Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1445

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143]- TITLE M.———I’UBLIC PRINT the annual meetings of the Board of Supervising Inspectors of» F Steam Vessels. (July 31, 1894, c. 174, 5 4, 28 Stat. 205; Jan. 12, 1895, c. 23, S 73, 28 Stat. 616*; Jun'e_10, 1921, c. ·§ 304, 42- Stat. 24.) ‘ . _ ” _ _ ‘ 2 224. Printing documents in twa nr more editions; requisi- 2 tione; printing of full number and allotment of. full quota.- The number ot copies of any public document or report au-. 2 thorizedl to be printed forgany of the executive departments, or. 2 bureaus or branches thereof, or independent ofiices of the ,2 Government may be supplied in two or more editions, instead. E of eee, upon a reqeisition on the Public Printer by the official - head of such department or independent ofliee, Dubin no case 2 shalt the aggregate et said editions exceed the number of 2 cupies otherwiae authorized. Nothing. herein shall operate to obstruct the printing of the {ull number of any document or -2 mpnrt, or the allotment of the full-quota to Senators and Rep- , reeentativ$, as otherwise authorized, when a legitimate dexuandrior thelfull complement is known to enist. (Mar. 30, 3 -1909. N0. lil, 34 Stat. 826.) __ ·‘ ‘ _ · ._ `· 2 225. Paper and envelopes for departments, establishments, 2 or services of Gnvernn•e¤t.—The Public Printer is hereby 2 authorized to procure, nnder direction ot the Joint Conunittee on Printing, and 'furnish on requisition paper and envelopes .2 (not including envelopes printed in the course of manufacture) _ 2 in common use by two or more departments, establishments? 2 or services or the Government in the District of,C0lumbia, and relmbnrsemenftheretur shall bermade to the Public Pri_nte1‘ Q fron! appropriations or funds available `for sueh purpose; 2 paper and envelopes So furnislxed by! the Public Printer shall .2 not be procured.- in- any other manner thereafter. (June 7, 1924, c. 303, 5 1, 43 Stat..592.)° _ 9 · _ . 2. 4 226. Franks for Department of Agriculture for niailing '2· seeds.————'1`he Public Printershalt furnish to t_ll8;l)€:}_)E1l'tl11€Dt of 2i Agriculture such franks as the Secretary of Agriculture may require for. Sending out [seeds on congressional orders, tthé. Trnnks' to have- printed thereon; the; facsimile signatures. of .;:4 Senators, Representatives, and Delegates, also the names of Z? their reepéctive_ States or>'1‘erritorics; and the words ""United States Department ot Agriculture, Congressional Seed Dis-_ 2, irihuti<>n," or`sueh other printed matter as the `Secretary of 2, Agriculture-may direct; thetranks to be of such, size and style 2’ as may be prescribed by the Secretary of Agriculture; the hex- peruse ot printing the said franks to becharged to theial1o_t— 1 nxent for printing and binding. for the two Houses of·‘Con- gl greg. ‘ (May 19, 1992, No. 23,,32 Stat. 741.) e _ _ .. 2s 227; Snpplia `fnr exécntiye ‘departments.-g——Tl1e _` Public W Printer is authorized henatter to procure ,and_supply, on the QQ requisition ci the head.oi any exeeutive department-for other -7 Government establishment, complete' manifold blanks, ; books, . and Yormg,. rmulregl in dnplicating processes; also complete tt patented devices with which to! me money—order slatenmexnts, or b ether uniform omciat mperé, and to `charge enc; supplies to "· the allotinengt for printing and binding of the department or M Gevernrnent eetabltamént. requiring! the eaine; (June 28, _C 1962, c. 1301, I 1, 32 Stat. 481:) i ~ d 228. _Pnblicati0¤s printed elsewhere than at printing o$coe.·——·- U Ot any publimtion printed at the Government expemse by S? u ir<~ction~ot any departnmmicommiselon, bureau, or omcer of il the Government elsewhere than at the Government Printing H Office there shall be supplied to »fhe..Lihrary ot Congress for tts ii own nee and for international exchange .one hundred and D tsventwnve- eoplee. (Mar, 2, 1901, No. 16, 5 3, 31 Stat. 1465:1 U Mar. 3, 1925, c. 421, §,7, 43 Stat. 1106.) ’ _ t U Chapter 8.-y-PARTICULAR REPORTS AND DDCUMEN’1`S.· 3 241. agricultural Department; report ot"&cretary. . H 242. Same; prngress"·$•bee.t-sugar lndustry., j E 243. ‘An;erican Historical Association ; report of. L _ 6-

ING AND zmcwzyzvrs § 241 lec. A4. Animal Industry Bureau; report of. 45. Army and Naxjy Registers. ‘· r . _

46. Coast and Ge0dctic'Survcy; charts; sale and distribution.
47. Same; report. , -

i48, Civil Service Commission; report. 49; Commerce and Navigation. 50. Commercial and Foreign Relations.

