Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1441

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1427 2*11*1.E $.§.——-PUBLIC PRI; To the President, for uso of the Executive Oilioe, tour copies of the daily and one bound copy. » o ` Tg the Chief Justice and each of the Associate Jpslices of the eupmmé Court of the UnitedStates, the marshal and clerk of the said court, one daily and one bound copy. 1 ;· To the governor of each State and Territory, one copy of the daily add one bound copy ot the Record; A To the Ofhcial Reporter of the Senate and each of his assistaut reporters, and to the — omclal reporters ot tho House, each two copies of the daily and one copy of the bound Record.` To the suporlntoxideut of the Senate and House document rooms, each one copy of tho daily and one bodhd copy. ’ To the Library of Congress, one hundred and twenty-tivo bound- copies, {of its own \1S¢ and international exchange and (ou copies of the daily Record fof lim 0WIl uso, as- provided in section 139 of this title, and such uumberlot copies of the daily Record, as may be required, not exceeding one hundred copies, for distribution under section`186 of this. title. . ' ‘ To the Senate and House libraries, twenty copies each. To the library of eech of the executive departments, and to tlge Naval Observatory, Smithsonian Institution, `the United States National Museum, and Qivil Service Commission, one bound copy. ’ _ .· M _ ·° . . - g To tllo Soldiers Home, and,to' each lol lhclnatloual homes for djszibled volunteer soldiers, and to each of the `State soldijors’ homes established for either Federal or Confederate soldiers, one copy of the daily: · - _ '_ _ To the Superintendent of Documents, as many bound copies as may be required for distribution to dopositories 0,fK public documents. - »- I “A · . To each of ournlegations abroad, one copy of the daily _Re¢·.j»;·q, to be éont through the Secretary of State. _ ’ To each foreign logation in Washiuglon whose government extends a like courtesy to out legati0:1s'·abroad, one `copy of the {daily Record. to be sont ,1;hrougl1’the Secretary of State dim furnished upon his requisition, ‘ To each zlowspabor correspondent whose name appears in ihc·»Co:1gressional ·Di1‘°cct0i·y, innd who makes application there- " for, for his personal use and- that of the paper-— or, paper he represents, one copy of the ddlly . Congressional Record and one copy ot the pound Congressional Record, ltho same to be sent to the o&ee address "ot each member of the press, or elsewhere in the city of Washington, as hemay dlroétl `_ _To the Governor General ot the, Philippine Islands at Maalla. ton copies of pho daily Record as provided in motion 164 ofthistitle. `, - x, -- V * The Public __ Printer is authorized to turnléh 't0_ subscribed the daily Record at.$8_for.the·1ong and $4 for the short session, or $1.50 por month, payhblo lu Qdvauco. The _“ usual, number " of the t Congressional Record shall not be printed. The _ daily l and the permanent Record shall bear the same tlato which shall be ot the actual. day’s prooemllngs reported therein. " (J an. 12, _ ,1895, .c. %, I 73, E Stat. 617 ; {um 11, 1896[ c.=420, 29 Stat. l 454; Mar. 19, 1890, Nof 31,*29 Stat. 468; Feb, 11, 1897, No.`12, 29 Sfat. 766; Mar. BB, 1900, No. 15, 31 Stat. 713: Mun. 2, .1901, No. 16, §_ 1, 31 Stat._1464·; Jau.i30, 1903, c. 33Q, 32vSta§. 786: Mar. 1, 1907, c. 2284,-§ 4, 34 Sto}:. 1014; Har.}, 1909,»c. 817, 5 1, 35 Stat. 1067 ; Ha:. 4, 1909, No. 25, 35 Stat. 11%; Mar. ·3. 1925, c. _421, { 7, 43.·Stnt. 1106.) Y _` · 184; Same; mzbosmd copies for Co¤ ¤¢¤.»Thero.shall be reserved by the Pgbllc Printer from tho quota of each Member ot Congress and Dclento om copy of the Congres- 9 sional Record in `uustitchod form, to be delivered; to each Member or Delegate; mid there shall. ho, turniélied to mop qmndiug committee of om copy, which copies for Mem bei! am eommlttees shall be bound `promptly m paper; when - meh oemlmonthly lndek shall be imuod gud shall be delivered without delay. (Jan. 12, 1895, cj 23, 5 24, 28 Bm; . I

