Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1470

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§e 11 TITLE 46.-;- . Sm ) ‘ · . · 3%. Seth en less of register; grunt ot new register. 37. Surrender of eertidente obtained on iess _0t original. · SS. 1’eneity fer net obtaining new. registry. _` . ' 33. Sew registry enmie eenlteration efvessei. ‘ 49. {hangs of master; indersexnent on certidcate of registry. " 41. Fniiure to report sale te foreigners. · I 42. {lain on entry; ante ownership. , 43. Tnnnwiseinn of certificate for cancellation. . 44. Numbering registers · J - 45. Nuniisers Ie: vessels, · . ’ · - 41*6. Ngmes and heme ports marked on bow and stem. 4***. "Pert?’ dwned. _ . ‘ ‘ .48. Brett marked on stem and stern pests. 4% Yrivate signais md registry thereof.- ·

 Change et msune ei documented vessel. _

{S1. Change of nitngeet vessels by Commissioner of Navigation. ‘, . _" 52, Rules and regnietions as te, change of uome; evidence; publication ef._ox··d*ér. = - ‘_ _ ‘ _» _ . 53.. Fees fer privilege of securing change of name. . _ 54. Gnth ter ebteiri record of vessel owned by foreignerf . 55. Certidente of recerd. .. . ’ f ‘ SB. Cizenge of master er name et recorded vessel; indorsemeut on eertidcate efrecer<1. _ · ; · · A 57. Production of certidcate on entry. 1 SS., Penalti ter misconduct by emcers. ’ . Penaity for neglect by .o§cets.. . · , ` 66. Penalty fer fraudulent registry. f _ _ _ ; S1. _Sea—letters; te what vessels issued. ’ . J 62. Adeking er `nsing forged pnpers. _· _. _ - 63. Unrigged wooden vessels; netntion of rebuilding. . . INSPECTIGN, SURVEY,.AND MEASUREM1f.NT" 71. .§Ieesure§ent, of ve$el. Y2. Qertidcate of particulars- as to vessel. , Z3. Measurement for reeord;’ certiticate;. t 74.. Mode of mwsurement, . ‘ ’ - 75. Cnisinser stateroom; excluded from_ measurement. `TG. Veeseis not xjeqnired te be_measured. A Y?. Tonnage. l 73. Remess.n;ements.. _, _ ·_ . __ Q TQ'. Regulations by-Commissioner of Navigation; _ ‘ S9. Sgaeee and neeornmodations for crow; hospital compartments. 81. Mensnrement of foreign vessels; certificates. · ` S2,. Suspension of provisions as to survey, inspection and- measurementj , GEQSERAL PRGVISHQNS AS. '.1`O‘§REGIS'1`RY AND DOCU- E ._ h MENTS ‘ " : ` _ Sectiw 11, Yessels entitled to registry; coastwise trade; eceen mail service eontracts.e—·¥'essels built within the- United States and helongiiig wholly to citizens thereof; and vessels wirfeh may tie captured in war by citizens of the UnitedStates 1 end 1e.xx1iei1y oondemnm as prize, or which may be adjudged to tre iorfeifed for n breech of the laws of the United States ; end seegeing vessels, wlaether steam or ss11,°wme1¤ hdve been · eertiiied by the Steamboat Inspection Service as safe to carry 1 ` dry end perishable cargo, _Wherev,er built, which are toengnge 1 eniy in trade with foreign countries ,01' with the Philippine,] Islsnds end the iisiends 0i',.,G1iazn, and VTutuila,· being wholly { owned by citizens of the United States or corporations? oréi gnnizednnd cnnriiered under the lsgevs of the United States or of nay Stnte·tiie·reef, the president and managing ·direct0rs_t of wiaieli shell be eitizens of the United States or corporations ( oa·;;enie.ed and chartered unde1·,theinws of the United Steltes n ez- of any State thereof, time president and managing directors ef xvisieia shell be citizens of the United States, and no others, num; he reggixtered ns directed in chapters 2,.3, 4,5, 6, 7, 8, and .9. 1<‘orei;.;·n;—1.>ni1t vesseis registered pursuant to this section} eiznli not ·;·ng:1ge in the eoestwise tmdc: Ivevided, '1`hat such t vessels so minxitted under the provisions of this sectlnn may eentmet with the Pest··mziste1• Gt*IiQI]25.1 Hi1(1C1‘ se<..•—ti€>1iS 657 to ${35,; iue1usiv·e,of Title 39, PosrAr..—§nnvice, so long, as such vessels shell in eil respects. comply with the provisions and requirements of sehid seeiions. (B. S. 5 4132; Aug. 24,1912, c. 390, §'§, 3’§' Suit. 5362; Aug. 18, 19154, c. 256, § 1, 38.Stnt. 698; Sept. 21, 1922, c. 356, € 321, 42'Stnt, 947,) i ,

