Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1431

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1417 rrrm 44,—-miam0 Farm gg gg alan, . a whl& will he required fer the public printiq and mwlq th•  ;~» 2~ ¤ ¤ ~ ; (Jan. 12, @5, c. %, 3 as, % nm; wl.) " - . _ . $7; Sale; ei exyunué-··Ee $1111 memre and submit an the Bnrenn Mime B¤&. imulw ll wqulred by secHcn 24 ct ‘1`illeH,@i}eée¢mtte¤ottlae@¤P9vhich will bereqnued. fer %r$m,  »¤n ;¢_ li1h$phlng, bindlm, eaarerlaw, aww nmmry an at the printlni omce for the a z, &cnl yur lwlndingestimatu enverlng aww pristine; ter. all wnrk in hednng and services in be - ra nada his im! ter all clerks and emnmyees ww be in executive er admlnietrm 8 live @1m at , 0%; and nn tuna atner than n ¤ Q ¤ mid shall be need dnrnlg mid wml mr bm acrvim in the Gévern—’ ment Printing 6Ece of the character speclned in said estixmtea » and amwriated fm: (Jan. 12, 1%, c. 23, 5 27, 28 Stat. Bar. 2, 1@5, c..:1@4. 5 1, % Stht. Sm; Maj ,27, 1908,

 2013, $1, 35 Smt.,_8@;`June 10, 1921,_c.·18, 51215, 216, 42 _:

Stat. %.) _ _ _ .° _ 7 ~ ‘ -‘ ,38. Fraud nf Public Printer; panltjé-It the Publlc*Printer ( shall, by_ ni@f er thrown wrrnptly cnllude or have any secret nnéewmniling 7wi& any person to defraud the Uniteil States, or wher&y` the United "Stntm `slnall be made to sustain a km, he m•B, on conviction thereof bdnre any court of competent ;§nrlsdl·:¤nn, tnrteit his cme and be imwieaned in the

 itentiary tm- a term ct not more than eeven years, and lined

ln a mtexceeding $3,900. (Jan. 1%, c. R, S 33, 28 Stat, ma} I _ - _ , “ _ · _S§. P¤Hi¢‘ Printae-—?1‘he omce of Deputy Public 1 Prints mall benlled by-the eaectlcn and appqlntment by the Pnlilin Printer ef. n · berenn `·Killed as n practical printer and rersed in the nrt of boekblndlng, audi whe shall perform the_ dntl$ fnr@ly rjeqn1r® as the chief clerlx; have supervision of the by the Gnvernment Printing Oince, and pertnrm m& ctw dntlw anmny bereqnired otlalm by the Pwle ?1’&t€1'. 27, _19&, c. 209, 51, 35 Stati {cm,.) · . 40. `P enmbyeesg pay.-—The Pnwlc §ny‘@loy, nt meh rates ot wages and salarim,

  n ew   mm icrnlnt nnd overtime work, as hexnay

new me the mcerewnr the n¢vei~¤mem_a¤a met m the mvbnnn except as nrczrtded herein, such jour-

     ctnexyperms as may be
 for me   at the Gnvemmat   Qmce;-but _
 1 Mt. at any   empley ¤m·e,perscnn·taa n the neeuéwoithéennbliécwnrkmsyméwreormnrethau ¢Wi>

hundred , ~ ~ 1 `at any il%e°mlnln1nm pay at all the ww at the me nf 99 Qantas. an new wr dmc antnally mplnyed.  » ~ as hmelnbetnre 1>rcv@d, the ram at uw, landing fer nimt Q

 m·etl¤¤;tenmple:¤ecs_at,_tbe mma

P¤bl$c hmm and n an by the tram akected, and cam san e an npcn becdnme &£ec§vc # 1 * * na al {dnt an gm Pl’i¤ti¤§;·if

 Public Prints and the     any trade

fail be me an in either S Pll’{Z1}$$@]§1'l§dtb8!$@C9{ lt0t&J@BIc0m· nalttee enfrintins. the be s year me . one md n@m¤ bt the Qcvernmnt be new at the retain! any una (u_ elnéding nlm nu) awerlsod l»y4_hv an Ima 7, 1%, until

