jtaelt

 for the anryey, selection, and conveyance of such lands other-
 wise provided bylaw shall remain in {ull force and effect.

(June 25,.1910, c. 406, I 3, 86 Stat. 834.) _ t _ — .

 911. Regulatione.·——The·- Secretary ot. the Interior __shaIl prel ‘

yacribe mich rnlea and regulations as will be necessary to the

 carrying out of the provisiona of the three preceding sections.

! (June N, 1810; of 406, { 4, 86 Stat. @5.) _ · ` 912. Disposition of `ibandoned or forfeited railroad grants.-- Wbenever public lands of the United Statm have been or may be granted to any railroad company for Lose as a right ot way l for its railroad ora; kites for railroad atrnctnrm of any kind, and use and occupancy at said lands ter anon purposes has ceand or shall hereafter cease, whether by forfeiture or by abandonment by nid railroad eommny declared or decreed by n court ot competent- jurisdiction! or by Act ot _ Congremx

   thereupon tsllhrigbt, title; interest, and, estate of
 the Untt& `Btntona in nid lands ahall, excepf meh part thereot `

§ as may be ombrseed in n gmbuep highway legally wtablisned

within no yur   dateo! nid d% or torteltnre or

Q ¢b¤¤dM¤mmt_b¤`¤·anmr¤d to and vutod in any person, Erm, or eorporsdm, adm or meewra in title and interest to { whom or to whw die M the Uniml Bum may have been or ¤¤! `M Il\¤¢•d, or purporting to convey the ewholo