»su1Pr1NG e · 1456 12. Provisional eertidcatesof registry to vesseIs._abroad.——- · Consularomeers of the United- States. and. such other persons as may from time to time be designated by the President for the purpose are authorized to issue"provisioa`al;eertiheates of, registry to vessels abroad which have been purchased by citi- -~zens.°0f the United States, ineluding eorporationaas defined in the preceding sectiont “I . _ .€ A { r ·_ "‘ N F (a) Such a provisional certificate shall entitle the vessel to the privileges of a vessel of the United States in trade with foreign countries orwith the Philippine Islands and the islands of Guam and T`utni1a‘_until the expiration ot six months from its date or until ten days after; the vessel’s— arrival at a port of the United States, whichever first happens, and no longer. On arrival at a port of the United States the ressel shall he- —» corne subj»ect_'to_ the laws relating to omcers, inspection, and t Jmeasurement. ` I _` Iv x ‘ . (b) The; Sec-retary‘of.Commeree shall prweribe the condi- `tions_.in_ accordance iwith which such provisional$ eertidcates, _shall_ be issued and the manner in which they shall he surrendered in exchange-for certiicates of registryat p—orts_·oE the United States,. ‘ _. ‘ ·’ S. ‘ { `_ 1 (c) The 'form of ‘sucl1‘_provisional,certificate shall he prey scribed by the Commissioner of Navigation and shall inclnlle the name of the ship and of the master, time aad`plaee of_ purchase and names of purchasers, and the best particulars `respeeting her tonnage, 'bulld, description,. tndq lhspection or survey which theconsular officerlis able-to obtain.; · l · ..(d)- Copies of such proyisional`;`eertiiieates shall fox? lwa`rded`as soon as rpraeticablelby the issuing offieer to the Clans ‘ missioner 0t"Navlgation.· (Mar.- 4, 1915,. c. U2, § 1, 38 Stat. 1193.)_ · .. . ·’_ _· ·· ` 13. Foreigmbuilt yessels admitted" to American _ registry; eoastwise trade.5——All foreign-built vessels admitted to Ameri- 'can registry, owned on February 1, 1920; by persons citizens of the United States, and all foreign-built vessels owned by the United States on June 5, 1920, when sold and owned hy persons citizens of the United States, may engage in the eoastwise trade so long as they continue ln; such ownership, sahjeet to the rules and regulations of such trade. (June 5,-1920; e. 250, § 22, .41 Stat. 99T.)_ _ · i ‘ · i 14, Wrecked vessels.--—'1‘he Secretary of Commereemay issue a register or enrollment ·-for' any vessel wrlfched on the coasts .`ot· the_United States or her possessions or adjacent waters, when purchased bye citizen or citizens ot 'thellnited States sad thereupon repairedin as shipyard ln the United Statw or her possessions, it- it shall be proved to the satisfaction of the Secretary of Commerce, if he deems- it necessary, through a hoard of three. appraisers appointed by him,. that the said repairs put upon such. vessels are equal to three tinznes the appraised salred value of thevessel: Provided, That the expense ot the appraisal provided for shall be borne- by the owner of the vessel: Provided, further, That if_ any of the material matters of fact sworn to or represented by the owner} or at his instance, te obtain the register or any vessel are not true, there shall he a forfeiture to the United States of the vessel in respect to whioh the oath shall have been made, together with tackle, apparel, and furniture thereof. · (B. S; 5 4136; Feb. 24, 1915, c. 57, 38 Stat. 812.); · · ’ i — 15. Vessels owned by corp.orations.——¥Ilegisters for vessels owned by any incorporated eompany may he issued in the name of the president or secretary of such eempany; and such regise ter shall not be vacated or affeeted by sales of anvyqshares of stock in such company. (R._S. § 4137.) - . . 16. New registry on death of o§cer dif e·orporation;~—U;>on the death, remotal, or resignation of such president or secretary ot any incorporated company owning any vessel, a new register shall he taken out for sueh vessel. (R. S. § 4138.) l