Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1464

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§ 132 mmm 45-- tne. Interstate Commerce Act, except. i street, internrban, c suburban electric railway not operating as a part ot n gener: etmm- railroad . systeé of tra@1·`tntlen; ¢ " _ - , (2) Tbeterm " adjustment board ’{ means guy railroad boar of labor adjustment established under section 133; _ (3) ”'.l’he term “Labor Board " `means the Railroad- Labc (4) The term " commerce "‘ nienns commerce among' th several States or between any State, Territory, or the DL ° trlct ot Golnmbin and, any foreign nation, or between nn Territory or the Diurict of Columbia and any State, or, b< tween any Territory and any other Territory, or an Territory and the District of Columbia, or within ani ritory or the District of Colombia, or between points in .tl: some State but through any other State- or any Territory < the District of Columbia or any toreim nation ;_ end . _

 (5) The term “s¤bordinnte o¤cial” includa oheialsof cm

rlers ot meh clam or rank as the —· ·· ··  :—: elmll designni by regulation formulated and imed after such notice an baring as the eomlssion may pwribe, to the carriere, an employee and subordinate omcinls of carriers, `and organiza tions thereof, directly to be e3ected by such regulations. (Fel 28,1920,c.91,§300,41§i.4w.) ._ . 132. Diwtes bdrm E carriers and their oBcers, aigent and exepkyeu to be decided by conference if possible ;` refei ence to boards.-·It shall be the dnty ot all enrriere and the o§cers, emloyeee, and agenm to exert every reasonable eden end adopt every available means to nvoid ény interrnption 1 the operation of day carrier growing out of any dispute b tween the carrier . and the employees br. subordinate oillciai thereof. All such disputm shall be and, it possibl decided in conference between designated. an authorized so to confer by the carriers, or ‘ the employees < subordinate o&cials thereof, directly interegted in the disput It any dispute is not decided in suche¤c referred by the parti@ thereto to the board which under tt provisions ot tbis_ chapter is authorized to hear and decié such dispute. J (Feb. 28, 10%; 91, § 301, 41 Stat. 469.) ·. _ . H3. ofyr out boards of labor adjns ¤ent.—Bailroad boards of labor, ndjuement mey be estnblishe b!,]gl’€B1l1QI¥t—'®tWB€l1 any (carrier, group of carriers, or tl carriers as an whole, ond any employees · or subordinate omciai of or orgnniznbon or `gronp of organizations theréo (Feb. $,*1920, 1:.,91, S 302, 41 Stot. 4%,) l _' " ‘ _‘ 134. Dutrof boards to hear and decide dlsputes.;—Each suc adj bmrd, shall, (1), tbeynpplicntion of the chic execamve of any carrier or organization of employees or sul ordinate omciels whose ¤·» »· _. s are directly interested in tl dispute, (2) upon the written petition slmed by’not las the one buedrm nnorgenlmd employem or subordinate omcio

 interwted iii, the.dispnte,‘ (3)Q}¥H°P the `ndjustm

·board’e` own · motion, or (4) upon itbe requwt offiié`T"Hl5i Board whenever bard is ot the opinion that the dlspw in likely substantially to interrupt commerce, receive for hen _ ing, and as soon iq and with due diligen `deeid any dispute involving only roles, or rvorkga eond tions, not decided as provided In section- l42,_Abetwee the fca rier and its employees or aubordinnte ominls, who are, ¢ any omanization thereof which ls, in eecordnnee witb the pm risions of section. 133, rebresentod upon- any suchi edjustmen board. (Feb, 28, 1920, c. 91; {303, 41 Stat. 469.) _ ~ 135. Railroad Liber Board; e¢tnbl%@t¢ eompoeitim Elling ueanciu.-——·'1‘bei·e ieibereby ertnblished a board to I known as the “Railroad Labor Board" and to be M1 nine as follows-: 4 _· . · [ _. (1) Three members constituting the labor group} reprem lng the employem and subordinate o&cia1¤ of the carriers, 1 be appointed by the Prwident, by and with the advice and com