PING AND DOCUHENTS § 48 be cletérminéd gs hereinbefore provided. (Jan. 12, 1895, c. B, N @, 47, 50, 28 Stat. 807, 6%; Jane 6, 1900, c. 791, { 1, 31 Stat. 643; Mat:. 4; 1909, c. @9, S 1,.35 Stat. IGM, 10%; Aug. 24,, 1912, c. 355. { 1,_ KT Stat. 482; July 8, 1918, c,. 1%, Q 1, 44) Stat. 836; Aug. 2, 1919, ·c. 30, 41·St&t. 72; Feb. 20, 1923, c. 98, 42 Stat. 1278; June 7, 1924, c. 354, { l,l43 Stat. 658;) 41. Employment of qkillcé 1r¤rkm¢m.——·-It shall be the duty of the Public lfrinter to emplqj .w0rl:mcn who nm thnmughly skilled in their respective bmnchcn nt indnstry, ns ulwwn by trial of théri skill undnr his tlirerktinn, . (Im, 12, 1895, c. %, |45, 28 Stat.·607.)‘_ ’ ’_ » " · _

  • 42; Night ¤mrk.·—·-—Th¢ Pnb\l.e#I$lnter~ Rall muse work to he

done cn the public printing in thé`G0srcf*·nment Printing—0mce at night ns well as through the day, when thé exl@i¤ of the public service require lt, But the pmvisimn ni mg; existing ei@t—h0nr lnw shall apply; . (Jan. 12, 1895, c. %g_§ @7, E Stat. 607,) -_ t " ’ · · t f3. Eight·hcm·· law.-—-The Public Printer is hereby directed itc rigidly enforce the lirovislcxls of the eight·-kno: Raw in the ée— paitmeut under Eds `Ehnrgé. {Mar. 39, 1888, c. 47% { 1, 25 Stat. 57.) _ _ ` ..._ = ·· It , — 44. Holidays.-—'lTbe· empiéyem of the Governmmtl ,Printlng OEc·e_shall be nllbwctl the following Regal holidays with pay, to wit: The lstdny ofJarmnry,_ thé Gayle! Y€b!'\l&1’Y, thé 4th) tlayanf Julyythe 25th play of Dnéember, Inangtiratinn Day, Lie » mortal Day, Lnb01·’s _ Holiday, and such day ns may nntédby the-President of thp United States- as {day of pnbllc Inst or' thaxtkmivhtg. _ (Jan. 12, 1%5, -c. %, 46, E Qat. @07.) ’ 45. `Lcavesl of absem:c.—-The cmploycm of the Gcvemment Rriuting <)@ce, whethern employed by the lpiece or ctlx¢1*wim,, Shall be allnwectleaves 0i' amencewith péy to the extent of nbt exceeding thirty days in any cne"&scal year nndc: such regulations and at such times as the Public Printer may desig; nate at··-the rate_0I‘_p&1y received by them during the timé_ in which sail) leave `W8S_€&l'I1€a; but such leaves at absence shall not bc allowed tc acctimulate from year! to year. *8:.10}.1 employees as are _°engnged‘ on piecework shall iteceive the samn rate of pay for tht: said) thirty days'‘will bermid tn. day hands. ;_It shall_.bg_ lnwful- to "xllow my for pro rata lava to those serying frnctionh pnrts_ of in yea`r; alsé in allnw my for pmt rata lcnxre of absenm to cm9I9yees_ at the Government Printlng Qmgzee in any liscnl yennz, nutwithstnmling the fact that thirty days' leave ot; absence, with "pny, may have been granted to suc}; employees in that Hscal year on scmént nt _ser§·ice §rcndex·ed°in'_ a previnus Hsgnl year, Thé Public; Printer isnuthorized to pay to the legal representatives of any employees _ whp {nay die, and may 'havé ané accrued leave of absence due them as such °cmpl_0yées, said glaims to be paid = out of any nppmprlntions for { leaves ot absenne, (June__11, 1896, c. 420, {1, 29 Stat. 453.) J . _» — 1 · . 46; Sane: payment. of emplnyéea receiving `mnnal salaries.--eEmplnyees in the _`G0vé.mment Printing .0mce mcelying? annual éalariee Hated by-,l¤w» shgll be allowed leave at the rate ot pnytfeéeivéd·>by them at the time such leave is émnted, thesanta tp be payabln frnmj the spccinc eapproprinticn for their salaries. (Irma 25, _1910, c. 5 1, 36 Stat. 767.) _ ·~· 419 Details of in e1tec¤tivo‘departpc·ats gy estab- Hal\m¢nt¤.+-·Né employee of the `Govemmenb Printing Oilice shall bofdetnlled to dutm-wt pertaining to the work of public println and bénding in any exécntive department gr other Gcvéument wtéhlishment unlew expmsslyh authorized by law. (Ima M 1910, c.'8S4,] ‘1, 86 Stat. 770.) ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 48. LH af Ahpkyeas tw @@1 *Rcgiétei·.-·——Thé Public

   ub! the 1¤ day at Jgxly in each year, cause to. be';

med with tho Iilmctor ct thn Census •. tnll and pnmplntn list at All & lstr¤t1vé and supervisory. WSI- {