51. Consular reports. __ · . ’ .

?52. District of Columbia; report on imprqvcment and care of public ’ buildings. . . _ 53. ·E<\ucation, Commissioner of; repuort. @5,4. Ephexneris and .Nautic:1l3 Almanac. 55. Ethnology, Bureau of; bulletins; size. 56. Same; report. - · ‘ 57. Experiment Stations; report otdircctor of cfncc.

 Fisheries; bulletins of bureau. · `

59. Samé; rep0rt··0f commisaiancxne _ 60; Geological Survey; publications; size of volumes; editions; additional copies; bulletins; reportaon gauging of streams and utilization ct water resources; additional copies: distribution. i 61. Same; monographs, bulletins, and reports; estimates. - 62. Same; distribution of publications to public libraries. 63.` Health 0&cer of District of Columbia; repcrt. ’ 65, Hydrographlic surveys; tc1"elgn surveys. ` 66. immigration Bureau; repoxjt, “ 67. Immigratlcn Comiuission; reprintlng public documents. 68.·Industrial Re1a,tions; report of commission. _ 6Q_. Interstate Commerce Commission; report. J" r \ 570. Labor Statistics, Bureau of ; bulletins. . $71. -Samc;‘ report of ccmmissismcr. _ 72. Mines, Bureau of; publications. ‘ 73. Mint; reports of director. _ 74. National Academy of Sciences; memoirs, 75. Same ; report. , · · . ‘ 76. Nati0¤a1,H0me for Disabled Vqlunteer Soldiers; report ef—ma¤· ‘ i agers and inspectors. 1 , .» -· ‘ . 77,, National Monetary Commission; reprinting public documents. T8.·.N:1\‘2rljntelligcncc Office"; additional copies of publications. 79. Naval Observatory Observations. —r_ S0. '(lflicial Register. · . _ ·· 91. Same; report of Comptroller 01 Currency, $2._I’an American Union ; Jnontlxly bulletin. ` B3. Patent Otlice; printing. . S4. Same; lithograbhing.

 I’1'CSld€Hl1’8 message.

S6. Public Health Service; bulletlnsf R7. Same; report ct Surgeon General. 88. Public Printers report. 89. Smithsonian Inst_ituti=:>n; report., . 90. Sbils, Bureau of ; repqrt on Eeld operations. 91. Statistical Abstract. ‘ _ 92. Surgeon General ofArmy; bulletins for- instruction 0"Lmedical otilcers. · ·` 93. Tests of Metals. A 94. Treasury Department; binding registered bonds and wrlttea records. " _ - l -` J . 95. Szime; reports. _ ~ " D6. Wcutl;eriBm·eau; rep¤rt.` _ _ Section 241. Agricultural Department; report, of Secreary.-·——'[lne_armual remrt ct the Secretary of Agriculture shall c submitted and printed in t_\VD_. parts, as fellows:»Part 1, which shall contain purely business and executive matter which

is necessary for the Secretary to submit to the Prcaldentand

Fougreqa; part 2, which shall containsuch reports from the werent bureaus _ and divisions, and such papers prepared by heir special agents, accompanied by suitable illustrations as hall, in the dpinlon of the Secretary, be specially suited to . . rntcrest and instruct the farmers ot the country, and tcaincluée ’ general report nt the aperations et the departnxent· for their xformaticu. ·' In addition ·t0 the usual number, there shall be rlntcd of part_1, one. thousand. copies fer the Senate, two h0uSa1ld· {tuples for the HDUS€,"8lliI three l_h0l1§·$lfl€l_€0°l;ll€$ {01* he Department of Agriculture; End of part 2, one hundred lid {ZQII thousand copies for tha use of the Senate, three htm- _ red and sixty thousand copies for the use of the Hcusecfl Lepreaentativesf, and thirty thousand copies for the·u_se of the lepart-ment of Agriculture, the illustrations for the same to be xccuted unller the supervision ot the Public Printer, in accord- _ \