zvrzzva Azvn DUCUMENTS § 189 185. Same; extracts for Congressmen; mailing envelopes.—-——— It shell be lawful for the Public Printerqto print and deliver, upon the order ot any Senator, Representative, or Delegate, extracts from the` Congressional Record, the person ordering the same paying the cost thereof. The Public Printer may turnish without cost to Senators, Members, and Delegates, envelopes, reddi for mailing the Congressional Record or any = part thereof, or speeches, or reports therein conteined. Envelopes so furnished. shall contain in the upper letbhand corner thereof the following words, to wit: “Senate United States t (or House ot 'Representatives, ll. -8.).. Part of Congressional Record. F`ree,’f and in upper right-hand corner the letters " U. .8. S."·o1• “M. C.," and the Public Printer may, at the re- , quest of nny Senator, Representative, or Delegate re Congress, print »_in addition to the foregoing, the nemo of the Senator, Representative, or Delegate, and State, the date, and the topic or subject matter, not exceeding twelve words. But ,he shall - not print any other words thereon, except at the personal expense ot the Senator, Member, or Delegate ordering the same, »· except to gafiix the official title oi! a document. All moneys accruing under this sectjgn shall be deposited by the Public Printer ·iIl the Treasury of the United States to the credit on the books off the Treasury Department ot the appropriation mude for the working tcapital ot the Government Printing Office for the yehr in which the work is done and accounted for in. his annual report to Congress. (Jan. 12, 18%, c. %, § 37, 28 Stat. 606; Mar. 2,`1895,·c. 189, { 1, 28 Stat. 961; Jen. _ 30, 1904, ·c.*39,·§`1; 33 Stat. 9.) " _ _ _ ‘ 186.‘Snme; distribution in exchange forl foreign parliamentary records.-——For the purpose ot more fully carrying inte efect the provisions of the convention concluded et.Bruésels on Merch `15, 1886, and proclaimed by the President on January 15, 1889, the Public Printer `isnuthorlzed and directed to supply to the·I,l_brary of Congress such number as mei heorequired, not exceeding one hundred copies, of the daily `lssue of the · Congressional Record for distribution,.through the Smithsonian Institution, to the legislative chambers of such foreign gov- ‘ ernments an may agree. to_ send to the United, States current copies of their parliamentary `record or l ke publication, such documents, w?hen» received, to be deposit$jin the Library ot - ,`_ Congress. (Mar. 4, 19Q9, No. 25, 35 Stat. 1169.) 187. Same; exchange for Parliamentary Hansnrd.·~·—-Tlie Librarian of Congress is herehilnuthorlzed to furnish a copy , lot the daily- and bound Congressional Record to the Under·· ,_ hsecretary ot State for External Ammirs ot Cemdsi in exchange for a copy of `thé Parliamentary Hansard, {end the Public L Printer in hereby directed to honor the requisition of the Librarian of—~Congrese for such copy. The Parliamentary Hon-

sard eo received shall be the property ot the Department ot

. State; (Apr. 10, 1912,`_No. 14, 37 Stat. 632.)_ _ · _ _ _ 188. Same; sole.-—-The Public lirlnter, under the direction ot. ' the Joint Committee, may print for sale, nt an price su$clent " _ to relmburse the expense of such printing,. the current numbers , and bound sets ot». the Congressional Record. The money dey , rlved from such . sales shall be paid into the ilfrmsury end

accounted for in.h;ls”nnnue1 report to"Gongress, end no sales

, shell be made on credit. (Jun. 12,-1895, c. 23,1 40, 28 Stat. , 189. Bills ind resolutions; number end distribution; “Pri- , vale bills "’ déncd.-———-There shall mprinted otehch Senate and [ House public bill and joint rwolution six hundred and 'twentf . Eve copié, which shell he distributed as follows r To the Senate . document room; two hundred end‘tw·enty·5re copies; office not . Secretary of Senate, dfteen copies; llouse document room, three . hundred nnd_elghty·five copies. There shall be printed of each

Senate private hill, `whenlntroduced, when reported, end when

_ passed, three hundred copies, iwhich shell be distributed as=» '_ follows: To the Sennte document room, one hundred and