—-RAILROADS 1450 rr sent ot e the Senate, fiom not, less than six nominees nl nominations sha11‘be` made uml otered by such eiuployeu in '_ such manner as the comission shall by regulation prmdbej ·d (2) Threemembers, coinstituung the mxmngesmnt groep, rep. _ reseutipg. the carriers, to be appointed by the Prwldent, by and »r e with the advice and consent of the Swate, frm not lm thank ~ six uomlinees whose nomination; shall be made and oaeted by no u10`C&l'1'i€1'I in. such manner as the commission shall by mum. s· tion pracribe; and -· - ‘ _ _ ”‘ ly (3) Three members, constituting the publie group, reprwp ‘ e- lug the pulqllc, to bopppoiutedq diijectly by the President, by and ly with the advice and consent or Smte. ‘ r» ·Auy vacaxicy/6u the. Labor Board shell be Blled in the same me manner as the original appointment, — (Feb. 28, ·1§&, c. 91, nr §` 304, 4r Stat; 470.) . `° - » 136. Selcctlcm of members by President.-}! either the em! r- ployees or the mrrlers tail to make nominations and étexu he nee; ln. accordance with the rwulatious of _ the commiwion, is ld vwvided i¤ perazruxm (1)· and K2) of the preceding section:. ldd or in case of A imcancyuin thelomee of mmber of me Labor n· Board within Mteeu dai¤ after such vacancy occurs, the 5. President shall thereupon directlyrmake the appointment, by . und with the advicewnnd consmt of the `Semte. In making g, — auy such uppoiutment the. President shall, as far ai he d@ g- ·it practicable, sele<:t an individual amvchted m int@ with lr the carriers ot employees thueoig whichever he is to reprert— sent- (Fel;. 28, 1920, c. 91} 5 305, 41 Stat.°470.) ‘ ' to · 137. Eiect of subsequent of members.-—A_ey eq. member Y ot the Board who durihg his tam oi cmce is ls ; an pctive member or iu-the employ of or holds my omce in my, e,. onigauihatiou of employees- or subordinate omcials, or any c•r· nd 1'i€i',,01'-OWDS any. stock or bond thereof, or is peeuularily interrr ested therein, shall at once become ineligible for further mme._ bership upon the Lalior‘Boa~__;d_;“ptgg@__such me lg xegulred K t6'Ti·elluqu{sh Bouofury Qmemberehip iu, or. his rlgts h' mj ne" insurance or pension or other beudt fund maintained by, my lee organization of employees or subordinate omclals or by ¤ cu- · ·1']Blf.· (Feb. 28; 1920, c. Q1, ·I` 308, 41 Stdt. 470Q) ~ ·. __, t-_ I 138.- Terms of `o$cc;" balary; removal from ¤§ee;—0£ the ed `oiéiglnal members of the Labor Boagjd; one from each gron le shall be uppoluted for a term of three years, one for two ya . lg a‘nd··0pe for oneyeshrt Their succemors. dull hem `omce t 1· lg, terms ot time years} except thqt any- member appointed to a vacancy shall be appointed only for the unexpired te ot gh the member .. whom he Each member shall _ ive at ‘ from. the United Stqteaxan unmunl mlhry of $19,000. A ` be may be jemoved by the Pruldent for neglect of duty or malle . {essence in omce, but forno other cause. (Feb. %, 1920, c. 91, lu {306,41 St£t·.47Q·) _ _” ~ _ Q_ · · ls 189. Disputes within jurisdiction of Laboi _ Board; hearings at and daemons.-·¥(¤) _·The Labor Band shall hear, and as neon ar as ipracticable and with duetdillgence decide, au: di iu» to volving grievances, rules, or working conditions, ·ln t to r- which any adjustment- board ceitlues to thebnboz Board that 0, in its opinion the adjustmptbonrdthss failed or will fall to ll-· reach a decislou within n` rmsouable time; or iu. rwpect to or- which the Labor Board determines that any adjustmenf bourd Jr thas so tailed or is not due diligence in its consideration o·` thereof,. In case the appropriate adjustment board is` not nt organized ., under the provisions of section 133, (1) upon the-- ' applicetion of the chief executive of ai1y·carrler o1?`.orgnnizaen; tion of employees or subordinate omciels whose members are >e dlxectly interested in the dispute, (2) upon; 4 written Whitten of signed by not lem than one hundred uuorgauized employees dr · subord gte cmciale directly lutereeted` in the dispute, or (3) t- upon e Labor Board’s—_own motion it lt' is of "the opinion to that gg dispute is likely sumtentlally to_ interrupt commerce; n- shall receive for hearing, and as soon 'as practimble and with